What is the best political ideology for you and why?
What is the best political ideology for you and why?
Radical Centrism
Depends on the times
>times of global peace and stability, democracy and free market capitalism
>times of war, autocratic nationalism
>A quagmire of corruption and cynicism building up in the government, populist reform
There are a lot more but people seem to think that there is a singular best system, but all systems have pros and cons and suite different situations
The fuck political compass is that? I know mine isn't that good location-wise but how new are you that you haven't gotten a decent looking political compass?
Best for me? Probably AnCom if we're not talking about reality, else LibCap or UltraCap.
Elective monarchy.
>in the reasonable middle
>strong leader that is a supervising force to a reasonably sized gov
>monarchist glory and unity for a nation
>no incompetent hereditary inbred monarchs
>not too social not too neoliberal
>no 100 parties arguing in parliament and getting nothing done
Liberalistism Fascistism
Obviously libertarianism
>mostly free market with only necessary restrictions
>minimal social restrictions
>hopefully enough laws that allow for deportation of spics and niggers
Basically what the founder fathers had in mind is the closest thing perfect we’ve ever gotten
Anarcho Fascism
Fascist Third Position.
Because normal fascism isn't enough.
National socialism so far away from fascism and so close to communism. Get the fuck out of here.
Absolute monarchy
Should have put communism with ultra capitalism because you obviously have no idea what you're doing.
Looks like the chart sees socialism as communism light, thus national socialism would be just under national communism. See also that progressivism is a right-wing ideology, so the chart is probably just retarded. National Socialism is pretty removed from communism/socialism anyway, so Nationalism/Totalitarianism seems like a fair label.
>Citizen democracy Starship troopers style
>Elective monarchy
>Moderatism if you're a pussy
Better compass
It’d be nice if there were another phrase for an independent socialist country with strong sense of nationalism. Titoism might be OK.
Libertarianism with a strong emphasis on the NAP. Whatever consenting adults want to do should be fine as as long as they do not bring harm to others or their property.
money fuck politics
To clarify: Titoism without the communist goals. Strictly a socialist regime with a strong national character.
no, democracy and free market capitalism corrupt nations and destroy the moral foundation of people
military autocracy is necessary at all times
this picture is retarded
no way in hell distributism is bottom of the authority axis
egalitarianism and progressivism also arent where you put them
t. distributist
>democracy and free market capitalism
These are incompatible. People inevitably form interest groups and compete to vote themselves money
Exactly this is why are so called capitalism has a hard time. Company a has better idea company has more money. So company b pays of politicians to create regulations to bury company a.
This is a horrible chart. Please delete that image immediately.
Fascism. I believe that the will of the white race should be expressed through the government, and then expressed with force/military action. No more degenerates, Marxist, feminists, niggers, Muslims, ect.
Don't like the fact that the government is paying white families to reproduce? Congrats, you get a boot stomp on your neck and get to join the rest in a mass grave.
White, straight, European value should be #1.
all of this is retarded
top right is 99% of mainstream 2018 parties - basically free market goys from centrist parties
bottom right is ancap memes
bottom left is fedora and "real liberals"
top left is anything from stalin or mussolini to distributism
The top center is the best
stratocracy/junta master race