Akko is the cutest!
Little Witch Academia thread
Akko is married?!?!
Look at this girl!
Akko is such a precious dork.
Akko picked a horrible, horrible time to hitchhike.
what does that mean?
Why is Diana such a bitch? Whats her fucking problem?
Would you pick up Akko and drive her to her destination?
Reminder that it's possible to have a 3 parent baby in the UK.
Would Dio use the arrow on Akko? What would happen to her?
>Watching Akko makes me so happy that I've even considered changing waifus
I'm the worst
We need more Akko engrish moments
Who is the one getting pregnant?
Beach episode when?
This wiki is a mistake
Who's looking at her that is making her blush?
her stand would yay time back in motion regardless of what za warudo does
he would also not be able to get near her or his vampire blood would convert to yay blood
Andrew, obviously.
>be glorious witch with honorable heritage and culture
>magic folded 1000 times
>mother's dying wish is for you to find your destiny and save the world with YAY and magic
>auntie dismantling your heritage selling away your yay
>only yay left is a chariot card
>midget autist from Japan that loves mahou shoujo too much arrives
>can't even ride broom
>becomes the chosen one preventing you from ever finding your yay
Diana is suffering
they might as well change the domain from wiki to thissectionisastub.org
This is great!
How about you help the Little Witch Academia wiki by expanding it instead of shitposting here user
why not let dobson do that instead
If you need a fucking rod to have some yay, you're doing it wrong.
>Anwho's sole purpose is to be used as a plot device
>he leaves as soon as he stops being needed
I like this romantic interest guy.
I'm surprised there's so little lewds of the twins.
She gets a stand of course. It's literally a fucking reskined Silver Chariot with Shiny Chariot's hat glued on it
But the rod is the seven yays of the universe
Lot of non-english speakers on that site
Time to introduce FREEDOM to it
It's just a fucking wand. After Akko restores magic, it won't be any different than a regular want anyway.
I'm on to your game Croix. This is why you never had a yay.
I don't know why but I always love seeing other characters w/different art styles done in a jojo style. also kek about her stand
I want to slowly kill Akko's yay.
Andrew's dad would be the driver.
Post bullies
I becom family nao
>Akko's Stand would be basically a Silver Chariot look-alike
This gives me serious Tusk ACT 4 vibes to me.
she's so adorable
>being cavndush is suffering
>Shiny Chariot Requiem
Yay is unbreakable
lol, this VN is so painfully underrated imho, sadly the company went down
Alright, who left the dork on vibrate?
Realistically I could see it being a Tusk or Echoes kinda Stand that just constantly grows
7 words, 7 forms
Don't you have any pictures yourself?
>painfully underrated
You clearly weren't on Sup Forums when the full translation came out.
That's not what bullies do
Would you let this stinky jap wear your old clothes?
How many hearts can a little japanese girl break?
Over my dead body.
How can other women even compete?
That's just red-hair Ursula.
She's got a pretty sizable harem.
I got it as soon it was translated, wasnt anymore browsing 4chins at the time though. Ironically just came back a few ago after live got bad lately form, interesting uh?
can i watch episode
>yellow sashes
What did they mean by this?
If Akko can restore Diana's yay I become fullblown Akkofag & Dianafag
they might meet at the halfway point at least
It means homosexuality, user
Her name is Kagari Atsuko
Hannah is straight though.
>it's a best girl episode
>next episode is also a best girl episode
>You now notice her ear is on the corner of her chin
The yellow bow tells a different story
>he isn't an Akkofag/Dianafag already
Their character go hand in hand together. It's just too bad it took this long to finish Diana's character arc.
Is just the perspective.
Not until you finish your supper.
Is Constanze/Akko the only option? Because Akko is basically the horse every ship rides at this point.
I'm excited too.
>Ne, Barbara! He keeps staring at your ass
>Let's teach him a lesson by sitting on his face
Is the next episode outsourced too?
>Go over to your rival's family home
>They start figthting
I feel for Akko.
This was a Sucy episode? I didn't know.
>Your niece's friend from the same school comes
>Immediately assume she is trying to weasel her way into the family
Would have been a normal and understandable development if, you know, Diana is not a girl.
How often do they "practice kissing for when they get boyfriends" together?
the most witch like witch
surprisingly interested in diana's eps, weekly format sucks though
episode was over too fast. how many of these are there again? like 3-4
I'm pretty sure Barbara is flaming, but Hannah is a nice a prissy straight girl.
>What's going on in this gif?
>See filename
moderate kek
They never mention Diana's dad, just her mom or her parents. Maybe the Cavendish family are all lesbians?
No homo, but Diana would make a very attractive man.
Cavendish are all clones from the original one anyway.
Males are onle sperm donors to witches