Hentai artist gone legit

are you happy for them?

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Sure, why not?

Why did she draw the bow like that? Either she has an absurdly strong pinch grip, or the bow is made of tofu.

thumb draw

Her thumb is not curled in holding the string, it's out near the tip of her middle finger.

Really, it looks like she is hiding a rotten quail egg in her hand, and is gonna try to launch that.
The arrow is there just for show.



Yeah, some artist has amazing (imo) artstyle that should be let see more to the general public instead of just being part of the 18+ audience but I dont like then to stop doing it though

anyone ever tell you you're really bad at explaining things?

He went legit.

and then he drew the wedding rings manga, the most infuriating fucking blueballs ever created.


high quality ecchi is just as good

weird nip style of drawing a bow

But then you have special case where not only the author got even an anime adaptation of their manga .... they even still make doujinshis .... of their very own works

I'd say it's even better

Jōji Jonokuchi, google it

I hate it when they stop drawing Hentai though.

drawing a one shot doesn't really make you a hentai artist.
that's like saying jackie chan went "legit" from being a porn star because he was in a smutty movie years ago.

anyway, that's not really the intention of the thread or interesting.

such as who?

Which do you mean "drawing a one shot"? Both in the trail of posts have done a lot more then a single one shot of porn user.

Rei Hiroe.

Aiki is one of my favorite series. He got his start with slut girl if I remember right

Then you get Ane Naru Mono that goes like both ways? a 18+ doujin version and a published manga

As long as someone makes better porn of their series

You know it.

then she bite it off

It's great when you can see their hentai experience show in a non ecchi series.

was going to talk about Tosh ... but then again I just wanted Food porn but I got Food *and* porn, so fuck that shit

uno makoto, he's always busy with anime, now.

Didn't he stop drawing Black Lagoon to go back to hentai?


>Jōji Jonokuchi
will it be on sad panda?




I kinda like his other H-manga. I think it's called Blue snow or something.


>Otsuka Reika

The void she left will never be filled.

Read a few chapters of the published manga. I dunno why but I was expecting cute SOL hijinks between them to help numb my mind, but it was just an endless stream of blue balls. I mean the art's fucking A, but I dropped it soon enough.

so She went "legit" ? She draw the most vainilla diabetes innocent stuff out there, that is truly sad cos it really feels she likes this stuff and it doesnt feel like other female h-artist that their works just feel like the same rapey soulless cashgrab out there

And nothing of value was made.

at least normalfags liked it for awhile


I don't like kyuudo manga. They always about gay shit

Does S ever go back to those roots, or is it still shitty battles?

>Otsuka Reika

What's her pen name now?

there's one with gyaru

>pink haired gyaru
it's shit then

Kouta Hirano. Except his character designs weren't very good early on, but became God tier when he started Hellsing.

Too bad G-10 didn't draw them like her back when he was doing porn.

kyuudo is boring by itself

>archery is boring by itself

Its still battles. He's fighting now though so there's that at least. I enjoy his art style so I keep reading even if its not as good

I will always be happy for them. I mean, even if they do love and appreciate the hentai scene, going legit (and maybe mainstream) is probably their life's dream and a place for them to challenge themselves. Good for them.

>then they stop their ongoing hentai series

Not sure what you're trying to point there.

It's not even getting TL'd because it's WORDS WORDS WORDS.

no illustration or just shit narration?

100 page per chapter


Distance went legit?
Don't forget the first few chapters hinting at an absolutely horrific end.

oh great


not sure if the pic you linked is related but the reason for that not getting TL'd is because its licensed

Why cant i find this :(

After Takeuchi went legit, he only knows how to draw one face.

motherfucking tosh
>we will never get sougeki no souma h-doujin straight from tosh himself
why even live, brah

reading the non hentai version first was a mistake
now I can't masturbate to the hentai one because they're too sweet

Yes, probably it feels like a burden was lift.
Besides pic related, we have Synecdoche, Akira Hiramoto, Jin (mugenjin) plus some others more. I've heard that Petosu did some hentai manga too.
He couldn't abandon it completely tho

You're lying

mohitsu hallucination

b-but joshi lac?


He's still making h-manga.

In a sea of NTR and rape, she was a beacon. some of the stuff she did was a little rapey

thanks user

>In-Spectre v01
>In-Spectre v02
>In-Spectre v03
>In-Spectre v04

At least it's getting an official release.

Long as they have a good author writing the story for them.

Pic semi related. Her non-h manga got ax'd after just one year.

I'm so fucking glad he moved on from all the worst parts of the late 90's style. Still suffers from thin hips and shitty legs though.

does borderline porn really count as going full legit?

>did ero for some time
>did a mix of ero and regular for the same timeframe
>does regular work now, and years have past, this period being longer than both above together
>also got married, wife celebrates with him when he's happy about releases

i hate shitters that just keep whining about his past ero releases when he enjoys getting better results as a regular artist, showing more than only naked females

Scared shitless thinking that joshi lac would stay in limbo infinitely

whew thanks user

That's not Ootsuka Reika, that's goo-paaa

That reminds me. What's Higashiyama Show doing nowadays?

No, because it often means that we don't get any more eromanga from them.

That manga started years ago and finished at 3 volumes. He's been doing hentai for years, even during that time and still is.

Does yoshidaku count?
He has come back recently to LO


>ZnT author
>Great art
>Great characters
>Licenced by jews
Every time.

I just hope the series ends with them fucking endlessly for the rest of their lives.

>middle of his lacrosse girls season two hentai
>going legit before finishing

yeah no fucking way. They'd be murdered in cold blood for not finishing.

If only I could find a girl who looked at my dick the way she is looking at that target.

vaguely horrified?

>legit at first
>one of his works got animu
>now cant stop drawing Rei with bloated proportions
name me more JUST artist than Mogudan

this is a shounen manga

Maybe someone here knows something.

Our boi Kisaragi Gunma hasn't released any smut in a long while, and he used to have a steady stream of new releases. Is he going legit with some TBA manga?

Good for them.

Hisashi tried to went legit and failed and now became the literal who of hentai

but mogudan is great, you plebeian

Shit's hot though.

It depends. When they do material that is superior to their hentai, like Chio-chan then I don't mind at all.

But when you see that they lack the skills to make a proper manga then it sucks. But ideally they should just be doing fucking both. Picture related.

Mikage Natsu