Pizzagate thread

Red pill some faggots with your best pizza gate info in here.

Including Pegasus museum and any paedophilia rings.

Other urls found in this thread:






"Adrenochrome" is real, sold under different names and the original patent for the hormone harvested from the pituitary gland is called Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Composition or ACTH for short.


Back in 2001 there was information that was going to expose the child sex operation going on in America but was embargoed until Sept 10th. The info was never released to the press because of what happened the next day

Of course Hollywood is in on it as well

holy shit I honestly thought there was more to it than this.
What this boils down to is some edgy posters (I see edgier posters every day on Sup Forums) and a joke about a cellar being a rape room or whatever (i see jokes like that every day on Sup Forums)

fucking hell I actually thought this had something to back it up.

A Network of Child Traffickers from DC to Haiti
Connect the dots- Silsby, Alefantis, Clinton, Maccoby, Podesta, AlertSense….Haiti


strada 1500

You assume what I posted is everything? There is still a lot of information out there, I have barely any which is why i'm asking people to post. Can you post evidence that comet ping pong is totally innocent?

While I totally believe in 99% of pizzagate, this picture shows nothing more than your lack of depth perception and scale. You got brain problems

Holy shit do you not see the childs leg right fucking there?

- entered the captcha as the post

Scaling was done by someone else, dear user
I'm just passing along the info


thanks for this thread user

tarantino (or possibly someone who looks very similar) sucking the toes of someone who you think is definitely a child (and i think looks like an adult leg)

yes this is definitely proof that pizzagate exists.

just accept that the proof isn't there- but that you are desperate for it to be true.



Apparently afffafffantis has a pig farm with two large freezers in it, but we can't seem to find one image of the farm with a pig on it

>he's just a pizza shop owner guys, stop bothering the poor, delicate man
uh huh, sure, whatever

>pizzagate isn't real
It's perfectly normal for people to have art work like this.


Epstein’s Fantasy Island is a litigated fact.

wheres alefantis is rothschild?

JP gets children provided to him for "entertainment"




>strange artwork means that the owner is a paedophile and that all of pizzagate is true, every bit of it.

keep trying. this still isn't proof.

Give evidence that pizza gate was all made up.

the absolute lack of evidence that any part of it is true is sufficient.


There is enough evidence for an investigation but funny enough none ever happen or get properly done.

Why would people in politics want to be associated with pedophiles? What kind of a dumb piece of shit are you?

Perspective. Not perception.

Read all of the info here, point out inconsistencies and why the evidence provided does NOT warrant further investigation. If you believe all this circumstantial evidence isn't pointing towards SOMETHING shady then you are blind.

Again, see “Epstein’s Fantasy Island for Pedophiles.” LITIGATED FACT.

a picture of quentin tarantino sucking an adult's toes and some strange artwork

yep, that means john podesta sexually abuses and murders children. it is the only conclusion.

That's what you chose to see, there is more to it then that including John Podesta's own emails using code that pedophiles use. Once again why would anyone in politics want to associate with pedophiles????

theres another one yah? with text?

Where is Ben Swann?

read the information not the Quentin picture. Politicians and people in power can't be involved in paedophile rings, they are all great guys that are looking out for the masses! I...I... Swear guys! /s


>0.01 shekels have succesfully been deposited into your account

yeah, faggot, prove pizzagate isnt real, right now


Down the memory hole.

kek, after failing miserably to prove any part of what you have believed desperately for the last 18 months?

these threads are such echo chambers, I love popping in and pointing out all of your evidence adds up to absolutely nothing.

pizzagate started as a Sup Forums meme and you guys took it seriously and brainwashed yourselves.

>faggit spacing

I have a webm that showed more content dealing with that picture but this site recgonizes it as an audio file, won't upload, and the page it was referring to has been taken down
no archive of it either, i'll see what can be done

Yep. I always come to these threads just to remind people that the only mainstream personality to give pizzagate fair coverage had his social media deleted and his show cancelled just afterward. Haven't heard from him since. And all he really did was say it was worth looking into.

And who's the director of Amber Alert?

>pizzagate started as a Sup Forums meme
wrong faggot

>pizzagate started as a Sup Forums meme and you guys took it seriously and brainwashed yourselves.
No it didn't, originally there were threads going on about pedophilia in hollywood and they kept getting banned. Eventually information was discovered that led to pizzagate being a thing.

You literally have no answer why prominent politicians would associate with pedophiles because you are shill, otherwise answer the question. Why would politicians who have nothing but their reputation and image want to associate with pedophiles on any level???

VIP room...
>mfw live in san diego


A child's foot with multiple visible wrinkles and calluses?
Either that's an adult or that kid runs marathons barefoot every day and someone needs to get her a pumice stone ASAP.

Von Hansen - president and CEO
Randy Grohs - CTO/VP of Development
Mark Rawlings - CFO

>If 60 MINUTES is Right & PIZZAGATE is 'Fake News'... EXPLAIN THIS!

>Retired HEAD OF FBI Exposes McMartin Preschool Pedophile Tunnels #Pizzagate

>naked boy falling out of window at Buckingham Palace

All of those logos have been removed from the site since, if it was innocent why bother, right?

Imagine being so stupid that you non-ironically believed pizzagate was real

is this from infinity cbts?
i need to go back once n a while

Still waiting on proof this isn't real and why politicians would want to associate with pedophiles. Seriously why would politicians want to associate with pedophiles?

Anybody have james posts on Sup Forums threatening anons with death?

yah strange how this "fake" story causes so many real world changes

prove it isnt...
>protip you cant

this could have been a larp but got this compilation of posts


sometimes they just leave them up like in Disney

Nothing weird about this.

those tunnels are just for maintenance goy

bump to spite the shills

Bumping as well, fuck the shills.

>these threads are such echo chambers, I love popping in and pointing out all of your evidence adds up to absolutely nothing.
anonfag gets pedo thred alerts jej


Yes. Keep these fags contained in their own little retard thread.

If, and that's a huge if, this was real has anyone reported it to the fbi? No?

Oh that's right because they only go after real shit not some schizophrenic rambling on Sup Forums


Paedophile rings getting reported to the fbi by the paedophiles in the ring.

daily reminder

wonder how many more of you shills will be "popping in"

The blue symbol on the bottom-right matches the symbol in the FBI exactly, rotated. While the red symbol has a different shape and color, and looks more like a stylized pizza. Regarding the blue symbol, why would a pizza be blue in the first place?


>what is the franklin cover-up
>what is mcmartin preschool
>who are the fucking finders
get real bitch, people die everyday for this shit

Im the OP laughing at that comment are you dense?

Any chance I could convince you to delete this?

>be netflix
>know pizzagate is a thing, real or not
>put these symbols in something everyone will watch
really makes you think

no i was agreeing with you about

i am drunk though, pardon the you instead of these

Lol muh shills

You retards are so oblivious. You're as bad as the we waz kangz fags.

bbut.. they were kings and excrement

Inside comet ping pong
all normal, just a pizza joint for all ages

>10 tons of tomatoes
That is just under 10,000 liters of tomato sauce, 27 liters a day. I don't believe a single pizza place goes through that much sauce a day.

Ted Gunderson, Cathy o brien, Bryce taylor, johnny coach, jay parker, David shutter were all telling the truth yo. Also the emails about ubering the luzatto grandchildren to a pool party for entertainment, and then they same kids turn up on a pay site where you can creep on evies crib raw and uncut.

is the cage on the table or behind it?