Can you justify the flat chest fanaticism?
The female chest contain boobs and flat chest have no boobs, loving it its like you order a pizza they send you only the box and you masturbate over it
Can you justify the flat chest fanaticism?
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I probably would never masturbate to pizza boxes regardless of its contents, user.
You sure?
>loving it its like you order a pizza they send you only the box and you masturbate over it
I don't get it, if the flat chest is the pizza box, then what is the pizza supposed to represent?
DFCfags are just homosexuals in denial.
Can someone just post the waifu roulette?
God hates hag enablers.
The boobs
I see at least 5 things on that pizza that don't go in a pizza
>People argue over flatchest and big boobs
This is why war exists.
Well I'll be damned.
I need that game
A flat chest is like a cheese pizza. Yes, that phrase does have two meanings, you sickos.
>not liking cardboard boxes
As someone who likes both flat chests and big breasts, all I can say is that I find DFC very aesthetically pleasing.
Also, my waifu has a DFC.
Guys obsessed with anal are homosexuals in denial.
Chest size has nothing to do with it.
Chocolat is best girl and the most pure love. You have to atone for the sin of creating a chuuni girl who's actually way more powerful than you deluded her into thinking she was.
I see the appeal but can't beat the boobs man, not the boobs
If pizza boxes were shaped like this I'd totally masturbate to them.
Draw a head and arms/legs and I will do it tonthe drawing
It's called pedophilia OP
Its a damn shame that pizza hut's pizza is so awful
A female chest is a female chest, even if it doesn't have boobs. Every female chest deserves to be loved, regardless of size.
>pizza hut's pizza is so awful
Nigga what shithole you live in, pizza hut have more than 100 pizzas
> shrimp, brocoli, eggplant in a pizza
More nukes
I don't know how they do it, but Japs are somehow even more retarded than Americans when it comes to novelty junk food.
You don't know if it tastes "bomb" or not.
I get it, this pic represent flat chests, they are there but they are mostly a disappointment.
i fapped so hard mine dong flew out da window i here its in china now
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omg i coming cats and dogs thnx for pic!!
omg op i come so hard that I shot a whole in my wall. now my mom is angry and said i had a hug cock!
i came so hard im now a woman thx op
The hurricane winds generated from how fast I was whacking it knocked down my entire south wall of my house and now car alarms all over the neigborhood are going off.
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super hot chick thanks op I came a whole mom
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epic win OP I cam shit and shat cum
I’m watching this now with my family and my granpa is winning the cumbucket challenge thx op 10/10
I came so hard my cum created a sonic boom and now I can’t hear shit thx op 10/10
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thx op i came so hard my dick split open and wasps flew out and stung my mom 9/11
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op made me cum like a small turtle call me franklin
awesome porno op I came in a poor man’s suit pocket.
omfg my dick got so hard i could fuck my own asshole!
thx OP! I had balck labador retriver dog and i cam on him now i have Dalmatian dog