Name a better anime scene.
I’ll wait.
Name a better anime scene
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When he finally tells Haruhi he's John his wedding with Mikuru
This is the worst anime scene ever, so all other anime scenes ever are better than this.
Fucking kill yourself, with that shit opinion.
Pretty much this.
I can feel my heart melt every time I watch it.
I’m rewatching Haruhi sometime in the next few weeks with some friends who’ve never seen it. I can’t wait.
The ending of Anne Happy episode 8.
Yeah, I also thought this scene was the best until I watched that.
Literally all of them
WEW that’s some obvious samefagging
Here you go, OP.
Fuck off Digibro
Nice rec thread OP
>trying to force "everybody who likes moe or KyoAni is Digibro" as a meme on an imageboard where literally the majority are moebros/KyoAnibros
When Homura first walks into the art witch's barrier in Madoka Ep. 10, esp. when the floor melts into Picasso's Guernica.
"You must be new here."
The Sup Forums catalog is comprised of well over 50% images of "moe" stylized girls at any given time. Sup Forums is a moe board and always has been, and KyoAni has been Sup Forums's favorite studio since Lucky Star.
Not even the best scene in its own series, desu.
Pretty much anything, since it's trash.
Never forget
Literal dogshit.
I don't think you know what that means
You're forgetting something Sup Forumsnon
You can take any 10 second clip from Magnetic Rose and it will be better than any scene Kyoani has ever produced.
Did he forget to post a Hellsing gif or something?
>things floating
You failed.
If you actually understood what an achievement it was to animate that using cels and not CG/Physics like Kyoani would, you're only further proving what a braindead idiot you are.
Actually I succeeded glowingly.
>scenes should be rated by animation quality
Is this autism?
Not better than the Haruhi concert.
Your only argument is literally "glorious hand-drawn cels folded over 1000 times". I don't think that qualifies as a glowing success. Even if the scene looked great (it really doesn't), it's still a bunch of shit floating without anything interesting. Nobody gives a shit.
I remember this scene being pretty intense!
Magnetic Rose was written by Satoshi Kon, who had more writing talent in his shoelace than anyone at Kyoani has ever had. Even the scenes where nothing important to the story is happening are easily more complex than the entirety of Haruhi.
Yes it is.
Truly a stark contrast to your argument, if it existed.
It doesn't however, because naturally you're a moron incapable of making one.
Kon was a pretentious hack and Yamada is the best director in anime today.
>i-it's complex, and you're a moron
Saying that kind of stuff without specifying anything behind it is a dead giveaway of pretentious idiot who have nothing to say and go with style over substance. Smart (or just normal, really) people bring stuff up and discuss it. Dumb user masturbates to his superior tastes in cel animation while applying binary thinking to everything.
Cure your autism.
Thanks for proving your stupidity.
and what have you been saying? Nothing outside of mindlessly bitching about my posts. You don't even understand what style or substance are, which is why crying like a retard is all you're capable of.
>Cure your autism
we're ALL autistic on this blessed day
Could you make a proper argument without being bitter against KyoAni for no reason?
You're like a teenager that has just discovered metal.
Complexity and technical skill are not the only measurements of quality.
Follow the other guy's advice and undo your autism.
>y-you too
You're the one who brought up 'complexity' as if it was a quality indicator. Spoiler alert, it's not and it's the worst kind of namedropping/appeal to autority one could make to defend a story. "It's so deep and I won't develop, just trust me". It doesn't take much to see you're dumb and trying way too hard to fit in with "the connoisseurs"
Also, I reiterate, shit floating isn't interesting or endearing in any way. The webm is mostly well-done, but that's all. There's no boner to be had here.
wins this debate.
>this is what kyoanidiots resort to
Only further proving your idiocy here.
Can you?
>ad hominem
>this is what kyoanihaters resort to
Only further proving your idiocy here.
>taking seriously a LITERAL MEME POST
>You're like a teenager that has just discovered metal.
You're like an idiot who's projecting.
>Complexity and technical skill are not the only measurements of quality.
That accounts for like 90% of what goes into an anime, idiot. Complexity is an extremely broad term.
>Follow the other guy's advice and undo your autism.
What advice? None was given.
I'll give you some free advice though: stop posting about things you don't understand. Trust me, it'll be a lot easier to conceal your stupidity.
Honestly tl;dr, all you're doing is crying like a baby. If you're not going to make any arguments, you're only further proving the notion that you're a worthless idiot.
>taking seriously a
>ESL moron posting on an english speaking board
What a shock.
Not an argument.
>Complexity is an extremely broad term
Then why do you bring up a term this loose if you can't specify any further if not just for namedropping/appeal to autority sake? Also :
>you don't understand
I suggest solving or at least concealing your insecurities so your next discussions can be something else than a bunch of halphazardly stringed buzzwords.
You summarized your own posts there.
>Then why do you bring up a term this loose if you can't specify any further if not just for namedropping/appeal to autority sake? Also :
I still specified more than you ever did.
By all means, keep crying and using that 10th grade persuasive language you just learned, it won't change the fact that you're an idiot incapable of arguing your own points.
>I still specified more than you ever did.
Burden of proof is on you. You're the one who brought up a shitty "bolts flying around like it's your Windows 98 screensaver" webm like it was the second coming of Jesus.
>Burden of proof is on you
No it isn't. I'm not wasting any time on a moron like you who can't argue anything and only cries.
How is complexity a broad term?
It actually is but whatever, I didn't expect you to be able to make sense of your own words in the first place.
Every single post you made is as empty as the webm you posted, wuss.
How is that projection?
I'm comparing you to something.
Is your life one big buzzword?
Because it can be used to cover a wide variety of qualities. There's complexity in writing, music, visuals among many other things associated with the medium.
and yet still infinitely more complex than anything you've said in this thread. Again, such is the nature of stupid people like you.
>I'm comparing you to something.
Yes, yourself.
>replies again anyway
What a weak willed faggot.
>Complexity and technical skill
>90% of what goes into an anime
Yes, no one could possibly appreciate story, character development, character design, music, cinematography, emotional impact or any other subjective quality.
You keep going and going. The deal with smart people is that they don't use these kind of words because they don't have to.
You sound like a tryhard teenager. That's why people tell you to stop being autistic. Take the advice.
Every single thing you just mentioned has a degree of complexity. Well done confirming what a massive idiot you are.
Not gonna lie, this was a legitimate 10/10 scene.
Why use "complexity" in the first place? You might as well use "good" or "well-done", it's just as generic of a word.
It'd actually be slightly better to use "good" since complex doesn't mean good, it's not a metric by any means. A complex character design can be overdesigned dogshit. A complex story can be a trainwreck. And so on.
>The deal with smart people
Not yourself of course.
You're reaching so fucking hard to connect this to your blanket statements.
Music isn't synonymous with complexity.
Complexity isn't a catch-all term for creative art.
Music can be complex, but complexity is not a measurement of objective quality within it.
A simple piano chord progression can add to a scene if used appropriately, regardless of how simple it is.
>Why use "complexity" in the first place?
Why argue in the first place when you clearly have nothing to argue?
It'd actually be slightly better if you had something worthwhile to say instead of non-stop crying like the worthless idiot you are.
>You're reaching so fucking hard
I'm actually not, you'd realize this if you weren't braindead.
>Music isn't synonymous with complexity.
Thank you for further proving your stupidity. I love it when you morons resort to strawman.
fucking millenials. get the fuck out with your shitty meme waifu
Good to see you're at least aware of the fact that you're a moron.
I think you've misunderstood the definition complexity. Something that is complex intertwines all of these aspects to create something complex.
But....aren't we all friends here?
Yes. That seems to be the difference between us.
He's retarded but I'd argue one single aspect could be complex on its own, e.g. complex visuals with straight-forward dialogues (or the opposite, which is probably more intuitive)
I know your hormones are running wild, but can you calm down and address the rest of the post now?
How does complexity as an objective quality encompass music, if music is entirely subjective?
Kon is one of the best, you not liking some user doesn't change that counter contractions
You are a dead set moron.
What post? I told you I don't want to waste much time with your mindless crying.
I'm only interested in other peoples arguments to my initial point, none of which I've seen because you're too busy wasting my time with bitching. Morons like you just aren't worth it.
The amount of images in a thread is directly proportional to its quality.
>What post?
This one: Or, just the second part of this one: It's almost like you're deliberately ignoring things that you can't refute.