My Hero Academia

Smart and educated predictions on how 1B's currently unknown quirks work:

>Nirengeki Shoda [ TWIN IMPACT ]
Every time he hits you, his phantom double hits you again. Doubles the amount of hits he can dish out!
>Pony Tsunotori [ HORN CANON ]
She can do almost all things pony-like! But that's lame, so she can also shoot laser beams charged up between her horns. The longer she charges them, the stronger they get!
>Reiko Yanagi [ POLTERGEIST ]
She can posses inanimate object and move around with them. But if she goes over heir weight limit, she gets menstrual cramps. She likes to surf!
>Sen Kaibara [ SWIVELING ]
He can rotate his body parts 360 degrees at great speed.
>Shihai Kuroiro [ BLACK ]
He can paralyze you by spraying black colored ink on you. For every 5 mg of squid ink he digests, he can extend this effect by 1 minute!
>Kinoko Komori [ MUSHROOM ]
She can do almost all things mushroom-like! She has a mushy mushy family!
>Setsuna Tokage [ AUTOTOMY ]
Her limbs regenerate after being torn off. Very gruesome!
>Manga Fukidashi [ COMIC ]
He can can capture you inside a comic book and then have guys with pipe wrenches beat you up in there!

Everyone else is either explained or obvious, I think.

Other urls found in this thread:


was what does yui does ever explained

Thats it. He's just black

A fucking tail


>Izuku, please beat Shinso for me

Not really
Here's her databook page though, so if anyone can read moon by my guest

How did he pass the entrance exam?

>The first one
>The next two
>Everything after that

he impregnated the robots and ran

First one 90% guaranteed, next 3 have a maybe 60% chance, and the last three all doomed


I want more Kazuho art.


More like 50%, you tard.

the notebooks were kind of a cool gimmick for deku in early MHA. sadly the thing was dropped quickly. im still salty because it had potential
>quirk introductions and characters profile pages are all drawn and written by deku himself
>drawn characters /bantz/ with deku
>in "tactics" mode the whole vignette turns into a notebook listing all the pros and cons of every single possible course of action
>since he is the author of the volume extras he takes the time to show us some comfy chibi pages featuring class A.
>as the autist he is there is always an updated pro hero ranking at the end of each notebook
>all the manga volumes have a design like pic related so when you buy them and get to the extras it actually feels like you're in possession of deku's notes

>>Pony Tsunotori [ HORN CANON ]
>She can do almost all things pony-like! But that's lame, so she can also shoot laser beams charged up between her horns. The longer she charges them, the stronger they get!

>mfw she shoots out a rainbow colored beam.
>mfw that could actually happen
>mfw I want it.

Hey, this thread was made first No two generals at once.

It's clearly a bait thread, and this one is more active, so fuck off?

not your personal board fag

That doesn't really reveal anything except that she's 16, her quirk's name is "Size", and she likes Matryoshka dolls

How about hher beam gets stronger the more friends she has? So right now she's really weak because she's all alone in Japan and no one really likes her. But one day...

Exactly, her quirk has never been shown in the manga either

>half of the 1A is irrelevant
>and so is almost everyone in 1B
>and other first years like Shinsou and Mei
>and other UA students besides the Big 3
>and students from other schools such as Shiketsu and Ketsubutsu
>and possibly some schools from other countries like America
>not to mention all the pro-heroes
Sometimes I feel there are too many potentially interesting characters, considering most of them will never get enough panel time to be more than just random extras.

She should be friends with M

Maybe it would become too much cheesy.
Even for BHA.

But It would be hilarious. You know with the "Pling pling pling" Sound of magical faries.
Hug powered death macines are always nice.

>considering most of them will never get enough panel time to be more than just random extras

I bet there will be chapters where they are all get good screen time while the rest of the maincast isn't shown at all

Affirmative action

>get good screen time while the rest of the maincast isn't shown at all
Maybe, but until now the only character we have with a chapter without any other main character is Kirishima

When you have a setting like this it's impossible to focus on everyone without losing the plot. Maybe we'll get more side stuff like illegals.

Really knuckled my chuckle, user.

The only class B that will have relevance is best girl. Say something nice to her.


calm down Ochako

That could be arranged my boi

pop step gives you this look, what you do?

>The only class B that will have relevance is best girl.

You're right. Ibara is pretty cool

She was paired with Momo and also hori said that the staff love her, so yeah, she will have more relevance. And i'm happy about ir

Turn 360° and walk away because she's not Tensei

He's busy, beta bitch. Take a fucking number.

I wish there was a 1-B spinoff where Itsuka was the protagonist

What is this?

its a spin off called illlegals its preaty good

Is that a take on me reference?

I thought it was a doujin because the other user said "he" and thought it was a trap
Im flaccid now


editor-san really fucked up big time by not telling hori that 1 hero class > 2 classes with half of jobbers
>pikachu the perv overlaps with grapes. drop grapes enter femjesus
>tail the normalfag overlaps with sero. drop sero enter yaoihands
>yui mutie qt for sadrock
>tetsux4 the buff for sugarlips
>pony the weird gaijin for tentacle
>smug the #FABULOUS for laserfag

Why is everyone in this goddamn manga Ochako?

He still does his crazy mumble whenever he's taking a lot of mental notes of people, their strategies and quirks.

Ochako looks weird

>Laser Boy

Ibara/BigHands/Copyfag could take 3 of those spots and just make it one class. The others could just be background characters in random classes that show up at lunch and shit

No the timeline is disjointed and Class B exists to make you think Class A is all kids from the same year.

>mfw I actually like most of those characters

Laser Boy is based and Invisigirl's interactions with Tail Man are cute. I'd happily trade danny devito for anyone tho
They're good characters.

Can she control the speed of her descent? I really like her quirk.

I think I can understand why this guy
got into the top 20. Reread the license exam and noticed he has a lot more relevance than I remembered. He had some cool scenes. Kind of puts the whole UA wanking into perspective.

same but shinso

This man has taste.

With his quirk, he probably could have passed the exam easy for UA. Wonder why he didnt.

His quirk might have been a lot weaker back then or the commute to Ketsubutsu is a lot better than to UA for him.

I'd honestly be disappointed if we lose any of them

I think its says something about the characters that he got into the top 20 and Inasa and Meatguy, guys who had more importance than him, didn't

Relevance =/= popularity though relevance helps. Inasa was cool until this shitty backstory with muh edge. I think Meat was fun.

I think Shindou had more importance than Meatguy. Meatguy had a big fight scene but Shindou was strategizing with his team throughout, showing both sides of his personality and he was extremely effective in the 2nd round working with Deku. He was also a gigantic fucking sperg. Like, he had a big stick up his ass about UA.

While Inasa's wind attack was cool, his drama kind of turned me off with him. Felt like he was kind of like a Kirishima clone obsessing over HOT (manly) things. Also, the earthquake was pretty killer too.

>He was also a gigantic fucking sperg
I'm talking about meatman here.

We never see Ochako actually use Zero Gravity on a person directly, do we?

The first time Izuku uses a smash on a person directly is Tomura, isn't it?

>Felt like he was kind of like a Kirishima clone obsessing over HOT (manly) things
Yeah, I agree, his first scene even had him with Kiri

Ochako can use Zero Gravity directly on herself, can't she?

Yes, it makes her float


It's this guy. Uses it on him twice.

I thought it was funny. He seems to be an even more energetic hot blooded guy, and if I remember Kirishima seemed off put by him.

Yeah, he's pretty good, but he's also a 2nd year. I'd think that at least Deku, Bakugou, and Todoroki and their 2nd years would beat his fucking ass with the way they are growing.

I would love that

She can, but it makes her sick and useless. Usually she only gets sick if she goes over her weight limit, but using it on herself triggers nausea immediately.

>Felt like he was kind of like a Kirishima
Iida + Kirishima with TodoBaku power level.

Is Sugar the most JUST character in 1-A?

Sadrock is at least kinda cute, being shy and having that mutant appearance, has a potentially cool quirk, and got some small focus during the end of term arc, with even some people shipping him with Jirou.

But Sugar has a shit quirk and has done NOTHING besides that time he made cake and the girls voted for his room.

You seem to be the anime only one. It was on Noumu, then Todoroki, then Stain and so on.

She deserves more than that

We dont know how hard he can dope beforegetting sleepy. He might get stronger than muscular.

>anime only
>knowing about muscular

>Kirishima clone obsessing over HOT (manly) things.

Bakugou and Todoroki are already stronger than Meat. And nothing says Shindou is stronger than Meat. I would be pretty surprised if he was.

"Quirks manifest at the age of four."

Ochako PUKES when she hits her weight limit.
What do you think happened to dear old daddy next?

This is exactly why you mentioning Muscular first is retarded.

Bakugo's quirk is a straight battle quirk. It doesnt have the capture ability that meat, todoroki, shindou, or inasa have. Like, Shindou did that widespread quake in the second round to completely stop the villain mooks. His quirk seems like it could have a lot of cool applications.

1 vs 1 hero wise doesnt mean shit from the looks of anything in actual hero work. AfO vs OfA withstanding.

I don't get this image

Nejire is actually kinda cute

I wonder how captain autism handles her touchy feely nature

He ignores her.

>ctrl + f "boku"
>post in that thread
>everyone is in the "My hero Academia" thread

what have we become

she is a hot chick so theres no problem

It's the Bizarro trio of Bakugou, Deku, and Todoroki. I don't know why it makes me laugh every time I see it in my folder. I think it's anti-Deku's face. PIc related is a weirder image.

I thin its because that thread started with a shitpost and at least this one alked about something of the manga. Class B unknown quirks

But he's gay for Mirio

Oh thank christ maybe the Nips are catching on to Izuku the tulpa too.

They've yet to figure out how "Izuku" could conceivably clean an entire beach "without a speck of dust."

Or why he's always warned not to use his full power.

The only reason Bakugou didn't beat Meat was because he was holding back his explosions. Shindou's quirk is not really good for capture, it's a shockwave quirk. Same for Inasa. This is not a talk about applications.

the fuck is that?

>The only reason Bakugou didn't beat Meat was because he was holding back his explosions.
I know, Hori has been giving him those excuses lately.

it's a fantasy manga it doesn't have to make sense.