This FISCR judge, previously of the (((9thcircuit))), is retiring at age 64 in year 3/7 of his term?

FISCR := United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review.

>be latest Judge appointed to FISCR (only 3 judges)
>serve 7 year term; appointed by chief justice
>this are going great
>fbi fucks up bigly and gets a FISA application denied; has to read it
>his life now = fucked

Is it just me, or is this guy BAILING.

If this doesn't turn out to be the storm (inb4Qspammers) then nothing is happening at all.

have a bamp

you fucking retard dont bump this literal trash

GTFO out of here you mongoloid



Good eye, always keep a note on who bails in high positions because those jobs are comfy as fuck and it would take a HUGE event for them to give it up
Hope to see him hang

hi shareblue, how does brocks cock taste you literal faggot?




lock him up

only reasons to voluntarily leave a cushy govt job
A. you got a better cushy govt job
B. you're about to die
C. someone is blackmailing you HARD
D. fleeing a scandal in an attempt to keep your benefits



From what i understand, one can not speak on cases if still holding the position. Retirement would allow him to speak on the matter if questioned.

Same for admiral Rodgers who will be retiring in the next few months.

I don't get it

Is he a pedo about to get busted or what kind of shit is on the stick?

it's all speculation at this point but the 9th circuit has been harassing Trump since he got into office hence the interest in why he is leaving all of a sudden

Can I get a quick rundown on le 9th circuit

The fuck is this? I hate english and americans


>Can I get a quick rundown
>I hate english and americans
KYS nigger.


you mean Admiral Rodgers, USA Patriot

Bump. This is being slid.

Blame me for such retarded words like circuit

Kys yourself tacoshit


I honestly hope you get fucked to death by a refugee.

