hello all amerimutts. finnish person here. you can ask anything you want if you're interested.
Hello all amerimutts. finnish person here. you can ask anything you want if you're interested
Is finland as liberal as sweden. We just don't here about it as much?
>fingol shill posting again
kys faggot
>in all fields
Politically yes, socially no.
jaahas menes vittuun.
definetly not. only helsinki is liberal due to the hanavesi (tap water what contains estrogen)
le 56% can just fuck off.
btw don't ever compare us to the swedes.
why le 56% is not asking anything? also I'm 16 years old.
fucking ask somting
>pls respond
Iha vitun nolo
fkin amerimutts
jahas sinä taas. mee vittuu
Have you had your genetics tested? How Mongolian were you?
propably 50% cuz my father is german
All American patriots interested in taking down the patriarchy should rev up their Twitter's and spread the word about #ReleasetheMemo
If this memo about the FISA court is released to the public it will prove 100% to everyone that Drumpf colluded with Russia and is using the FISA court to spy on undocumented migrants and the Community of Color! This is horrible and must be stopped: demand that your Representatives release this memo to the public immediately and stop the bloodshed!
>finnish person here
>my father is german
"Finnish person." You're a fucking mutt.
fuck off
well i guess I'm le 50% then?
this you?
this was taken from a child porn site and the poster is being sought for questioning.
no i don't think so. guess there are more people who doesn't like mutts
This meme must have made a splash on reddit.
i don't know. i don't browse reddit
You don't browse Sup Forums either, considering you just got yourself banned.
that is true. /pol and /b is cancer. but its funny because mutts get offended over this little meme
fuck off
are finns mongol or white or alien or white forest troll?
You see, 20000 years ago from planet Kekkonen left a spaceship full of Finns looking for new place live in. After 3 months, 21 days, 14 hours and some minutes of traveling the emptiness of space with supersanic speed they found pale blue dot, which was filled with these weird looking beings. So Finns ascended to the planet and the great leader Spaceus-Khanus said "Panokset kovenee, tonniviissataa tai me jäädään asumaan tänne" which roughly translates to "It's cold, we like it here" so the proud alien race of Finns had integrated themselves with the planet. But to make sure they wouldn't attract unwanted attention they had to get rid of all technology and start living like cavemen along side with homo sapiens (fug u, u r homo). And ever since the mighty race of Finns haven't impacted the path of humanity and rather have been distant viewers at the side of history, waiting for the moment when humanity is ready to ascend to next level of conciousness, alas it has yet to happen.
>this was taken from a child porn site
and what were you doing there?
they are combination of all those.
I thought the technology was lost as a result of the finno-korean hyperwar, not any decision to fit in.
>Doesn't smoke cigarettes
Are you bullied, retarded, or both?
>B-But it kills you
And? Was life a competition who can live the longest?
>But you get addicted!
No you don't, if you're not underage and smoke in moderation
Who told you to buy a pack a day, you fucking cockholster
t. Dana White
thats röökijäbä. he bullies manchilds who don't smoke. great guy now because of him I'm a modern alpha male
this is true i can confirm
Finns are super white. They are Ubermenchen
oh i have been iluminated, i knew they were some kind of aliens, now i'm sure.
Explain this
1. Do you like Football?
2. Do you like fast food?
i cant help it, i get the flags mixed up, they are the same
that is also true.
1. Football is for fags
2. Fast food is for fags
Damn, shills are out in force today.
we are ubermenchs
1. what kind? i guess i like soccer but i hate american football
2. only subway. others are fucking bad
kys shill faggot
>in all fields
Why do your women's pussies reek of fish?
How come all the Finnish foreign students I know smell like they don't wipe/shower? Seriously, they stink worse than most niggers. If you are anywhere within a 25 foot radius you have to hold your breath. Do you not have toilet paper and showers in Finland? Or is it just so cold that it doesn't reek as much?
fucking subhuman. you wouldn't survive a day in finland you cuckold
oh we have both of those but imagine yourself living right next to russia. the stink doesn't come off ever
>needing paper jew
>superior alien race
Valitse yksi
Russian women are nice though
Obviously there has to be something wrong with the individual if they'd go to an exchange student program to the US. Smelling bad is probably the least of their problems.
>i like soccer
What team?
>i hate american football
>the other ones are bad
Have you tried McDonald's?
tää :D
juu ohan ne
tää :D who the fuck does want to live in the mutts?
why are finns fat? do they love mcdonald's too?
Because we have to conserve energy for the winter. Whats your excuse?
i don't think finns are fat. sure we have mcmutt but most people dont even like that shit
manchester united
i just never quite liked it.
i have but i hate it. and yes i have tried american mcdonalds too but still dont like it.
what's it like being white