
We would've probably been better off with an adaptation of the 2nd game then those 2 awful original seasons. Even if it was rushed to a single cour, but preferably not.

I kept watching the series just for Sup Forums threads

I wish they'd just done a simple side story or something instead of the disaster that was DR3.

They should've just slapped the last 5 minutes of the show onto the end of the second game and left it at that.

DR3 was...okay.
DR2> DR1 > DR3> rest
A 6/10.

It's never gonna happen. Now that I remember, I haven't even watched the Luckbitch OVA.

You missed Kazuichi winning the Soniabowl.

Mikan a cute

We had fun and in the end isn't that what matters?

Even to this day I still don't understand how DR3 managed to he so horrible.

Future Arc was good, but very different from the games as it had only one villain as opposed to 5-6.
Despair Arc was meh.

Too much expectations

is it WORTH watching?

DR3 was a fucking mess, but the ride was the most amazing part. I miss the Juzoboys pasta.

The chatroom was god tier too.

2 cour Danganronpa 2 adaptation might have worked if they re-wrote how crimes are solved.

The game is interesting because it's you who does the thinking, here they just must come up with a way not to look like a fucking animate let's play.

I also like tropical setting, would be pretty cool to have more of that animated.

probably yeah

stinky pig

no, you can leave now

Huh? Am I the only one who thought they were really enjoyable?

t. Hiyoko

Penis finger

>danganronpa 3 fills in the blanks left behind by 1 and 2
>weeb fags call it trash
Why do the anime-only fags hate it?

i erased my entire danganronpa folder because s3 was so bad but now i regret it for the mikan's

Aside from making money, what was the point of DR3? All the new characters are dead aside from one, it has no relevance to V3 and the real story was simply covered up by the Future Foundation at the end.

Because they filled in the blanks with shit.

here you go

Despair was alright until Enoshima showed up.

despair was crap until enoshima showed up

>tfw didn't watch it with Sup Forums and took spoonfuls of shit to ruin the taste of DR2 on my own for no reason

To make Naegi and Kirigiri more official? To give the core conflict a needless start and a pointless end?

not really the only good thing about it is Junko's cameos and there just one or two frames in a hey that thing u read and played (Dr0) we remember but your'll never get a anime adaption of it (if we ever got a anime of Dr0 the Sup Forums threads would be more fun then they were with dr3) or Hey Nagito is holding hinata with his junko had isn't that Lewd Fujos that ship them ?

Enoshima made it atleast kinda fun



>To make Naegi and Kirigiri more official?
I still wish they went with Kirijunko so we coulda had a little to no hope ending were Naegi had to kill Kyoko to finally end junko once and for all

Stop with this shit. I'd rather have Chisa be the mastermind for Side: Hope to have much more impact.

I still wish people would stop suggesting dumb endings, especially when they're out of spite.

He should have been full blown the future arc villain and none of that retarded old man who's plan makes no fucking sense.

No please I think that would've been worse. Considering how quickly he gave up.

I'd say he needs to be erased alongside that whole anime mindtrip nonsense.

God I want to suck Mikan's tits so bad
Those blanks were better off unfilled. I can't imagine a scenario in which a crazy fashionista would be able to destroy the world so I wouldn't focus too much on that. They did and fucked up,

What did she mean by this?

>tfw best girl with best design dies almost halfway into the Future arc
I still miss you Seiko. Honestly was too pure for this world

Well at least I got to fap to Mikan and others.

Seiko is literally the worst part of the franchise. Say what you like about the realism or lack of it in the series, but her werewolf drug shit? It manages to stand out in the sea of retardation and bad decisions that is DR3.

I can't believe I'm saying this but Junko being the final boss of DR3 Future would have been so much better than what we got.

Whilst DR3 aired I thought it being Junko again would be the worst but after getting what we did. I realised how wrong I was.

Ruruka, please