it's time to stop
Don't read baki this week
what happened dicksucker
I'm going to guess
It's another "17 pages of praising Musashi" chapter
it's time to stop
it's just Standing Man, retold again
Why is this a problem but you're not suicidal about musashi typically
Musashi is low-quality new content
this is not new content
this is stop
>157 chapters of Musashi
rghghgh respect your neighbors rghghgh follow your heart
Oh, that's good. I was worried we would forget about hearing Hanayama's ancestry for the fifth fucking time.
man this mud sure is dirty
don't you mean mud this man sure is dirty
seconds later
rarghgghh i am just an animal rghgghgh pay me no mind as i foolishly follow my natural instincts
Jesus christ, those fucked anatomy
Strong is beautiful
Is the whole chapter just a recap of how he got his tattoo?
short answer: yes
long answer: yyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssss
>Implying i can stop
Waiting on the ancient aliens
We call them demons, baki bloodline rivals when?
Well, Ogre's father may still be alive.
Also, they found Baki's ancestor in Egypt.
Would be p funny if Yuuichiro was still alive, but could ghost at will.