this is the redpill
Yup. Anyone who still thinks oil is decomposing dinosaurs is a fucking idiot.
If you think oil is decomposing dinosaurs, you're a fucking idiot. Oh, and water is filtered dinosaur piss.
Of course it's renewable. Everything is if you've got enough time.
The Earth is literally renewing oil faster than we can use it up.
I would like to know where you've got that information from. Any sources?
revelation 4:96 from the book of Sup Forums chapter pol.
You finally cracked the bioengineering required to get bacteria to make oil, yeah? Oh wait there's no money in research, even in the private sector, so that will never happen.
I find it interesting that no one knows where oil comes from.
>dead dinosaurs!
>dead micro organisms falling to the bottom of the ocean!
Why then can't we replicate this?
Why isn't there a puddle of crude oil at the bottom of my compost pile?
Why is there oil beneath land that has never been underwater and never been covered in forest or dinosaurs?
If hydrocarbons come from dinosaurs why are there no dinosaurs on Titan?
Yea source user?
Clearly just a newfag. Ignore him.
You talking about those Russians? Because that never happened.
Indeed, but in more interesting news, have a look at this:
Turns out you can make coal into fuel oil. Neat.
Thanks Obama
Obama FTW!!!
It's more like her poop, as she digests life.
achieved despite obama, which is the true glory of the based US energy sector.
XOM got so pissed off it moved everyone out of the DC area. lots of based people had to relocate.
It's not renewing fast enough.
>H-he had nothing to do with it!
Fischer-Trophe process with acid rain+ocean chemical gradients+natural convection cycles within the mantle due to plate tectonics.
It's impossible to know how to make an organic material that takes millions of years.
Look at diamonds, we artificially created them years ago. Yet anyone who has ever looked at a real diamond and a fake diamond can tell the difference between the two.
That oil well production peaks and then declines is a simple fact.
The US just found a way to extract oil that was impossible to extract even 20 years ago.
you sure are mad.
cool screenshot, i'll trust the judgement of actual energy bros. good friend is exec tracked.
obama was an enemy of the energy sector. to argue otherwise is not advisable in public.
I don't think that's how it works
Texas honestly seems like the promised land. Lots of jobs, high education, cheap electricity, comfy landscapes, they even have a space sector (SpaceX test fires and soon launches.)
Thats only because of the fracking revolution you meathead. Those wells will run out too, long after we are dead of course
this was done as a work around to avoid openning up land based drilling which would have pissed off his enviroterrorist base. deepwater drilling is inefficient and dangerous but obama didnt give a fuck, he only ever cared about optics
Fuck off we're full
actually user, they cant. The major difference between a "real" and "fake" diamond is that one is molecularly perfect and superior. Its the fake. Buying an expensive diamond is the biggest shill in the game. A real diamond will usually have occlusions within it. Its gotten to a point where they laser etch the things just to control the market because its tanking.
peak oil is a neo-malthusian catastrophe
it has been re-invented and restated at least a dozen times by different leftist prophets of death and destruction.
The religion of the left is fear and victimization, never forget it.
I told this here some weeks ago and got a lot of shit from some faggots here.
There are oil wells that were closed down and considered empty during the seventies already and are now AGAIN filled with high pressure raw oil. How come??
Since 50 years they tell us oil will be finished for good in another 50 years. This is all bullshit.
They just tell us that to keep prices high.
What actual dumbfuck believes its all rotten dinosaurs and plants?? Seriously, how many dinosaurs were around here?
Did they stockpile them to give us the oil we need for all future? laughable.
My wifes brother is an oil technician and he uses to analyze oil from different sources and he himself told me that oil is just containing minor parts that are organic. The rest is mineral based.
That's also why it is fucking called MINERALoil and not DINOSAUR- or ORGANICoil
Dude that's not even remotely close to being comparable, the conditions we make diamonds under are different than natural occurring ones. I haven't looked at it but I'm sure the lattice energy of artificial diamonds is quite different.
Its not impossible for us to fucking make oil dude, it's called why would we when we don't have to. You try sitting down and figuring out the synthesis for no good reason. That's why it's not done, not because it's impossible.
You can thank Obama for that
That may be the worst attempt at a dismissal that I've ever read here
Except that government think tanks are actually worried about a societal collapse from food shortages in 20 years. That's why you're starting to see attempts to normalize eating bugs in the US.
what can't you understand?
friends of mine since college work at high levels for big oil. i just their judgement. it baffles me why you're so invested in attaching obama to the fracking boom. anyone here in dc or in houston would laugh in your face.
>he himself told me that oil is just containing minor parts that are organic. The rest is mineral based.
And how does one distinguish between hydrocarbons from a mineral source and hydrocarbons from a living source?
lolnope.. you sound like a retarded boomer parroting whatever Rush or Hannity told you.
It’s abiotic you faggot. The peak oil myth was a put out by the same people who paid for atomic power protests.
Doubt it. Maybe in Central America, Africa, and India. But the overall predictions for climate change point towards a net increase in arable land and produce growth function due to increased CO2 concentrations. This will primarily benefit North America and Northern Asia. Yet, apart from the areas mentioned earlier, everyone else will either see small gains or have hardly any affects in crop output.
Oil comes from the life forms which where crushed during the great deluge.
ya, its been 20 years off since 1826.
> t. brainlet
alright now I'm aroused.
Don't worry dude everyone believe you.
We'll be fine once we stop wasting all the corn for worthless ethanol.
>Why then can't we replicate this?
We can, and we have.
>Why isn't there a puddle of crude oil at the bottom of my compost pile?
Because it takes millions of years under intense pressure in normal circumstances to form oil naturally
>Why is there oil beneath land that has never been underwater and never been covered in forest or dinosaurs?
Thats just wrong
>If hydrocarbons come from dinosaurs why are there no dinosaurs on Titan?
Methane is one of the most abundant chemicals in the universe and is generally what is formed when elemental carbon interacts with hydrogen in low pressure environments, like space
Your retarded
You can’t tell the difference at all.
There are radiation tests that make fake diamonds glow after being bombarded
Noooooo earth chan
Petroleum is a hydrocarbon.
Literally the only elements in it are carbon and hydrogen, so to say “oil is only partly organic” is completely incorrect, and the person you were talking to either isn’t an oil technician or is a very poor one who doesn’t understand chemistry.
The very presence of carbon make a compound organic, and hydrocarbons are purple hydrogen attached to carbon.
Go back to high school
There will always be oil, but eventually you run out of cheap oil. If it takes a barrel of oil to find, drill, transport, refine, transport a barrel of oil it probably isn't worth doing. Energy returned on energy invested has been going down steadily.
Obama took credit for it, but it was the result of many factors out of his control. He was not, by the way, a friend of the oil industry, in any way. This happened despite his antagonistic policies towards drilling new wells, and expanding new fields, and had mostly to do with foreign gas prices, and our reaction to it. Oil production was at it's lowest in the last year of Bush Jr's term, and then the massive oil price hikes happened. The reaction to that - which was not from Presidential directive or order, was to expand shale exploration and extraction, and that's where almost all of the growth came from. Obama, and his EPA acted specifically to shut this down, all the while taking credit for the growth. To thank Obama for this, is like thanking Clinton for the dot com boom - it happened under their watch, but it managed to happen despite their attempts to stop it, and in Clinton's case, keeping his nose out of it and not trying to fuck with it.
The more interesting angle to me is that we pretty much have stopped the pipelines through Syria and other countries, which the Clinton Foundation was involved with up to their eyebrows, and their failure may cement a pretty solid market for us in China and possible the EU because of it (Russia is the biggest benefactor here, the pipelines directly threatened their dominance in th EU markets)
All we need is China buying our crude, and it's smooth sailing forward. You can pre-thank Trump for not fucking with it.
This, kind of.
The very nature of there being carbon in the compound makes it organic, minerals are non-organic compounds themselves, so what this other user was getting at is complete horse shit
Holy shit dude, you never went to school much, huh? Organic chem is 1st year and basic.
You must impress all the chicks by being so fucking stupid.
This. Thankfully someone knows how Chemistry works
it takes a long time tho
production has peaked already in most us fields
The vast majority of oil comes from prehistoric algae since very little eats it, it has a high hydrocarbon content and generally collects at the bottom of lakes with the rest of the silt.
You're either talking shit or a massive fucking retard.
Other planets and moons in the solar system has methane and that is considered organic as well.
To an extent but we do consume more than what the Earth produces.
>no one knows where oil comes from.
Organic chemistry is literally pseudoscience, it's just a big old meme
what is synthetic oil, or do you own a cheap & shitty car?
Ok, so you're either an obvious troll, or mentally handicapped -- neither one is very interesting to talk with.
The earth creates new oil every day. This is because the oil acts as lubrication so the earth keeps spinning. They lie about oil being finite to keep prices high.
There is enough oil in the Alberta tar sands alone to power the world for 200 years+. If we genocide the injuns we can actually build new pipelines and use it
>Petroleum is a hydrocarbon.
>Literally the only elements in it are carbon and hydrogen
That is an idealization.
Crude oil is mostly carbon and hydrogen, but contains sulfur and nitrogen in abundance.
>so to say “oil is only partly organic” is completely incorrect
In the chemical sense of the word, yes; hydrocarbons are organic compounds.
That does not mean the origin is animate as opposed to geological.
At best, you've pointed out the equivalent of a spelling error.
>The very presence of carbon make a compound organic
Carbides (eg. silicon carbide, abrasive compound) and carbonates (eg. calcium carbonate, bone) are considered inorganic.
Lol it really is though dude, you think hybridization and localized bonds exist?
Someone's a brainlet who has never taken a real chemistry class.
The reason peak oil is not a thing and the reason the wells are open again is we get better at removing the oil over time. So we can go back in to get the stuff we could not before.
Oil takes a long time to form.
Next you'll tell me that resonance structures are real I bet
Haha, ya, degree in biochem and all things in between.
Nice try doe
This be true, but can we genocide Calgary as well at the same time? Would make Canada such a nicer place.
You need enough natural gas to cook the sand to get it out, good luck.
Friendly reminder that Keystone XL is moving forward with 500k barrels PER DAY committed for the next 20 years.
Why is food supply linear?
It will scale as population scales as necessity is the mother of invention.
You have a biochem bs?
Wow that makes it even sadder dude, go take some inorganic classes and a quantum mechanics course.
Group theory and chemistry by David M. Bishop is a good read
All methane is organic since it has carbon
Whether there’s minerals mixed in doesn’t matter
>I find it interesting that no one knows where oil comes from.
Then you don't know the current theories and research being done. Your comments below prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're talking out of your ass.
>Why then can't we replicate this?
We can, it's just not commercially viable.
>Why isn't there a puddle of crude oil at the bottom of my compost pile?
Because your compost pile isn't millions of years old, under incredible amounts of pressure and heat. C'mon, this is grade school science.
>Why is there oil beneath land that has never been underwater and never been covered in forest or dinosaurs?
Go take a course in geology. Your ignorance is stunning.
>If hydrocarbons come from dinosaurs why are there no dinosaurs on Titan?
The whole dinosaur thing is a myth, perpetuated by the ignorant media. No scientists believe it.
We don't know yet how Titan has hydrocarbons, just that it does. The current theory is abiogenesis, or "creation without life". It's all theory right now, and is interesting because it could show how other ways it's created on this planet, along with the oil created by zooplankton and algae. Oil is a pretty simple compound, and if it's plentiful in the universe without needing life to create it, it's a positive for future generations to go out and harvest it. But that kind of thinking is too challenging for your 2nd grade level of science and reasoning.
>contains sulfur and nitrogen in abundance.
Easily separated by mechanical means or catalyst though, ya it costs a bit more but it it's not rocket appliances
t. chem eng that worked at a coal fired power plant before our faggot gov outlawed them
He was forced to do it. The entire time he was talking about the jobs being created he was ignoring the fact that it was coming from fracking which the dems want and tried to kill.
Why the fuck would you thank him for failing to destroy something good? I guess we can, Hes too big of a fuckup to take this away to.
Thanks Obama.
Whatever happened to the BP oil spill? such hysterics over something that has pretty much vanished after a few years. As far as I know, that entire area is open to fishing again.
Bullshit. Anyone with a bit of sense can see the next step will be artificially grown meat.
Considering the EPA under Obama tried to shut fracking down, his claiming credit for it in his last State of the Union was outrageous. I remember the commentary on it. People were flabbergasted that he'd even try, but Obama has no shame. And then in the same speech, he next said we had to limit it for "Muh global warming".
>You need enough natural gas to cook the sand to get it out, good luck
We have plenty of natural gas, not to mention uranium. The entire county is heated with gas ffs, are you retarded?
Souce please
Imagine being this retarded
Laughably untrue. Advances in lowering the cost and raising the output of shale oil is the reason for the boom. Oil companies are booming right now. Did you even read the article? Or any of the articles that came out today about it? Of course you didn't, you though you could neckbeard your way through this by making shit up.
I want to us the current pipelines that are good for fueling us not the proposed ones that will bring that shit to the south eastern coast where it can be shipped to china.
Inorganic is boring and second year.
try physical, radio, or bioprocess for good times. Biochem >>all others tho
>generally collects at the bottom of lakes with the rest of the silt.
Yeah, no. You really shouldn't be calling other people retards with your incredibly idiotic lack of understanding of how oil deposits work.
Oil deposits are under massive amounts of non-porous rock, which allowed insane levels of pressure and heat to occur, which creates the oil. That's why we have to - wait for it - drill down to get it. It doesn't sit at the bottom of a fucking lake, you incredible bozo.
that is the falacy.
malthus claimed that the world would crumble before we hit 1 billion population due to food shortages.
the Malthusian fallacy is two fold
1) you cant predict an upper bound of future production capacity without understanding the future technology that might enable greater capacities
2) That populations are themselves bounded by things like food production and energy. Famine does a great job at reducing population, happens all the time and does not in itself denote a world ending catastrophe.
Neo-Malthusian catastrophes are harolded by prophets of doom and propagate a false myth of scarcity.
Okay, you're larping. We get it.
Oil and Gas industry worker here. The amount of stupidity going on in this thread is appalling.
Its still recovering in terms of population and its been more then a few years. 7 in fact. Meanwhile there has been massive economic effects on the entire area and its economy radiating out.
Fuck them for not knowing how to plug their own hole.
I dont mind drilling as much as possible but I do mind not being a fucking master of your industry. If you are poking holes in shit you better be able to deal with what can happen.
And fuck them in the Arctic they cant even manage to keep a rig up there without a complete catastrophe from cold.
They need to step up the competence.
>Oil and Gas industry worker here
What do you do? Equipment design here, mostly heat exchangers
We don't need to. Food shortages in the US are coming from over regulation and more arable crop land being taken away from meat growers. If we removed the subsidies and regulations from the food industries, got Monsanto and other massive combines out of the playing field with their patents on seeds and lawsuits, we could literally grow so much food we'd have to give it away. Most of our crop land is not used to it's fullest potential, it's locked up by the government, or wasted on subsidized crops like corn and soy.
Land department