Hey everyone, it's me, your girl Astra Kruger.
Can you please tell me if the Carthaginians were racially White or Black?
Please don't sat that they were the same ethnicity as the modern North Africans because Anthropology has proven that these North African things mudskins came during the collapse of Ancient Egyptian as a Superpower.
Thank you so much.
What race were the people of Carthage?
Probably caucasian, but more med than nordic
clean your fucking room and stop acting a wheure
Being Phoenicians, they were tan like the rest of the Semitics. Maybe more on the lighter side like Greeks or Romans than shitskin side
They were phoenician, so I guess they were like the ancient greeks.
Youre a dude
Show benis
semites are not white.
They originated in Phonecia(modern Lebanon) so probably looked Levantine.
They look like the mediterranean guy in those "people of europe"-memes
That room isn't fucking dirty, stop trying to be an internet parent, thinking you're superior, I'll fuck your mom good
There were no brown or black people north of the Arabian desert and the Sahara desert until the passed 800ish years ago.
Egypt, Carthage all "white" or Greek looking.
Definitely not negroid
>your girl
tits or gtfo attention whore
carthage was black.
that's not a debate.
So do you think Mediterraneans are white like us?
post feet pix
>whoring on Sup Forums
begone thot
Fake flag. Get off this thread. This is a Whites Only thread. You dirty mudskin. Leave this thread immediately
They looked like the Lebanese.
What makes you believe that Phoenicians were Semitic? Please provide proof
Some of them look white as fuck
>a literal African has the audacity to tell someone else they aren't white
No niggers, that's for sure
i could make you my bitch if i wanted to.
you're lucky.
genetically they are something like modern assyrians as far as i know
timestamp right now, I don't think that you are a girl
Depends on who you're looking at.
The upper class was Phoenician (Caucasian).
The middle class was literally a mutt race of Punic-Libyans.
The lower class consisted of all the native Libyans, who were not black or Arab at all.
They were Levantine, Carthaginians came from modern day Lebanon.
Do you have proof that they were Arab looking? Please provide proof
Carthaginians lived in Africa
Africans are black
Therefore Carthaginians were black.
do it faggot, I'll dirty my room up so you can feel right at home when you fuck me
>English Afrikaner isn't white
Whiter than your mutt ass
If you don't know by now user
>They were Levantine, Carthaginians came from modern day Lebanon.
Do you have proof that they came from Lebanon? Where did you get that information?
Carthage was a Phoenician colony. That's pretty well known. They were Semites.
> Nords can't be tann-
t. The fruits of post modernism
Fuck off nigger
phoenicians were semites and caucasian is a made up category taht doesnt make sense
Literally every history of Carthage you dumbass. Get over it. Not every great civilization is white.
How long until you're raped and murdered by a roving nigger gang do you reckon?
Phoenician upper-class. Numidian(Berber) subjects.
>Carthage was a Phoenician colony. That's pretty well known. They were Semites.
Proof? Where's your source?
They were direct descendants of phoenicians during that time period. Basically greeks. Google greek and you'll see what carthagians look like. No north african civilisations of importance were niggers to begin with. That's something that exclusively "We Wuz Kangz" soulniggers came up with, because they're uneducated and only know how to steal shit from others. Their proofs is Africa is a continious landmass. It's like saying that europeans and asians are the same people because they can walk to each other's continent by foot.
Cartage was a city state founded by Queen Dido, a Phoenician exile.
Phoenicia lies in Lebanon.
I just looked up some historical figures.
Pic related is one of Hamilcar Barca's sons, and brother of Hannibal.
Looks like I was wrong.
Sandniggers before Islam, which were actually a fairly decent and respectable people.
>you dumbass. Get over it. Not every great civilization is white.
So, this is you proving to me that Carthage was a semitic empire. Why you silly Kike
>like us
Not all of the whites have been killed off from south Africa yet dipshit.
You're welcome
They were brown semites
Deal with it bitch
They are le
> The egyptians weren't nor-
I live in a 95% white county toothpaste, come back when you have a birth rate that is even remotely close to replacement level
Actually, it's much easier to walk from Berlin to Beijing then it would've been to go from southern Africa to Alexandria, because there's a massive desert in the way.
They were Phoenicians, so modern day Lebanese people.
Well Carthage was founded and settled by phonecians, who are from what's modern day lebanon. And then there are the native peoples of north africa, the berbers. So probably a combination of those two phenotypes.
Just keep in mind that ancient peoples aren't necessarily the same as modern. There's a big difference between the ancient peoples of the levant and modern ones, due to things like slaughtering of native peoples and invasions of arabs etc. There are still trace hints of the past, like how the Assads don't look like your typical middle eastern dunecoons.
What is it with whites thinking Egyptians were white and now Carthaginians? The demographics of the region never changed all that much, even when the Arabs invaded, Arabs changed the culture of the region but had a negligible effect on the genetic makeup. To answer your question, they were Caucasian, specifically of Berber, and Semitic origin. So basically they looked like your average Mediterranean people, probably a bit darker skinned than the Romans.
Why walk when you can ride?
It's funny to upset
Side note: If you enjoy arguing endless pointless arguments on Youtube, go to a video on Hannibal and say the video was white-washing history because Hannibal should be black since he's from Africa. It's hilarious how long those arguments go on for.
No. Not like you. You are not white. Spain is not white
Well you can choose between a mountain range or a desert in your case at least.
Are you the whore of Baboonlon that once had an AMA here as one of the few whites left in your shithole? Stop posting thotpics of yourself and keep the 'groids out of your room or whatever other disaster that causes all the mess.
About Carthaginians, they were Carthaginians, both non-black and non-white. If we take the definitions of the 2 races as often defined in the US, white being a person of European heritage and black being a person from west-Africa, they were none of the two. Back then the concept of "race" wasn't much of a thing, because the ethnic groups were far less mixed and were of pure ethnicity, not just race.
newfag pls go
Keep in mind that the writers here say "turkish" when they mean ancient anatolian, which is different. Ancient peoples of egypt were pureblood meds. These people were the "neolithic farmers", and pureblood neolithic farmers are actually still around, in Sardinia.
Their religion was the worship of Moloch which is a semetic god. Their language and written language was semetic also. There is a shit ton of evidence that they were semites. The people of carthage were evil, I don't know why you want to be associated with them.
astra my love, when will you come to germany so i can provide you with my quality aryan seed?
Caananites, they were semetic.
The Vandals are originally from here and sweden, it's many place names still that reflect this. They were driven out from here and ended up in Poland for a bit before they started their thing.
They ended up in northern africa after their tour through europe, having a kingdom in portugal before being driven out from there.
They lived with natives already present in that area though.
what period are you talking about?
They fled Phoenicia (nobles) so i'd say they were mostly Aryan or half-Aryan, at any rate they werent niggers or full arabs, but then admixing went on and they were defeated in the Punic wars.
I'd say mixed Aryans (with a bit of black or semitic), at least at first.
This is my final year at University. I am leaving South Africa forever after i graduate. If i fail to become a Dutch citizen or an American citizen, then maybe i will try my luck in Germany
Why the fuck are you so obsessed with finding out if they were white or not? Ask or google Carthage and look up their history. They're descended from Phoenicians who inhabited wat is now Lebanon, Israel, Gaza, Syria, and south-west Turkey. They're not ethnically black if that's what you're asking and it's likely they had med to very swarthy coloured skin and most likely spoke semitic languages.
They were ethnically Kangz
No but seriously, think of them as arabic spaniards mixed with Moroccans that eventually shitmixed to become the Berbers.
More complicated than that, but there were a lot of different tribes in the region that that were "Carthaginian"
Carthage was also no where close to one ethnic group just like Rome was no where close to one ethnic group. Carthage's armies were basically hired Mercs and Horse Class Mercs and a few Beast tamer classes. The Beast tamers were more black, and the Horse mercs/mercs were more white. (assuming youre talking about color.
Also I've taken numerous anthro classes and I love ancient history, could get more in depth but i just smoked a fat doobie and I'm playing Total War.
The Carthaginians were actually Chinese.
what? they were literally Canaanites, one of the semitic tribes. there is nothing to prove. their language is entirely and clearly semitic.
Vandals are Post-Carthage
As in nearly 600-700 years after the Punic wars were fought.
Also the Vandals were fairly nomadic and didn't stay in North Africa for long before the Moors solved that problem.
"if your on a continent you must be the race i associate with it"
youre making americans look stupid
> then maybe i will try my luck in Germany
Try not to move to the bigger cities then. They are filled to the brim with Arab Criminals and Red/Red/Green voters...
No, they might look Italian
>That room isn't fucking dirty
are you literally retarded?
White, probably Macedonian in origin as they were based at boats which the Greeks weren't very good at during the time
Who cares, they're all dead and breeded out like the trojans
that's not true champ. the ruling class of Carthage, the actual Carthaginians, from whom the citizen soldiers and noble generals would be drawn were basically Lebanese today.
Qart Hadast means new city, as in it was a colony town of Phoenicia, Canaan.
You can't refer to the various mercenaries and subjugated tribes as "carthaginians" anymore than you can consider Navajo and Samoan territorials as "American". They are client peoples who serve their overlords.
>What race were the people of Carthage?
They were germans.
>Carthaginians lived in Africa
>Africans are black
>Therefore Carthaginians were black.
the logic of a child
Phoenicians pre-dated the semitic tribes, and the Akkadians and Canaans (and other tribes) formed their language from the later Phoenicians.
the vandal influx wasn't that great either, but you actually can still tell even today. At least one of those moroccans on this is obviously one, he looks northern european kinda strange. It's rare though as I understand
>She's probably secretly thinking of Schlomo Rabinowitz forbidden penis.
Women never fucking change.
Are people this stupid user? Did that guy actually believe that the vandals were around 2500 years ago in North Africa.
rare mosley
You lack child bearing hips and life giving breasts.
Are you a trap?
You must literally be retarded. There were entire Nubian empires in Egypt you idiotic fucking leaf.
I once read some sheboon trying to argue that the Sahara Desert was a "social construct".
I wish I was kidding.
Been to palestine a few years ago. Like 20% of the people there were aryan. Blue eyes, light-colored hair, skin tone was pretty much the average what you see about arabs.