ITT: Books that need to be adapted into manga

ITT: Books that need to be adapted into manga

Please, no. It's one of the rare cases where it works only as a book.
As for books that need to be manga, see tiny pic related.

This is on par with "anime that needs to be adapted into live-action Hollywood tripe". Nothing needs to be adapted, fuck off.

IT because the only medium you could get away with a preteen gangbang in is manga.

Fuck off faggot, it is not the same thing in the slightest.

Also this.


You didn't even read it.

>hehe lolis xD
not what the book is about




is dune worth rereading? how are the other books?

A few of the Japanese posters from the theatrical release.

Dune is to science fiction what Lord of the rings is to high fantasy. It is one of the best examples of world building in literary history, and it's a fucking must read. Sci-fi to this day still copies shit straight from Dune (star wars, Warhammer).

The first 3 books are must readers, a few books after those are still pretty good. Do NOT read any of the stuff Herbert's son wrote, it's all shit. There was an infograph for this, I might post it if I can find it in my Sup Forums folder.


This one desu. It would be Iike fate but not fucking gay

the black company can pretty much only be done in manga. TV couldn't handle the size of the battles.

Gotchu covered, fampai.

I love Ahab

Oh boy, time for one of these. Time for my requisite response:

Min a best girl. Egwene a shit.

The Bible.

Fun fact The Poseidon Adventure actually got an adaptation by the author who did Erased. It was great plus the author made sure to insert his piss fetish at all times

Books are the best medium
They should never be brought down to anything else, specially dumb manga

There was an illustrated LN release a few years back. A manga adaptation would be nice too.

>I didn't read the book, the post

Time to hop onto the "isekai with an asshole MC" bandwagon!

Lovecraft-All of his works.
And I know allot of the cosmic horror works because it's a book but there is an artist that can do justice to his works, Itou Junju (Uzumaki).

>reddit: the post

Time to hop onto the "isekai MC advances technology" bandwagon!

Anything by Sade could sell well as hentai.


Harry Potter

I can't be the only one who really wants to see this fully adapted into a proper manga.

Lord of The Rings desu senpai

The Malazan Book of the Fallen

Loads of characters, but amazing Arcs.

>fun fact The Poseidon Adventure actually got an adaptation

Fuck yes!

>the author made sure to insert his piss fetish at all times

fucking japan, I just,

I'm done

I'm so done

>white hermine

People told you to fuck off, but it's such a spectacular book, I think it would be a great manga.

The finale of the chain of dogs story was something special. Not much else comes close to that.

Please never post again.

>the author made sure to insert his piss fetish
literally inserts a first person view of getting peed on

Fuck you.


Isn't it wonderful?

i was compelled to post coltaine but couldn't find good fan art. But that finale was perfect, first time I've ever teared up reading a book.

This could actually happen if you replaced the setting from King Arthur's court to Feudal Japan.

Sorry user, but your taste are literally piss awful.

Exactly, the drama could be portrayed really well. Would be interesting.
