"Global approval of US leadership falls to new low"

"Global approval of U.S. leadership sank to its lowest point in nearly two decades in 2017, with some of the biggest losses coming in countries long-considered Washington's allies and partners, according to a Gallup survey out Thursday.

Median approval of U.S. leadership plummeted from 48 percent to just 30 percent in the first year of President Trump's tenure in the White House, shattering the previous record low of 34 percent in the last year of President George W. Bush's second term."


Boo hoo the USA is not paying for our bullshit anymore so now we hate them.

Of course the globalists are buttblasted.

Who cares. He's getting results. He even bullied Trudeau into spending like 75% more into our defense budget. I mean that's not saying a lot, but he's doing good things for his country and making other countries accountable. Although he's fucking us over in trade, but the US has always done that

Wow, who would have thought that petulant children openly hate you when you stop giving into them?


>Approval of U.S. leadership grew in some countries, however, including in Russia, Ukraine and Israel, the poll found.

good goys

>Global approval

chart of changes

This board is supposedly populated by white racists. The world is over 80% non white. Do you really think whites (US) care what non whites think of them.

This just wont advance here, try to use direct arguments. Bandwagon stuff does not work against an already bandwagoned group.

>This board is supposedly populated by white racists

Quite presumptuous, but then people like you can only make points through hyperbole and lies

I don't want global approval. Tired of being the world charity and world police.

Muh russian collusion.

Good. The rest of the world needs to grow the fuck up and take care of themselves.

It annoys me so fucking much to see us so red. Almost everybody I know approves of Trump and like that America actually has a president looking out for them instead of being an obnoxious cunt like Obama. Leftcunts and libcucks love Obama who openly spat on us but reject Trump's hand of friendship? sometimes I'm glad to think about us having a dark future, whether through islam or communism.

I can't tell who's jewing who anymore

>Global approval

Good. That means we are doing things for our own best interest for a change.

>It annoys me so fucking much to see us so red. Almost everybody I know approves of Trump
seriously? You must be living in some kinda echo chamber because he's a running joke everywhere I go/work.

I bet, obama and bush’s free gibs of America’s industry are being taken back. No more doing the world’s homework.

well the rest of the globe can suck our dicks.


Depends entirely on where you're located. If you're near cityfolk or leftytowns you'll hear them towing the international elites' line. Down here in the south west it's pretty mixed but the decent folk support Trump. The "intellectuals" are whining.

Brits are brainwashed clowns that are easily influenced by social pressure.

Of course "everyone" you talk to says the right think.

Yes. This.

This. I used to live in South West London, now I'm in Devon. Anybody who liked Obama was a city person whereas we lived further out in the rural outskirts and could see the shit coming.

Okay. So if we got rid of our welfare to other countries, removed our military bases and soldiers, got out of NATO, left the UN, and went back to Isolationism like our Founders wanted no country would complain then, right?

The "globe" are like niggers.

The more you pander to them and capitulate the more they hate you.

>Global approval

Lol theyd be slaughtering each other the minute we leave, and whining about our lack of gibs and protection 30 seconds before

>Both Russia and Ukraine

Britain is a running joke to half of if not most Americans

Anyone that keeps up with things can see what a fucking disgusting embarrassing joke the UK has become.

Its pretty clear that China is taking Americas place as the global leader. Thank Trump for that.

And you brainlets think this is a good thing? I swear Americans are born retarded. I for one welcome our new Chinese overlords I hope they fuck this country

Your ass needs to be forcefully deported.

And no fuchs were given.

Literally pic related.

America First? More like America Alone.

Your president is a retard and so is the south you hick

If your competitors approve of what you're doing, you're doing something wrong

Ok scratch that.

Your globalist ass needs needs to be curb stomped.

Why does Africa like us? Less air strikes and raids? Why does Belarus give us a standing ovation? Is that Serbia that approves of us in the middle of the Balkans? Is Nepal our secret lover who bonds with us over China hate?

>we hate america
>americans: yeah we dont care

>we love america
>americans: why though? why?? can you tell us? what is it? in detail? this is so nice! can we be friends? we never had a friend before!

Fucking try me, ill break your face.

All red states deserve poverty

Zero fucks were given by even a single patriotic American.

Only rural rednecks and suburban retards voted for Trump

All city people voted for Hillary

Not possible to break my face when you have been shot dead maggot.

Good the US isn't world police

"US Global leadership" = liberal hegemony

Fucking try me. Non white liberals have guns too

Well it's a good thing they don't get a vote.

America First

If you get your way you won't have them much longer you stupid fucking cunt.

Who cares. I don't need an AR15.

I support everything that they're doing. So fuck off and get shot