How does Sup Forums feel about Ben Shapiro? I've been listening to his show for a couple weeks and can't get enough of him. He seems to be the only conservative pundit that actually comes from an objective and logical point of view. Also he advocates constantly for traditional religious lifestyle and constitutional rights. Lets discuss Ben. Yes I know he's Jewish. What else should I know about him?
Ben Shapiro
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He's a Jew. Therefore, he's not your friend and he is your enemy.
Also he said that he didn't care about ethny but only opinions ? Fucking Jew...
kys ben
Why do you post this 10 times a day?
Maybe he's one of the good ones? Even if you believe in a global Jewish conspiracy you have to admit that some of them are going to be good people
I rarely post and I never see Ben Shapiro mentioned on Sup Forums.
I only browse pol maybe an hour a day total but I think that would be enough to see him posted occasionally if it really is a ten times a day occurence
>you have to admit that some of them are going to be good people
Alright. It's possible. But pic related made me understand he was not one of the good Jews.
Yeshua comes from the same tribe of people as well, would you consider Yeshua your enemy? False Jew's do exist *cultural Jews* but they aren't what you morons think they are, as Scriptures has said.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Dear leaf, allow me to redirect you to my most recent post.
And that is a problem? Race means nothing for we are all one under God, it just goes to show what sort of times we're living in really, the African community is obsessed with their racial heritage to the point where it's annoying, it doesn't matter what race you really are, just you're living conditions and your morality.
Yeshua unites all people to a common cause for we are all spirits that inhabit flesh, why should I give a care about the color of that flesh?
Let every person who does good works be allowed to live and work peacefully, no matter their color.
I'm not even reading that pile of shit, leaf.
Sieg Heil.
He needs to stop ignoring this
Hitler was controlled opposition by forces beyond your comprehension and his rise in Germany and the leadership of it was a prototype for the big government to come, and you'll fall for it hook, line and sinker because you are deceived, you think you're liberating a cause for your people but you're really enslaving yourself to sin.
I'll pray for you so that Yeshua may open your eyes
I'll pray for you so that niggers won't toy with you too much before killing you.
Do we really need this hourly thread?
>actually comes from an objective and logical point of view
He is a butthurt little jew who straight up lied and was willing to throw his career away just to stop Trump from winning the election.
He spent months pushing the lie that the Breitbart cunt was assaulted by Trump's campgain manager, this lie lead to months of media attacks on Trump which also caused Sup Forums to be spammed with so much shilling Sup Forums was practically unusable for months because all you would see was ''LOL DRUMPF BTFO BY BRAVE BREITBART REPORTER AND BEN SHAPIRO!''
Fuck Ben Shapiro.
He also pretended to be cool with Sup Forums, he baited people from Sup Forums into talking to him, then he stabbed them in the back by doing a hit piece on them calling them racist nazi antisemites for sending him jew jokes that he pretended to be ok with.
Let them come then, they'll die twice.
He's legitimately dangerous for the Goyim. See video.
He has a lot of good views, but at the end of the day he will side with Jews and Israel over Americans
>he stabbed us in the back by doing a hit piece on us calling us racist nazi antisemites
B-but you actually are racist nazi antiseite scum.
>le based jew
the absolute state of pol
That depends.
Some people call Sup Forums antisemite merely by the fact that we point out that jew are overrepresented in power, control the US foreign policy, as well as the media.
This is all true.
And I'm not even mentioning the "fellow white people".
Don't respond to braindead shitposters
You should know better Poland then to disrespect your Lord and his message of love to all people of all nations, No need to lie over and die to these people but you should be above that sort of nonsense, You are all no better than the people you criticize when you come down to the Law.
Judge nobody and live with God, no man will ever be able to truly kill you.
I'm an atheist, so I'll stack up niggers like firewood as I please. If God exists, he'll forgive me later for saving his beautiful nation. But no, leaf, sit in judgement.
slide thread
sage and let it die
>jew are overrepresented in power, control the US foreign policy, as well as the media.
MEN are overrepresented in power, control US foreign policy, as well as the media
This is all true
The Patriarchy is very real
He is a jew
I used to think like you, if you keep watching him you will see his other side and understand he is not your friend
ethno-state for me but not for thee goy
I like his liberal rekt/btfo compilations. That said hes not redpilled by Sup Forums standards, just a regular religous conservative who is good at speaking and rhetoric.
Shut the fuck up. Women ruin everything they touch in the modern world.
Fuck off shapiro is a faggot pedophile
>And that is a problem? Race means nothing for we are all one under God
Get out
I want them to ruin my dick
Nice (You) fishing, user. Have some recognition, sad boi.
The haters will find a flaw in literally anyone who doesn't Heil Hitler. Conformity to ideology is what brought down the Nazis, we shouldn't be as stupid as them.
Ben is one of the honest Jews, he admits he is pro-Israel and Jewish first, but he will still defend Christianity and Western values (not the ones of tolerance, apathy, and submission) to a fault.
He is /ourguy/
Don't listen to the others fellow leaf. They don't understand that its possible to be faithful and not simultaneously some passive weak cuck.
Much appreciated, have a good day sir
And are also overrepresented in prisons, dangerous jobs, homelessness, college (even though they score higher than women in sat scores). The same definitely does not apply to jews.
Of course, many of these are due to biological factors (higher testosterone, leading mean to take riskier behavior - for the better or worse).
*I meant underrepresented in college
My gripe with him has nothing to do with the fact he is Jewish but rather the fact he supports nation building and shits on both civic/ethnic nationalism. He also lied about Michelle Fields to stick it to Bannon during his departure. His mentors David Horowitz and Mark Levin are much better and support Trump more.
He has a hot sister with big Khazar milkers but Ben himself is a fag. Sage
Dishonest kike faggot.
I hate autistic stormfront purity spiralists too, but Ben Shapiro is not really /ourguy/ at all. Not because he is a Jew or a supposed Jewish supremacist, but because he was (and still probably is) a massive anti-Trump propagandist and shilled against him relentlessly for a large period of time. Even Milo called him out for this.
That being said, he can be "tolerated" and even liked at times (he BTFO of Chunk Booger from TYT without mercy during their public debate), but he is not and never will be /ourguy/.
see for the video
in the most nasally voice you can imagine:
>facts dont care about your feelings!
I'm sorry to say that God will crush your sad nation under his heel as He will with all of our nations, you have grown arrogant and prideful from your blessings, All Nations belong to God and He will do as He will with them. America has grown haughty, and like all nations who reaped the blessings of God but grew boastful, prideful, arrogant and against Him.
You will not escape the fires unless you repent and turn to Yeshua.
It's the Truth, hence your disagreeable nature to it.
>ethnonationalism for me but not for thee
>no, you may not keep your money, Israel is our greatest ally and needs it more than you do
We're all sick of this hypocritical Israel-firster Shylock shyster.
He's a kike that appeals to typical cuckservative (basically liberal, but snowflake) manchildren.
>I used to think like you, if you keep watching him you will see his other side and understand he is not your friend
This. He can still be useful, he can help in swaying the balance back to conservatism, but beware, he still is pro-golem/pro-Israël as fuck, with a touch of hypocrisy.
In the end, the enemy of my enemy is still my enemy, but we can focus our efforts on the same target for now.
While I agree with you on your core message as someone who likes Jewish people, why won't Ben accept Yeshua?
Because Ben does not know Yeshua and has not taken the time to get to know him, It's the same with most Jewish people I've seen accept Christ, they always say things like "I thought he was Italian or was Catholic." and generally follow the synagogue culture surrounding Yeshua, which is to not even say his name and make it a sin worst than death to do so.
If Ben took time to research Isaiah and then read the New Testament while reflecting on its core message and beliefs set by Christ and praying to Yeshua for clarity, I know he would become a messianic Jew.
You are a gullible fuckin goyim and Ben knows it. Can’t stand that kike manlet.
Nobody on here really listens to Ben. So you are wasting your time. They only know that he is Jewish and doesn't care about whites concerns with multiculturalism... therefore pol hates him and posts pics of his sister with huge tits.
This guy still is a conservative. Didn't realize the country was basically over if Hillary won. Didn't vot for Trump. Trump comes in and is the most conservative President since Reagan if not ever and he still doesn't have the balls to show some fucking support TRUMPS way. If I'm going to listen to a Jew it will be Mark Levin
This is his view of Yeshua, it's very flawed from a New Testament context and his view is.... strange, even his argument about Him being a rebel against Rome is laughable. He does not know Yeshua, but honestly, not a lot of you do either, and you are all also liars, cheaters, and stealers, and so am I. But that's our reality of sin we live in and Yeshua provides the way from that to eternal life. You literally have nothing, so why even gamble on nothingness? Only the fool lets his pride become his downfall and that will be the sad fate of many.
Have you heard the Good News? There is One in that nation who loves you and wants you to connect with Him in spirit and through Him be restored and able to have an open relationship with your Holy Father.
No such thing as a jew with principles. Cannot trust.
there is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.
There are some good Jews. Michael Savage is a good Jew. Stephen Miller is a great Jew. Ben Shapiro is a neo-con cuckservative.
Don't get me wrong, he's incredibly smart and a very talented debater. But don't confuse that for him actually being on your side when push comes to shove.
Ben seems "good" to you because frequently your interests align. He also doesn't like SJW bullshit, transgender, etc. Mostly the social issues. But when it comes to an issue like immigration, he will sell you down the river.
Checks out
t. kike
He is a vile little kike.
I just saw his recent 16 minute debate with Blair White over whether we should call mentally ill tranny faggots he or she.
This is the future of conservatism.
>There are some good Jews. Michael Savage is a good Jew. Stephen Miller is a great Jew. Ben Shapiro is a neo-con cuckservative.
I'll echo this. Not every single kike is pure evil but Ben Shapiro absolutely is.