How long until there's an anime series based on these?
How long until there's an anime series based on these?
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Not popular in japan
I'd like to be that Japan's social ineptitude isn't classified as autism at the drop of a hat
I've just been seeing photos of these and still don't know what the fuck they even are.
I have some of these in my house and I have no idea what they do.
Bayblades? Pretty sure they already did.
They spin. They entertain autistic kids without wasting electricity.
They don't even seem that good for fidgeting, and annoying. Those cube things look way better for those who can't sit still.
I thought fidget was just the brand name, is the word tremor too offensive?
The double-edge of this article is that they won't get it
What the fuck that this thing even do? You just hold it in your hands and spin?
Is there any "competition" that can be formulated from this?
The word fidget is used because that's what you do with them. You fidget with them.
>"Spectrum Revolution Masters follows the career of professional fidget spinner Kagaya Kirizuto, who discovered his passion in middle school.
>“It is the year 2069, and fidget spinning is now a mainstream competitive sport. Every five years, the Spinmaster Series is held, in which the world’s best spinners battle for a spot in The Spectrum – an elite circle of legendary fidget spinners. Join Kagaya as he dons his plot armor to claim victory and fulfill his dream of being on The Spectrum”"
I just got these at work the other day. I figured they were just some stupid novelty thing I'l never manage to sell, yet I sold like 50 of them over the weekend, and another dozen today.
Its fucking ridiculous, all they do is spin!
you never seen the masses eat up stupid shit before?
I wonder what retarded magical physics breaking monsters will be stuffed in them
It's literally the gluten-free diet of toys. Made for autists, but everyone wanted in on it.
What's the price for the """"high end""""" ones?
It's an autism toy that's the latest fad with normalfags. You just hold it in your fingers and spin it nonstop.
2 seasons tops
Look at those repeating digits.
What popularizes those band. Suddenly everyone in high school back then was wearing one ( or more ).
a combination some autistic kids showing it off to normal kid and actually being impressed that it is somewhat entertaining and the price point being low enough that any kid could buy it with their pocket change.
>Brightly colored
>Inoffensive "political" / social cause
>Bracelet but guys can also wear it
Its pretty obvious why high school kids would like it. Its like a mini fashion statement that teachers can't tell you to stop and once a few popular people do it you can follow the herd but pretend to be special.
>fulfill his dream of being on The Spectrum
>autism spinners
>not the superior autism cube
wew lad
They should have tried to fold Isekai in there too.
>Spinmaster Series is held, in which the world’s best spinners battle for a spot in The Spectrum
>The Spectrum
Remember Tech Decks? Teachers took those away all the time but trends come and go, this one just happens to be around at the same time as mass depression, ADHD, and autism so it has a large target audience
>keep people pumped full of drugs that make them not be able to sit still and depressed
>sell toys that alleviate the side effects
>mfw watching the kickstarter video for this thing
I didn't know for years that beyblading was an actual thing.
there are definite holes in that conspiracy but you tied it together too well
I own one of those. Its nice, keeps the ADD in check. Get the $2 chinese knock-off though, not the $15 real one. Definitely not worth that much.
30(Thirty) United States Dollar notes for 1(One) Fidget Cube.
The Ultimate Stress Relieving Cube sounds a lot better than autism cube.
How long until there's gonna be a FPV drone racing sports series?
Jesus, it's like a double parody.
If you stick a pencil through the middle, it makes a gyroscope.
>not the superior autism toy
It's from my years of browsing Sup Forums before it went to shit.
never inshallah
They'd just make them bigger, put teenagers in the pilot seats, and make them race to the death.
>The Spectrum
These things will die out so fast
They're probably already over by the time you read this.
It's a fidget toy that got popular with kids. Basically the new Pog/sillybands/I don't remember a lot of fads.
There are people who have trouble focusing on things and sitting still for long periods and the idea is that they fidget with things (Clicking pens, tapping the desk, etc) to preoccupy that part of themselves while they think/work.
I visited my brother and nephews over the weekend and they had a shitty one, making it gyroscope is really the only thing remotely fun about them.
This video is surprisingly well made.
It's the life cycle of Fad products. Once they appear in 7-11 stores they're on the way out.
>20 burgercoins for that
Or you can pick up the knockoff for like $2-$5.
We're not fucking yuropoors, mate. We use paper.
Actually they're Trump Notes now.
Burgercredits is any better?
We call them bucks, after the deer that like to crash through our windshields. If you really want to incorporate burgers, you could just call them patties. It's at least a little bit clever.
Would defeat the purpose
As someone with autism, I'm just confused by these things and why they are a fad.
Honestly thinking about the cubes gives me anxiety. I wouldn't be comfortable with one of those in my hand because I would feel like I can't fidget fast enough to fidget with all its fidgety things at the same time. The spinners are just autistic though.
I don't speak brown, what is he saying?
>waa I'm so autistic I need to spin things or push buttons to keep myself in check
This is what the lack of eugenics does to a society.
yo dudes, i herd you like spinny autism, so i put spinny autists in your spinny autism thread!
seriously, what kind of madman would need that much speed on a beyblade?
>says the anonymous on a Mongolian sheep herding forum
>I don't need the advantage, use the Kanto table
The balls on this guy
Back in the 90s little cardboard circles with a sticker on them was a fad. There was even little carrying case tubes to keep them in.
Fidget Spinners has nothing on Pogs.
He suggests that if you really want to relieve your stress, use this.
>This is what the lack of eugenics does to a society.
>He says while he sits around watching anime and shitposting on a temporary thread on an anonymous cave painting drum circle.
Fucking hype.
Actually expecting people to be able to sit down at a desk all day every day without issue is what's biologically abnormal
that's worse than trading cards
In Mexico, we called them tazos, they came in chip bags
People used to do it all the time before the internet age, dumbass.
I remember these shits. I used to collect the Pokemon ones. I never got the Mewtwo I wanted though.
I want this to be real so bad
Yes, but they were collectable, had (sometimes) interesting designs and a game you could play with them. Those are at least something.
What do Fidget Spinners have? I mean from what I can tell you can't really even fidget with them well.
a little thing know as focus and discipline
I have like 3 autism spinners, they are all right. The fad is peaking right now so any American sellers have jacked up the price %500+ after buying from Chinese manufacturers.
Duh, it's called capitalism.
Bro that's what you're doing right now.
We actually got a Keit-ai anime, so about 2-4 years.
>high end
what else would they do? sit under a tree or something, that's what.
I used to ignore standard pogs, and focused collecting slammers. I can still remember all that jelly when they see my slammer collection.
Are you on the spectrum?
who isn't these days
>jelly bean smuggling BBS