ITT: Dead Careers
I still to this day cant figure out why they're STILL trying to bait him after every single attempt has failed multiple times
I think it's beautiful how Peterson manages to make absolute gibberish sound intelligent
he also sells women's magazine personality tests for 10$ online and retards are buying it like hotcakes
>Peterson: Women are indivduals
saved you the trouble of watching it
Imagine being this butthrut
I don't know who this is but from that image alone I can tell what all his thoughts on on the gender pay gap, campus protests and postmodernism are and that I agree with them.
>so you're saying we should model our society on lobsters
How dumb and disingenuous can you get?
I saw Cathy Newman at a Tesco express in London yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a wanker and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh” but she kept cutting me off with "So you're saying ?, so you're saying ?, so you're saying ?” while closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Miss, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any patriarchal infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Eh, the FlyLo version is always going to be the best for this pasta.
I hope that was a planned joke
it was super funny
I don' get that image
>dead careers
Have you ever seen a Krishnan Guru-Murthy interview? It's the dude who bombed with
>Tarantino (famous shutting butt down)
>Downey Jr.
>Motherfucking Samuel L. Jackson
And all he got from it was more recognizability.
Being shit at journalism is basically a new career path in the age of youtube. People are drawn to watching dumpster fires, as long as it's free and on the internet. And whether they think you're trash or not, revenue is still there.
Are white men really told they aren't worth anything at all? Are they really told nothing encouraging from a young age?
Not told but conditioned
neither does the person who made it
It was both an attempt to clear the air and a way for her to bounce back to her original job of discrediting and misrepresenting him. Only now she kind of liked him so she gave him a really easy one to work around.
This interview is great. It's the perfect example of just how good the media is at asking nothing but loaded questions that force the person being interviewed to become frustrated, having to explain what their views aren't rather than what they are, and informs an opinion on the audience before he can speak. Peterson was too prepared though and only slipped up once or twice. I'll give her credit where its due, Fox News or CNN would have tried much harder to turn it into a shouting match by constantly interrupting and then blaming the guest. She, at the very least, gave Peterson the time to speak.
>We're not afraid to do images that make noise
Timeline status: based
I legit dont know who this guy is but i agreed with pretty much everything he said
Am I a misogonystic alt righter now?
le creature
tbf I think Cathy was a good interviewer in this, she constantly pushed at Jordan challenging his opinions and tried to get him to mistep. Its just that he didnt
Was an entertaining watch regardless of content
no you're le enlightened individualist classical liberal now
He's Jordan Peterson and he's a fucking moron
literally THIS
based cashposters
Found the fembot.
He believes in God. He actually thinks there is a magic man in the sky that created all life in the universe.
How can you be a moron for understanding that men and women are inherently different, both physically and mentally, and that humans naturally organise themselves into hierarchical structures like the vast majority of mammals?
Sounds like simple stuff to me which some apparently 'smart' people argue with
oh ok, yeah he's a fucking idiot
So what you're saying is, women, you're just never going to make it, isn't that right? Whatever you do, it's never going to happen for you.
Any divergence from or questioning of the current doctrine is proof of stupidity. Anyone with an education would understand this.
why's his hairline so freaking straight i cant look at anything else
Because he's a man.
He actually directly says in one interview that no, he does not.
he sorted himself out
his belief in god is irrelevant
She works for Channel 4.
Her program is famous for this shit.
Here's her co-interviewer trying to get a rise out of Richard Ayoade and Quentin Tarantino.
his teeth are more disturbing
t.balding soy
No. Peterson isn't alt right and Sup Forums hates him because he doesn't call for mass genocide of all non whites like Richard Spencer.
He works on the same program as this mongtard. Both of them seem to specilalize in simply irritating guests until they tell them to shut up.
ages does that
That was like watching Ali box. The footwork was incredible and every single punch missed.
Another Channel 4 reporter too. Channel 4 new is just terrible. John Snow doesn't even attempt to hide his massive biases either.
he's not great at using disciplinary findings for a logical discussion
>agreeable people get paid less, and women are on average more agreeable
depending on the analysis used, this doesn't make his point (that sexism is not a source, nontrivially or completely, of the pay gap) since agreeable people might on average be paid less since most of them are women getting discriminated against.
In most cases it just seems like people are impressed by industry-specific terminology
He seems more like a cultural christian than an actual belief in "magic man in the sky" type christian. Also he believes in evolution and talks about it all the time.
>Sup Forums hates him
That's means fuck all they hate everything.
he cleaned his room
That's called Psychobabble.
lol okay reddit
he forgot to clean his rug, apparently
They like making people upset.
He's a psychologist. What do you expect?
This. If it was CNN or Fox they would have just shouted over the top of the guest and then kicked them off.
Hegel destroyed all of his arguments hundreds of years ago.
>this is the ideal body. you might not like it, but this is what peak human performance looks like
We’re told we’re not inherently worth anything and have to make of life what we will.
>He believes in God. He actually thinks there is a magic man in the sky that created all life in the universe.
No, you're a fedora tipping redditor who likes Joe Rogan, Cringe Compilations and probably a virgin.
Luckily Jordan can supply you with a fucking ENDLESS stream of self help seminars and programs.
You'll still be a virgin at the end of it, but you will (legitimately) have the cleanest room on the street.
That Peterson has fake hair gives me confidence in getting fake hair myself since I'm too beautiful to go bald.
I don't know about your country, but in mine they are literally told they are worthless, evil and would be better off pretending to be women from a young age.
Given the history of my nation that's probably not entire untrue.
> Not falling for the pay gap jew makes you a redditor
Peterson is Sup Forumsreddit personified.
He's a fake Christian. He believes the earth is millions of years old and he believes in evolution.
i love radical feminism and abolishing free speech now
>When roasties try to meme.
>muh free speech
>muh ebil feminism
t. SJW tranny with non-binary pronouns
>>Still, she said her answer is to "keep producing funny stuff."
>>“My YouTube [channel] is lit. I really do have a real story to tell. In my live act, I talk about the interrogation with the feds and how everybody turned on me on every platform," she said.
>>"I still can’t tweet a picture of my new puppies without getting all hateful responses in broken English.”
She okay folks, she's still producing funny stuff.
pic is literally (you)
And how does that make him a fake christian?
Also billions*
Jordan Peterson is a scam artist and a snake oil salesman
>t. sam harris
>also captcha is select bridge
>whole image is a bridge
what the fuck hiroshimoot
The fuck are you talking about? Sup Forums doesn't hate Peterson, nor does Sup Forums like Spencer. Spencer is a plant who is only regarded positively by the occasional lost stornigger. Peterson is regarded positively but people tend to dislike e-celeb threads. This is in general, not in totality obviously, because a board isn't one person. Also, the "alt-right" only exists in the minds of redditors, and people like Spencer who think it will boost their own faggot status.
literally who is this woman?
Not believing Jesus rose from the dead=not christian
Of course the crusadelarpers on Sup Forums don't care
Holy shit, these are absolute fantastic, journalists are scum.
Absolute STATE of Sup Forumsreddit
Can a britbong please comment is this show in the vein of BBC's "Hard Talk"? As in, the open and explicit premise is, come on and we'll try to wind you up, and put every question in the form of an accusation so we can have a fun game where you defend yourself?
>puts up all his lectures and shit for free
>people voluntarily donate him money
>this is what retards think a snake oil salesman
ive never seen in one of his videos ever ask for donations, unlike Jim who is a massive faggot who has to beg for patreonbux
it's like some elf-goblin creature from bong lore
Projecting much. Nice spacing.
He only said that he doesn`t know if Christ really rose from the dead, like every single christian there is.
Holy shit he's toying with her like a goddamn tennis ball.
>Sup Forums