>How much alcohol do you drink per week in average, and what is average in your country?
>How much alcohol do you drink per week in average, and what is average in your country?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Does alcohol make you happier or more depressed?
None, alcohol consumption is drunkenness and drunkenness is sin
Avg is high
This thread is dedicated to an unimportant topic. Contact your representatives about releasing the FISA memo.
Jesus made and drank wine.
What now, bitch?
You can buy full strength beer and almost any liquor you could imagine at every gas station and grocery store in Missouri. Also it's legal for passengers to drink while you drive around in many counties.
Too much. Sucks, tbqh. Wish someone would just put me out of my misery.
Last weekend me and the gf went you and I got shitty hammered and picked a fight with her. Almost ruined my relationship saying stupid shit. Currently not drinking for a while.
i smoke 3 joints a week and have 2-3 glasses of wine a week and never go overboard on anything. i am doing very well above average in my electrical engineering career
I usually just have some whiskey.
I drink everyday, usually. Probably 3-5 "drinks". I homebrew, so I obviously like beer, but i also like bourbon
Bugman spotted
There is a biblical and historical precedent for the term "wine" to mean unfermented juice
The guests at the wedding feast in Cana could were already drunk, so Jesus would not have served fermented wine, further affirmed by the headwaiter commenting on it as "good" (sweet, fresh)
This isn't to say that this parable is sufficient evidence that all alcohol is sin, only that it doesn't prove the Bible is permissive of alcohol. I'm really not interested in discussing it further with you, but if you actually want to understand the perspective you can look up Baptist or church of Christ resources on the topic.
Having a hobby does not make him a bugman. If he said I'm a homebrewer first then maybe.
That's some serious mental gymnastics brah. Several biblical characters drank alcohol, and no amount of atrocious backwards logic is going to change that. You should try and actually read the bible and lighten the fuck up.
Is this video supposed to be funny
Go look up 'tweaker compilation'
Yeah, no, I have a hobby. I also have an organic farm, does that mean I am a fag.
Tell me about your hobbies
I have been averaging a couple drinks a week. And that's high for me. Going to cut back.
Oy vey.
>do t destroy my religious narrative
Thankfully, I quit drinking and I feel 1000 times better in the mornings, way more $$ in the bank since I stopped. TONS more energy on the daily. Don't miss any part of getting hammered everyday
try to go 2 weeks without smoking and see how you feel, $20 says you can't help but feel regret quitting
If I didn’t drink heavily I would probably be a violent criminal
You can put in down user..and you will feel better about it everyday.
i usually drink once a week but i get totally blasted
like im never tempted to drink, its just a kind of ritual but when i drink one, it usually ends at ninth
That's how it starts hahah
I don't drink that much, I could go few months without even a single sip of alcohol, but when I do drink, always some shit happens to me
I drink once a month at the maximum, I enjoy the high of alchohol but not the drinking process and the culture around it I prefer weed
I drink ten beers every night after work it's really getting bad Sup Forums. my brother is a heavy vodka drinker and has cirrocis of the liver at age 30
i know
i would stop cold turkey but there is literary nothing to do on this fucking island, especially when shitty weather sets in and it always sets in
>Several biblical characters drank alcohol
What the fuck? Have you been using characters other than Jesus as your moral compass? Almost every one of them is an example of what not to do at some point.
Slush. I like to drink till I look like Ive swallowed a bean bag chair.
This, I get more irratible when I'm sober for awhile
Depends how it affects you & moderation, fags like OP are inevitably asking for big daddy government to regulate our lives for us
I drink maybe once or twice a month. And generally speaking, most Americans are the same.
I have relatively-expensive tastes and drink more than I should, so I end up giving just shy of $100 to the liquid Jew dispensary a week. I know better, but I think I’m a slight alcoholic who is compelled to drink when I’m not working
>i would stop cold turkey but there is literary nothing to do on this fucking island, especially when shitty weather sets in and it always sets in
yet Sup Forums makes fun of soyboys and manchildren for playing vidya
No we don't.
Alcohol is responsible for massive total brain damage on the population. It should be renamed dumb-drug.
Drinking alcohol is worse than smoking weed.
I drink pretty much everyday, helps cope I guess.
absolutely fucking pathetic, you cunts cant take your ale.
>turns out i dont even like to drink
fuck off
I dunno, if I'm chilling with bros, I usually drink like 6 beers. If I'm unlucky enough to be at a party, probably about 15 beers and a bottle of whiskey or red wine. I drank 350 bottles of beer during my 2 month stay in the USA last summer. It's so cheap there that I would probably into my family's traditional vice (being an alcoholic).
>How much do you drink per week in average
None. Only special occasions.
>what is the average in your country?
A fucking lot.
i dont drink really anymore. cocaine mdma and lsd are my goto's for a good time
>How much alcohol do you drink per week in average
>what is average in your country?
Too much. Alcohol is degenerate : it's a depressant, a neurotoxin, and an addictive drug. Production and Sale should be heavily limited if not outright banned.
I have never drunk any alcohol in my entire life
>tfw ready for the caliphate to take over
How's that war going? Still getting BTFO?
If you can't handle alcohol you may as well kill yourself and remove yourself from the genepool, the estrogen in the plastic has burned out your European warrior spirit. Alcohol is ours, anything that tries to take it from us is Jewry.
Used to drink cca a bottle of wine per day, stopped drinking during the week and now I only drink on Fridays or special occasions or the occasional Monday.
I stopped drinking to lose weight(lost 12kg) and feel better. I have never felt worse.
you might not, but it's a frequently reoccuring thread on Sup Forums accusing people, and more specifically millennials, of playing vidya for refusing to "grow up"
wait around long enough, they pop up every single day at this point.
Up until a couple months ago I averaged maybe a pitcher's worth of high-gravity beer a night, now I don't drink at all and am weaning off weed too.
i probably drank a few cases a day when i went to usa to visit relatives/mates
the cheap beer (at least the shit you can get at the local servo) was so watery you needed a case just to get started
at least cheap piss here gets you smashed quickly
>How much alcohol do you drink per week in average
Zero. Have only had alcohol 4 or 5 times in my life.
>what is average in your country?
Way too much. Obviously binge drinking is a huge problem in the UK, but the problem I think is worse is that people in this country are physically incapable of having any kind of social gathering that doesn't involve drinking. Literally everything has to revolve around drinking all the time.
It's worst in universities. When I was at uni, I joined loads of societies, but they're just piss-ups under the guise of 'rock climbing' or some shit. All subsidised by the government of course.
Lol most weeks in somewhere between 9th and 10th decile
I have like 2-3 drinks every night with dinner plus 5-20 on Friday and/or Saturday
So yea I’m probably at 40-60 alchohol drinks most weeks
375 ml of wisers a day
>How much alcohol do you drink per week in average
On average, one tablespoon of wine.
>and what is average in your country?
Half a bottle of wine.
Noah got shitfaced drunk. If I remember correctly he was naked too.
>people in this country are physically incapable of having any kind of social gathering that doesn't involve drinking
I'm not able to be around my parents or siblings without drinking.
Ecclesiastes (the Bible) tells us to drink and enjoy a little wine, but not to excess. It clearly over and over again says not to be a puritan.
Yours is the sin my friend.
My average consumption is two glasses of Proseco or champagne with Sunday lunch, but I don't like alcohol. If I did like it I'd probably have a little more.
moses got ripped, he liked to party, you gonna say Moses was a bad dude, my man?
The bibles said I give you all fruit and herbs of the earth to use as you see fit
We are all sinners anyway
Once a month.
I don't know, probably medium-high in the capital and much less in other cities.
>Proseco or champagne with Sunday lunch
brunch, sunday brunch
>alcohol is the liquid jew
>europeans had no problem with drinking alcohol until some dead jew worshippers came along took over and told us alcohol is bad
Ecclesiastes (New Testement) talks about wine. It says to enjoy it and never to do what you're doing.
From 2015 - 2017 I was averaging about a 6 pack a night. In late 2017 I stopped alcohol for a whole month, before that I hadn't gone a single day without a drink in months. I had night sweats and shit, I thought I might have to go to a doctor.
I made it through and now I go weeks at a time without drinking, only drinking on special occasions or if I'm out with a girl or some friends.
I feel so much better and I am so happy I did it.
Stop Amerisplaining
Convince me to do this.
this is now a SIP thread
how shitting yourself in the supermarket going?
still winning?
Got locked up and probationed for getting sloppy as a casino. Just ended my probation with flying colors. Been drunk for 6 days straight, lost my job, my gf, some friendships. I was better off without the liquid jew
Usually none, but I drink like once or twice a month. Just had some incredible quality whiskey-like moonshine from my mom's friend who makes it for his own consumption. It's like 50% alcohol but so smooth and has such a rich taste you pretty much don't taste the alcohol itself, which is amazing. I hope it won't make me an alcoholic, I mean, the stuff is really good.
I'm not sure what can convince you. For me, I started noticing that my urine smelled funny and looked very cloudy. I was also having occasional dull pain in my sides. I was tired of waking up every morning hungover with red, dry eyes.
I thought my liver/kidney systems were shutting down and I got really, really fucking scared because I am only on my late 20's.
Stopping drinking and getting back to eating healthy was the best choice I have ever made. I was eating pretty well during my drinking and working out, but redoubling my efforts to be very clean, and quit booze made me look so much better. Much more confident.
I also quit caffeine. As a result of all of this, I used to feel anxious sometimes but that has lessened quite a bit, and it's very hard to rattle me these days. It's like night and day.
Quitting isn't as hard as you think. To quit booze, buy some video game or download a tv series, something you can distract yourself with, and start by taking a Friday off from work where you begin your quit. That way you have a 3 day weekend to start being clean, and you can make it. Get passed the first 3 days a few times, and then start going for a week, 2 weeks, etc.
You can do it!
The Jews did the Holodomir when the Ukrainians refused to grow grain for alcohol because they did not have enough for both food and alcohol. Jews hold the worst most evil grudges
Thanks bro
It's in threads like this that you realize the majority of Sup Forums has an alcohol abuse problem and that explains a lot.
Alcohol damages the body and mind. Every time to you buy alcohol, you are paying someone for the privilege of stupefying yourself and destroying your body. You are wilfully handing over money so that someone can profit from your misery.
The bible is very clear on alcohol. Occasional drinking of wine is fine, but the bible is very clear that drunkenness is unacceptable. If you drink to the extent that you get drunk (which the overwhelming majority of people do), then you have no theological feet to stand on.
>1 Peter 4:3
For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries:
>Ephesians 5:18
And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;
>Proverbs 20:1
Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.
Its not that hard. The realization that alcohol makes me more of a faggot is what made me drop my consumption. Now I need to quit my ADD medication. Adderall and masturbation are worse than alcohol honestly. My binges have become more and more infrequent and my body feels a lot better now
>I also have an organic farm, does that mean I am a fag.
This 100%.
Calling it an organic farm is pretty gay man. Growing shit isn't gay. Its actually freeing hard work that gives you a lot of purpose
havent drank in weeks, feels good man
None and lots respectively
The latter
Did you post something similar on Sup Forums a few weeks ago?
My god you’re pretty much what I expect to be. Once I go back to school.
Who /alcohol free/?
I didn't quit for any reason other than I just don't feel like it. Been ten days and I feel way better.
>10 days
Talk once you reach atleast a year.
I always heard how horrible the south is. Sounds so comfy. The kikes only slam you because you're white. The south other then the nigs sound SWPL AF.
Oh yeah, that was me. Sup.
They may be aliens but they know materialism. They were born in it. Moulded by it. They didn't see the face of an actual human until they were already autistic and by then it was BLINDING. Making your own booze both cuts out the tax jew, give you a hobby that's outside vidya, teaches you about sterilization and recipes and make good gifts. You can get started for less then $100. It is good to learn even from the bugmen.
None, but on Christmas day I started drinking at 4pm and stopped at 4am.
> wine
> gin and tonic
> vodka
1 year and counting here
no more days of grogginess from drinking the night before is the only difference it made for me
>This nigga thinks they had wal-marts and coolers and fridges in the desert to keep their welch's grape juice from spoiling or turning into wine.
Oh sweety I don't even know what to tell you. Honey, how did you find this website?
I dont drink much, just smoke weed. It's better for you.
Alcohol is so overrated. I drink whiskey neat every now and then. That's it.
alot and
a fucking lot
>Noah saves the entire human race
>Bruh that's what you're NOT supposed to do
I bet you didn't even cover up your father when he was drunk and naked did you? No you mocked him.
Let that sink in for a minute.
I drink 1 beer every night, a fine stout to take the edge off after a hard days work. The average in this country ranges from none to like a 12 pack a day for some folks.
that's 666 in hebrew
Just one..... After another. No signs of dain bramage yet.
Drinking some good alcohol for taste or during a social event is fine
Drinking cheap booze just to get ''le ebic wasted drunk :DD'' is retarded