ITT: We post anime and explore how it could've been better


Replace main character personality with Rance's

Someone picks up a girl in a dungeon.

No harem shit.

More feet


Less SoL, more gore. More Hephaestus, show us her scar.

The premise was interesting, the first few episodes were pretty good, and then it stopped, pissed its pants and laid down in the puddle.

>main character doesn't have a cheat power
>gets horribly injured from a battle with a lower level monster
>becomes incredibly motivated to train
>skip ahead 5 years
>he is now powerful after training, but is still considered a joke
>continue with the normal story from here

The same could be said of most.

ITT: South Koreans and their edgy re-imagining

Being a hentai

Let the (You)s cometh

Focus on the dungeon exploring rather than the haremshit.

>have the characters who aren't Kirito or Asuna actually contribute something to the story
>show Kirito interacting with everyone once Asuna cures him of his edgelordness
>don't fucking end it in a shitty duel won through Deus ex Machina 75 floors in and have Kirito & co actually clear all the 100 floors
>have the Laughing Coffin faggots be more active villains and show them getting BTFO

Is it possible to improve this?

Add characters that are memorable and not just one-dimensional one liners.

>ywn see only Hestia's bare legs and feet flailing as she is brutally double penetrated by fat smelly pig orcs

>>don't fucking end it in a shitty duel won through Deus ex Machina 75 floors in and have Kirito & co actually clear all the 100 floors
Just go full DBZ already.

Don't make the MC a Punch Line rip-off.
make the MC a girl

actually get to the good volumes that come later
don't have so many girls after him
don't make bell such a sperg
stick to the adventuring
don't have a couple dozen girls falling over for him
don't skip 30+ levels at a time, show actual progression
don't make him edgelord 9000
don't make him a mary sue by making him a hax0r at the end of each arc, do something tactical instead
if you're going to do "trapped in a mmo game" know what mmo's are like and actually make it seem like a fun game to play, because SAO in real life would get a 6 or 7 out of 10 if the fulldive technology was common

end on "who's rem?" instead of the ending the actually gave it.
Probably would have increased sales a lot also

With a twist like that they could easily make a S2

Scrap the second arc in favor of making the first 2cour so it fixes the awful pacing issues it had.

Hard more: You can't remove Mayuri

more amazoness in his harem screentime

Shift the focus to a spec ops unit backed by the big 3 monotheists religions fighting a hidden war against countries that support the IS deployment and the eventual social changes that follow it.

As they fight an battle of attrition against portable WMDs, the team realizes that they are in the wrong side of history, their weapons not being able to keep up, and losing allies every deployment, until it all comes crashing down in a desperate op with the objective of killing tabane that fails and nearly wipes the entire team.

Ends with the last two survivors watching the tables being turned and males around the world becoming second class citizens and women taking the power.

just remove Faris and the trap.

>Konosuba 2
Better visuals, cut most of volume 3 and 4 to adapt Crimson Demon village.


You can't improve perfection

remove the trap
stop shilling Dr pepper

More SoL shenanigans with the main pairing.

thanks for the fact
but how do you improve Re:Zero

>stop shilling Dr pepper

Make it about a guy who goes into dungeons and tries to pick up chicks.

Remove Kirito and make Klien the MC

more T A D A B A N R I

>get rid of benio
get rid of benio
>get rid of benio
get rid of benio
>get rid of benio
get rid of benio

The WN?
More world-building, more info about the other kingdoms, more POV chapters, have the secondary characters develop along with Subaru physically speaking (scars, wounds, changing clothes, weapons, hairstyles)

Improve the time traveling idea
The "send a text to the past" thing was so retarded that I dropped the show after 5 episodes. And I didn't even drop Umaru

Klien? dont you mean BallsDeep69?

It got decent after tomato-rabbit lost his snowflake power when worst-girl told him to fuck off.

Deconstruction of the trapped in a game genre.
Gamers actually starve to death if people don't find them and take care of them while they are trapped.
Lack of real sleep drives them mad and require years of therapy once they escape.
Levels crash and kill people in them, game updates force gamers into a coma until the game resumes.
Nerfing OP weapons for balance render the Mary Sue players useless until they find the new Meta.

I dunno, user, I think all that series really needed to be great was to get rid of benio.

>How it could be better

I make S2

Dungeon ni deai is easy, just removing Aiz would had been improving a lot of.

A boy falls in love with a girl.
But there's no Deus ex Machina. He talks to her and asks her to study together one day, then asks for her number and she gives it to him. Then they text each other over several weeks and go on a few not-dates then he musters the courage and asks her to become his girlfriend. She refuses but says she wants to stay as friends.

Would have been better if the MC were closer to his WN incarnation.


I didn't like her as a character, but she was a good backdrop to Kobeni and Mashiro.

all of these can be easily fixed by having them never exist

80's slasher movie

Should have spent more time telling us how incredibly gifted and awesome MC is.


Both of these.

Have the series focus on Loki's family, and make the MC a lesbian elf who's in love with the same girl the normal MC is in love with.

Expansion of dungeon culture, just like in Dungeon Meshi.

Not enough psychological and not enough thriller. Can't blame you for thinking that it's a waste of time.

Lower the powerlevels of all the other characters.

That's not impossible, since its nature allows both lighthearted and grimdark stories to exist in the same setting.

Personally, this could have worked if it was handled like the Ao Kanata no Four Rhythm VN.

That's editor manhandling, a common thing for amateur light novel writers. Most writers write what the editors want, and not necessarily what they actually want. It's why Grimgar had an isekai background, only to have little to references of it further into the story.

Funny that one fucks the mc while the other is a cocktease

Already happened, check vol 8

the author hinself already did it

MC and the Oppai loli shipping as canon.

>like the Ao Kanata no Four Rhythm
How so if you don't mind me asking?

Aw man I don't like S;G either but it isn't as bad as umaru

remove haremshit, focus on one girl or none at all
remove unique power bullshit, have the protagonist become OP through some luck and coincidence, but balance it through training and having brains

Girls participate in sports competitions called Flying Circus. Basically remove the seriousness of the international "conflict" and make it a bit more light-hearted.

Bell a cute! CUTE!

I see, true my premise is a bit too heavy on the serious side, gotta work on that.

Seriousness is fine, it's just that in IS it meshes badly with the harem elements.

By giving it a season 2

Progressive should have been the one to get the anime

>Asuna dies at the end of Arc 1
>Kirito dies at the end of Arc 2
I'm in favor the former but it occurred to me recently that the latter might work as well
I've seen so little of S2 for that it matter, although the designs were kinda nice

Could work as an spin off prequel tho, no need for harem elements or comedy there

Calle it IS:the unsung war or something like that

it ends at the first episode where Eren turns into a Titan and saves Mikasa

>Kirito dies at the end of Arc 2
He suffers brain death at the end of it. To very broadly (and inaccurately) summarize Arc 3:
Tech from the Arc 1 villain's secret mountain hideout is used to replicate his mind, so they can burn into a new brain they're growing for him.

Just watch the parody, its got better jokes and can be binged in a single evening. The Characters actually make sense.

The ending should have been less exopationy.

The parody is good except when it tries to be serious and surpass the original, which comes off as cringey and arrogant as shit
If you are going to make an animuh parody then stick to comedy, trying to "improve" the original is fucking stupid.

Remember that it's based off some VN shit and realize it'll never be good

Replace female characters with strong male cast
>LotGH in 16th century Japan

Turn the volume down from 11

don't make asuna a potato and for the love of god reach the 100 floor, I can stand random girl# 1, 2 and 3 having their 23 min of fame but jesus fuck reach the 100 floor. Also eliminate any asspull that is above or equal to having kirito hack that shit.

Just remove the fucking flesh gundams.

did you mean this literally or are you insinuating something?

This, I was on board until the titan transformations.

I'm referring to how over the top absolutely everything in that show is. Turn it down even a little and it's that little bit better

little shill academia: 2nd OVA and TV series never get made.

Focus on low level characters like Bell, when all those side characters are strong as hell, it makes the MC's struggles ridiculous.
That way you don't have to give him retarded Gary Stu powers to keep him barely relevant.
Remove Ais, as a character she's trash, and she doesn't even work as a plot device.

swords are overrated, magic is underrated (and often mage MCs aren't well executed).

watch something like Akagi instead of a cringy MC who makes me want to distance myself from him

More inner monolouge and development, also the actual ending
It wasn't as bas as Sup Forums makes it look, but, it could have been a lot better if the editors weren't trying to pull out another SAO

Be alizication

The author actually plays an online game before writing.

Cut out all the fucking space pirate fights, for fuck's sake, I don't want to watch the orphans fuck another group of space pirates for the fourth time. Keep only the first one with Guts' brother subplot since that actually brought in some solid characters but cut the rest of that shit.

Give Mika some competent people to fight.I enjoyed watching him effortlessly kill everyone who stood in his way but that just made the ending feel like complete bullshit.

Let Gaelio become president and not fucking sit on his ass Rustal. Have Rustal get finished by Gaelio for being a shit human being and let Gaelio be president after beating both Rustal and ChocoChar.

Get rid of monkey, she served no purpose.

Have Mika and Guts win their final stand, keep the way Guts went out but have Mika actually eliminate every fucker on Mars by 100% sync with gundam. Either let him die from wounds or become rampaging demon gundam thing.

Give Kudelia a baby too and fuck Atra.

more Hestia, also beru kun loves her

With a title like that, they should have made something Johnny Bravo-esque