What's the best way to start this series as an outsider? I've heard the new anime sucks, but the nineties one has my intrigue after seeing a few Griffith scenes.
What's the best way to start this series as an outsider? I've heard the new anime sucks...
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Read the manga.
Stop asking.
Just read the manga
The manga?
the nineties anime and the movies are both good but the anime is 90% still frames and the movies are 90% poorly done cgi, just read the manga
Read the manga,when he gets on The Boat watch all the old 90s anime then movies.after that go back to the manga. after all that watch the new anime
>after seeing a few Griffith scenes
you're talking about the rape scenes, aren't you?
Lurk for 5 minutes
Actually, I ended up skipping to The Eclipse for the atmosphere.
Watch the 97 anime.If you like it, read the manga.
People will say this opinion is wrong but the anime is the best way to experience the best part of Berserk (which may arguably be one of the best arcs of a manga in general).Perfect pacing, beautiful art, well developed and endearing characters catchy/charming music, and a thicc atmosphere. It's probably the closest thing to a classical 'tragedy' that anime has.
>skipping the most important part of the story
The fuck is wrong with you
No cunt, its not the best way to experience it, its the way YOU experienced it.
The show is very low budget. They leave out several key plot points and characters. Story ends on a cliffhanger.
The movies are higher budget but have the same problem, they leave out far too much.
You wont feel very attached to the characters as none of them really get much attention other than Guts.
Read the manga, its better in every single way.
You can explore the adaptations later on if you feel like it.
Read the manga. If you already have interest in the series thats the best place to start.
I personally suggest starting lost children then going back to the start if they have no interest in berserk but if you have interest just start at the begining.
the uncensored / updated animation 2016 series bluray is up on nyaa.si
Read the manga
read the manga 000a to 3XX in two days like I did
I want to reread but I don't think my heart is ready for that ride again.
1997 anime and if you want more of dat then read the manga beginning to end
No one likes that jewish tracker.
Pantsu is superior in every way.
If you're not experienced with or just like manga less than anime in general, just watch the 1999 or whatever adaptation.
was it rape ? casca clearly enjoyed it,
I can't understand how people can like any of the anime adaptations, even the 1997 one.
They're so neutered compared to the manga.
the CG is pretty funny.
Should take longer than two days. You need to soak in some of those beautiful panels.
Read the manga. After you finish the Golden Age arc, feel free to watch the 90s anime. Ignore all other adaptations.
>ignoring CLANG
Watch the 97 anime first then read the manga. DO NOT jump into the manga right away like the other shitters ITT are saying.
Congratulations, now you will never know how it feels reading the eclipse after the build-up of the golden age.
What's the point of spoiling the experience?
Start with Eclipse.
It feels pretty bad.
I did this shit with JoJo too.
I've only read the manga. The first time I read it the friend who game me the scanlations (burned on a bunch of CDs) were missing the first four volumes; still I decided to read them even when I was a bit lost.
Imagine my surprise when the eclipse came.
Man, what a retard you are.
>watching the eclipse before understanding the deteriorating relationships between friends that resulted in certain characters doing bad things
Anyone who started with the 97 series knows what you felt.
Manga for sure
Don't listen to this dumb faggot buy the manga then read it. Don't use shitty online scans or you'll miss out on the beautiful artwork.
>buy the manga
user, that's ~$380 and a large amount of space he has to find to store it. He should read scans of the dark horse translation and then decide whether he wants to invest in a full set.
>even the 1997 one.
it has an amazing soundtrack and an above average budget
watch the 90s series, then the new ones. they're just fine. the only people bitching are people who read comics.
if you're into comics read comics. otherwise the series is great, and it's quality is irrelevant to scribble books.
because not everyone reads childrens comics
>above average budget
For a 90's show, I bet Miura could animate the whole show himself if he wasn't obsessed with idolmaster.
>because not everyone reads childrens comics
As opposed to watching children cartoons?
This, I don't see how anyone can read pic related
>"Cartoons are so mature and intellectual"
Bait or just being retarded?
just demonstrating how much of a bitch comic readers are about berserk.
look at all of these immature whiny salt-filled responses. meanwhile I'm actually looking forward to the next episode and have been enjoying myself while you all wait on endless hiatus for a drawn out story that's going nowhere.
>this picture
Subscribed my friend!
Start at the lost children arc and fap to Rosine and Jill.
>enjoying myself while you all wait on endless hiatus for a drawn out story that's going nowhere.
Not sure if I should laugh or cry at this.
Do you know what the anime you're watching is based on?
Read the manga, then watch the OG anime and then the movies, then the new anime which is basically a rehash but still pretty good IMO. I got on about a year ago, I see why a lot of people don't like it but I think it's entertaining at least. Especially since once you get into it, you'll want more. The worst part is realizing its 30 years old and theres no telling when or how the resolution will come. That said, it's the GOAT of my manga/anime experience.
the original series was a great self-contained story with a dark twist ending.
I view everything else as bloat. but it's fun. I like it when the muscly guy hits stuff with the big sword.
minus the garage band theme sings
I see you didn't put your grasses on. That theme song is godly
Read the manga then watch the anime if you're interested, but it's not important.
The manga has a much more interesting chronology that makes it much more captivating.
IDK dude, I skip it every time. It sounds terrible from the quality, to mixing, and voice. It's not even as good as the power rangers theme from the same decade.
Just like any other Berserk OP.
Wait ten years and then start the manga
Watch the 90s anime, then read the manga. The anime basically is geared for that purpose.
Also those complaining about animation quality and still frames are autistic fucks who need everything to be animated in 1s or its shit.
I like the original a lot, but here's an alternate version that technically sounds better
Here's another version that also sounds better.
speaking of the 97 version is there any decent program that can covert the files from AVI toward MP4?
>Read the manga.
I just started and in 7 days I marathoned all the chapters and now I'm depressed that I don't have anything this fun to read anymore. Guess I'll have to start reading Claymore or something. I know a lot of people recommend that for those who like Berserk
>Lady Farnese best lady
link me please
I can't find the 2016 BD for some reason
>it has an amazing soundtrack and an above average budget
>put your grasses on
>speaking of the 97 version is there any decent program that can covert the files from AVI toward MP4?
why do you want to do that?
If you're going to reencode them might as well do it in h265 in a mkv or something
>falling for the mp4 meme
it won't play on my DVD player unless it's an MP4 ;_; & I just looked up Wondershare looks pretty good so I'll go ahead and buy that
lol what?
just use ffmpeg like a normal human
What a dumbass kid
>$49.95 for something you can do for free
>not just using ffmpeg
>not just renaming file with .mp4 and not .avi
>not using handbrake if ffmpeg is too hard for the tard
I've got some swamp land that I want to sell you
>dvd player
Can't believe some Sup Forums users are still this tech illiterate.
To be fair, the Guardians of Desire had pretty much spoiled it. We knew Griffith had done something horrible and it granted him demigod status, we just didn't know exactly what
It has nothing to do with comics. Even ignoring the insult to the source material, 3d models were absolutely horrible and lifeless. In s1, a few scenes were acceptable and gladly their density has increased in s2, but it still has a long way to go