You guys call this a nigger
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i mean she's literally a quadroon
if it acts inhumane then yes its a nigger
i wouldn't call her a nigger.
Those fucking milkers holy shit
Yes she is not only that but she is an attention whore who jumped on the alt right bandwagon go get more attention. and then claims to be TRAD when she is a literal nigger
She's an honorary Aryan at this point. She can come with us to the ethnostate.
i want to taint my bloodline with venti
She is a mongrel. A cute busty one. But still a mongrel.
She's a nigger. Now shut the fuck up and stop advertising ecelebs. Dumb cunts.
Venti is a basically a nigger white supremacist.
we call everyone a nigger
tfw no Brittany gf
Is she still dating the guy from HWNDU?
I have been on pol forever but have managed to not learn anything about this beautiful vixen, and that is the way I like it. She gets to be whoever I wish she would be.
She looks like fucking Jimi Hendrix
I'd raep the nigger out of her
If you have 2% or more black DNA, then you are a nigger.
I bet on this Johnson.
Why? If these threads are stupid, then they won't last.
No, I call it a mutt.
Imagine re-enacting the plantation slave sex abuse with an actual attractive woman. You can do that with her.
I want to slap my dick on her breasts.
We call Morrakiu a nigkike. No one is really worked up about it save for internet drama and bants.
she needs to just pose nude already and become number 1 e-celeb.
how do we meme this into fruition?
This, if she became a camwhore she would rake in the dough, unless her tits are actually shit.
t. 1.99~ % nigger
No we dont because shes OUR nigga
I would fuck her so hard while giving Nazi salutes.
I'd make her kids octoroons if you know what I mean.
The more nigger blood it has the more violent it will be...statistically the most peaceful nations in the world are ALL WHITE ETHNOSTATES...the most violent are ALL BLACK ETHNOSTATES with the distribution between them based on how much black blood is in the population. That thing needs to go back to Africa. Blacks are not HUMAN they are 80% GEDMATCH to Chimpanzees...they only LOOK HUMAN because of the 20% human DNA. They are a completely different spieces, again NOT HUMAN. If I could make the world in my perfect vision I would round up all the part breed blacks (jews, arabs, your GF) and full blood blacks and send them back to africa and then I might nuke all of africa...and then send in teams to wipe out whatever survived that. After that peace would reign on the entire planet because White ETHNOSTATES are the most peaceful place on the entire planet statistically. Anyone found to be engaging in PARASITIC NIGGER (JEW AND ARAB) BEHAVIOR would be killed on the spot. Thus we would eugenically cleanse the earth until it literally became paradise and rid ourselves forever of the PARASITIC BLACK SPIECES.
>Embarrasses all of us on the destiny stream
then you get a sargon of akkad
fuck off mongrel e-whore and stop making threads about yourself
Why are you so angry Brittany? Stop being a roastie nigger.
I'm actually Chinese. Immigrated here 5 years ago.
>nigger blood
She has the wingspan of a gorilla.
>only person to stop Destiny in his tracks
>reveals to the world Destiny is a 100% legitimate pedo
A nigger, yes. But, a nigger with benefits.
No leaks yet?
She is 25% nigger, that's way too much already.
She can be bred by a white beta to drown her disgusting genes tho.
whites are niggers
youre just not smart and have taken the memes too seriously
> as if the Destiny stream isn't just pure embarrassment all the time because he's a retard
Leave our country insect. You will hang.
theres no such thing as white race
I would call her my wife.
If you're not a mutt yourself and you breed with her would the kids turn out white?
well I think the world is safe for now, oh wait. I think I hear here knocking on my door
Save Me!
maybe we can shame her into doing it by releasing a bunch of fakes of her with pancake nipples
>unless her tits are actually shit.
just imagine puffy nips on those jugs... UGH MY DICK.
>All these shills commenting on her boobs
Her boobs are shit and you guys are almost as worse as muttdoch muttdoch fags
I call it a titmonkey. And I want to fondle the tiddays.
We own you white boy. America belongs to the yellow man.
I donate $200 to Brittany every week, because her boyfriend doesn't work. Lazy cunt. I think she's into me though. I'm one of her two mods (the other being her boyfriend) but she always talks to me in stream. I always asked if she can flash on twitch, but she just ignores me so I stopped asking lol but yeah, her boyfriend is a major loser, and she needs to be with someone that can support her.
No, I call it a Quadroon lol
You could drive a truck hauling a double wide on that nasal bridge.
I wonder why these low IQ, non-Asiatics are so lazy.
no one is this stupid
You took Hollywood, you took our banks! What will you take next? REEE get out of my country insect man!
Whos this?
holy shit i do the same thing. she really needs a strong person to support her.
Genetic time bomb. We don't fuck animals no matter how 'cute' they are...
One drop is too much. Otherwise you end up like the jews and arabs who fucked their way to absolute degenerate animal tendencies and values. Their 'african religion' is a prime example of the degradation and immorality that comes with black blood and DNA. How can people not recognize that 'jews' and 'arabs' come out of africa with their values of human sacrifice, genocide, homosexuality, pedophilia, cannibalism, vampirism, black magic, torture (they get rock hard torturing white women; see the jewish. Inquistion of their 'third world african religion') etc etc...there is literally nothing good that can come of fucking animals or part animals and incorporating that DNA into HUMAN DNA...
>no one is this stupid
That's how these camwhores make money.
>We don't fuck animals no matter how 'cute' they are...
user, what animals do you find cute that you also want to fuck?
gibs milkies bump
>low iq mutt taking advantage of even lower iq orbiting beta mutts on an taiwanese insurance comparison board
Yes. It’s also a camwhore just flaunting it’s tits for cash.
Totally a mutt, and a thirst bait streamer. Kill it with fire.
I thought sarcoon was a quadroon, not an octoroon.
>jews and arabs come out of africa
Hello nigger. Do you believe all of the nigger WE WUZ crap, or just the WE WUZ JEWS and WE WUZ PROFFETSS crap?
You would abominate White HUMAN DNA with animal DNA? Do you fuck dogs too? There is nothing that is going to ever make that Hominid Chimpanzee DNA acceptable.
Know the differencie mutt.
She looks like she was at one point very attractive, but she was then hit in the face with a shovel one too many times. It's like someone took all of the ingredients for a hot girl and mixed them all up--they spaced her eyes too far apart, made her nose too big, etc. Her body is the only thing going for her.
And you would be sent to a camp for propagating subhuman dna, race traitor
I call most people niggers.
Are you assuming beta soyboys are the correct kind of white we want?
see am I really fucked user?
what happens next?
Lots of animals are 'cute' but like I said we don't fuck them because we know they are animals and not human. Blacks and their offspring are a different species, again NOT HUMAN. We don't fuck animals because that is a black/semitic (jew and Arab) behavior.