>immigrants are taking our jobs and keeping wages down!
>they are changing our culture
>build the wall!
>no more immigration!
Ok but there are millions of boomers who are getting ready to retire and leave the workforce. The current level of native born people is not enough to replace these aging people. And current birth rate levels are not enough to keep up economic growth. If we want any chance of keeping our economy growing, we actually need MORE immigrants... same situation in Europe. Well anti immigration folks, what do you have to say? You want to see the economy collapse?
Immigrants vs economic downturn
Immigrants are going to vote for a bigger government and then the economy is going to crash even worse, and while increasing crime.
Yep you are right... maybe we can be racist and only take european immigrants.
growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of cancer
Well you haven't seen what an economic depression looks like. Neither have I. Don't know how bad it could be... it is usually followed by catastrophic war.
We are over due to a war anyway
Accept only european or at least high iq immigrants.
The immigration system you guys have is pathetic.
Yea but Europe is in the same boat. That is why the were so desperate to take in muslims. Even though they are the worst type of immigrant to take. They are desperately trying to keep the system going.
Lmao. That is scary way to think considering how many nuclear bombs everyone has today.
That actually makes the problem worse as most of "refugees" don't work.
need to take in south africans and eastern europeans
This is good! Fewer people and (((corporations))) will have to increase wages
Yea I know. Maybe the elites plan to keep their human farm producing isn't going quite as they planned... they must be think: shiiiiit. Our immigrants aren't producing tax revenue and are raping/terrorizing the others.
meh nukes won't happen unless there is an invasion of one of the nuclear powers. In all likely hood it'll just be a bunch of proxy wars like korea and shit
I don't think you understand what happens during economic depressions... lots of suffering... wars usually break out. Idk. Maybe that is what we need and maybe it is worth it to give white civilization a chance.
Will people ever come to realize that infinite growth is not possible?
And why do people surmise that the economy only adapts in one direction? i.e. it ONLY adapts to growth and not shrinking. If the economy shrinking is better for us, so let it be.
The unfortunate reality is, there aren't enough Europeans that would want to immigrate to meet your stupid goal of giving boomers their welfare checks anyway. Should just be realistic and tell the boomers not to expect any more payments.
we need to change how things are done. By abusing mass immigration we take the lazy way out instead of forcing innovation to address the problem. The jobs that immigrants would take can be filled with automation and AI but there is not need as long as we can bring in muhammad and pay him 2 dollars an hour
The US is in this situation because of boomers, anyway... Millennials are just the result.
All American patriots interested in taking down the patriarchy should rev up their Twitter's and spread the word about #ReleasetheMemo
If this memo about the FISA court is released to the public it will prove 100% to everyone that Drumpf colluded with Russia and is using the FISA court to spy on undocumented migrants and the Community of Color! This is horrible and must be stopped: demand that your Representatives release this memo to the public immediately!
Drumpf is trying to deport all the poor undocumented migrants and he's using the FISA court to do it! Contact your representatives and #ReleasetheMemo
This too
>Ok but there are millions of boomers who are getting ready to retire and leave the workforce. The current level of native born people is not enough to replace these aging people
There are literally more millenials than boomers.
The rest of your argument is invalid.
What a narrow way to view the world. You know there is more to life and existence than the economy?
Ive lived through one.
Its better than multiculturalism. Hands down.
Mexico is not 0.4% of population. Get this fake news out if here
You sound like a dumbass millenial who has never seen what a depression looks like.
how about we just implement tax cuts for native families that produce native children to incentivize them. idiot
>If we want any chance of keeping our economy growing, we actually need MORE immigrants
Because nothing "grows the (((economy)))" like importing a bunch of 60IQ mud hutters and putting them on welfare.
Sorry to everyone who believes in socialist security, but it's a ponzi scheme and you have flat run out of people who will actually pay into it to support your end of the pyramid. You can import the entire population of Africa and South America and that won't fix it.
Holy fuck you're retarded
The economy doesn't have to continuously grow.
>lol just become a worse brazil where no one understands each other and work like dogs for the economoc gain for very few (((people)))
>You want to see the economy collapse?
Yes. Yes I do. Preserving the house of Cards for a little bit longer isn't worth destroying the fabric of our nation.
Stop being a fucking pussy. Wars are part of what it means to be human. Our history books are written in blood.
>hurr durrr but da war
We need a true ww3.
Cut spending.
You don't know how the Kikes work, do you?
They are waiting for the boomers to retire/die, to steal all their properties and wealth.
That's why they are pushing for inheritance tax laws right now, to steal the houses and the lands.
That's 100% what they have been doing in 20 centuries of history. They stole all lands in Spain, Germany, and Iran through kikery.
the economy i can just shrink. that's okay.
Exactly. Why must the economy grow forever? It's not possible.
>The current level of native born people is not enough to replace these aging people.
False. Not reading the rest.
>getting ready to retire and leave the workforce.
this shouldn''t be the only way to get job, remove the immigrants, they can be good tax payers in their country