I should stop watching shows because the girls look cute.
>that idiotic plot
>that desperate yuribaiting
Fucking Kirara anime, I get tricked EVERY FUCKING TIME.
I should stop watching shows because the girls look cute
I'm not sure how you're getting tricked when most Kirara adaptations are big on subtext.
but you literally watch shows because of cute girls, thats your main reason for viewing them so why would you stop?
Because most of them are shitty?
I wish i could get into watching shows just because the girls are cute. You guys sound like you have fun, even when the show is shit. Maybe i'll go watch that show with candy-ass girl and the flat one with piercings.
yes but the girls are cute and thats your #1 priority or are you saying you have grown out of moe?
If I minded yuri I would have stopped watching moeshit a long time ago.
I draw the line when it makes me cringe.
Yeah welcome to anime pal
What's the point if the rest of the show is shit? Because I like sweet things doesn't mean I enjoy licking sugar cubes.
This is like moe junk food.
>watching Kirara shows
Well, there's your problem.
moe is junk food for cute addicts
Urara was good though.
Yeah, that's the point.
Sugar cubes are pretty good though.
I won't deny it, part of what drew me into Anime/Manga when I was younger was the cute (or ecchi) drawn girls but I stuck around for the other stuff that give it substance and made me invested in what was going on.
It's like how you might especially enjoy the jelly in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Without the peanut butter though, or an oversaturation of jelly, the sandwich looses a lot of its value.
>desperate yuribaiting
It's serious yuri, drop the show if you can't handle it.
A thread died because you're being a whiny bitch. kys
>It's serious yuri, drop the show if you can't handle it.
I was too hard on this show, it certainly didn't make me cringe as much as your post.
Now you're just being a witty little shit.
Pic related, Koume wants to kiss the witch in the lips. I doubt you even got to episode 7 to know about which character I'm talking about.
Just leave, this yuri show was never meant for you.
hate to have to reference this, but that one youtuber did a thing about cute yuribait anime where he compared the 3 in the season( i think it was anne happy, sansha sanyou, and the short one where they eat bread)
well anyways the point is you watch them hoping for a sansha sanyou, sometimes you get anne happy which is barely passable (i liked it) an sometimes you get bread anime where literally nothing happens no jokes are made and you can feel death creeping as you waste your life on it
Just drop the yuribait thing already, the only one of those who have some yuri is Anne Happy, and it's not even baity, it's just a bit yuri less strong than the one in this show.
Calm down with your yurishit already, captain autismo. You'll have to accept not everyone is entertained by girls rubbing their face on each others as easily as you.
I've actually seen two of them: Anne Happy which was sadly mediocre because the premise was good and Hanako's cuteness is a miracle, and that bread anime which was a complete abomination (but at least very short).
I don't care about what entertainment you find at all, just don't call it bait.
>wants to make out
Wow. And here I almost thought Koume wasn't a slut.
This has only been a problem for me with harem shows. I don't remember when I stopped watching them but I'm glad I did.
>watching shows because of cute girls
why not just watch the porn? you need that character development to get off or something?
>I should stop watching shows
FTFY. All anime is idiotic and desperate bait of some kind, you have to be willing to cross the boundaries of good taste to watch any of it.
>you need that character development to get off or something?
Weirdly enough that's actually exactly how it works. Can't get the muh waifu feels from some rando hentai/doujin slut, first you need those feels and then find the doujins to get the best faps.
Anne Happy is actual yuri?
there was a yuri
well the other two are yuribait. its bait cuz they never come out and say hey i prefer otehr girls over dudes
If anime/manga had a general dictionary the definition of "lesbian slut" would be a picture of Koume.
Yurifags are ever so delusional I see. The kiss is just a part of the spell she's casting. It has no romantic value.
Fuck off back to your mature and dark anime with serious plot, oh that's right, anime can't do decent plot for shit, but I guess a retarded illiterate fag doesn't read books if they want some actually well written plot, so they look for it in a media that's completely unfit for that, and instead shines in cute girls and cute interactions instead.
Chiya > Kon > Koume > Matsuko-san > Nono
Fact. Say no to Nono.
All anime/manga/vn plots are idiotic though, there's no reason to follow this media aside that.
The only thing I'm more tired than the casual taste is the fact that some fags need to keep repeating their bullshit about Nono being a bad girl, when she's amazing and refreshing.
>complaining about plot in a cute girls show
There's your problem.
Kirara anime are great every fucking time.
Most of them are good you fag. What was the last totally shit cute girl show, pan de peace?
>the other stuff that give it substance
Which would be what? I bet it's cringy shit.
>got Dork Police
If this is tricked then I want to be tricked every season
I'm with you on that. I can't stand harem stories anymore, the only one i watched recently is konosuba and it doesn't fit that harem shit in the anime and only in the novel so far.
Urara will probably be my AOTY unless NTR or Citrus pull through.
urara is great. not sure what you were expecting.
it's sol.
nono was the only exceptional girl in the series with some semblance of originality in character design.
gabriel and twin angel are better imo. but that's it. these series aren't really that special.
sad year for anime so far
Those are inferior to Urara by the way unless you like bland comedy
There's no other reason to watch anime, aside form the cute girls.
If there wasn't she wouldn't need to hide from Chiya and Kon, who still see her anyway. She wants to kiss the witch romantically, deal with it.
How good is this compared to gochiusa and hanamayata
Good enough.
I normally agree with you but I loved urara
Moe like fanservice is nice in small amount but if it's the sole focus of the show I quickly get sick of it
Better and gayer.
Urara >>> Hanayamata >>>>>> GochiUsa
Who is the Yaya of Urara?
they both have better girls and better comedy.
All these CGDCT shows are bland at best, and at worst sappy melodramas like Hanayamata. We all know the club is a closet dyke club anyway, and yosakoi might be a good codeword for sweaty hot lesbian sex, no need to get angsty about it.
What. Hanayamata was the one with the dancing girls and one of them was from new Jersey? Because that anime was complete garbage.
>urarafag thinks his bland anime is any better
Sure, buddy.
Yeah I think it is I don't care about your validation by the way. you can suck it up with your bland slapstick comedy
You're complete garbage. Yosakoi is love. Yosakoi is life.
I know how you feel
>being a plotfag
>picking shows up only because of cute girls
Those two things contradict each other. Decide on your tastes first before complaining that a specific show is shit.
Damn it sure smells like Sup Forums and ANIME PROFESSIONALS in here
t. butthurt moefag
What kind of shit do you people watch? Are you mesmerized by dancing girls gifs and the sound of jingling keys?
If you think SoL anime don't need decent writing, you're fucking retarded.
How do you continue to fall for it if you already know what you're in for?
Honestly, though, Urarararararararararara could have had a much better plot if it wasn't SoL, since the whole demon subplot was actually pretty interesting. I like the idea of having darker plots in an otherwise "fluffy" looking show.
Decent writing and a deep and thoughtful plot are different things. Saying that Urara had shit writing just because its plot wasn't up to your standards is stupid.
That the thing, plenty of Kirara manga has great continuous stories but anime plebs never get to see any because they only ever adapt first 2 volumes.
>anime can't do decent plot
You are retarded
Yeah, like Gakkou Gurashi's "stellar" second arc.
>I like the idea of having darker plots in an otherwise "fluffy" looking show.
When was it not a recipe for disaster?
Last season.
This show.
All the newfags like OP that don't like yuri need to fuck off already.
Sora no Woto.
Fuck off t/u/mblr cancer
No, you fuck off.