Imagine if Obama was found to be fucking pornstar prostitutes when married

Imagine if Obama was found to be fucking pornstar prostitutes when married.

That's the news that has broken today about Trump- and everyone on here is ignoring it.

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Imagine if Obama ever banged a woman..

Obama likes to get fucked, that flaming sissy faggot!

Democrats are held to much higher standard than Republicans. The left is morally correct and everybody knows it, so when a leftist acts immorally everyone freaks out.

Imagine if an American President got his dick sucked in the Oval Office. Imagine how that would shift the Overton window into "don't give a fuck" territory.

Yeah the religious right would look down on Obama for being hammered by a gay porn star, then again the man did marry a trannie so there is that.

bathhouse Barry did much worse



Obama was fucking men while married. In the whitehouse you liberal cunt.

poor melania, with Donny so busy with the prostitutes she’ll be alone and unprotected.

Proof? There's plenty of rumors about Obama being a fag, Michelle being a tranny etc. The difference is in the media coverage.

>The left is now pro shark immigration and integration. Every pool should have a shark you bigot.
Maybe Trump is saving the future if he provokes a nuclear war while we still can service and launch the missiles.

Imagine if the media didn't suck Obongos dick 24/7 and slide every shitty scandal and garbage shit he did for 8 years

yea... imagine
"Obama Accuser Larry Sinclair Holds Stupefying Press Conference" alleging doing cocaine and having gay sex with obummer. kek


donald trump can have a 3 way with Monica Lewinsky and Hillary Clinton on an American flag for all I care if he keeps doing what he's doing

He likes little boys, that's hardly possible.

haha you guys are so great

>"don't give a fuck"

That finger wagging the entire US while lying to our faces left a worse taste in my mouth than Monica ever experienced.

I don't care


>Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, sex, lies & murder?


Nobody gives a fuck because they blew their entire load (1) during the campaign with the people Trump allegedly sexually harassed, and (2) right after the inauguration with the alleged pissgate hookers in Russia.The Russian prostitute story turned out to be completely false, and the stories of the women "sexually harassed" were full of holes.

Trump could have fucked 5 pornstars on camera. At this point, people are inclined to tell the media they don't believe them or honestly just don't care.

better he fuck pornstars then children

While smoking through his entire presidency. But only now, after he has left office, will the media openly admit this. Sycophantic whores.

>booker shitty meltdown
>Kamala Harris shitty meltdown
>memo shows fbi colluded with dnc and fusion gps to commit treason against potus
>democrats look like shitheads for fighting so hard over daca
>sympathy card for illegals isn’t working

The left desperately needs a win after this week so they’re running this fake news story literally turning to porn for help

Everybody is ignoring it because everyone already knew this about Trump's character. He has bragged numerous times about sleeping with other women. He cheated on his first two wives.

But if we're going to ignore Bill Clinton's sexual assault accusers and infidelity, as well as JFK literally pimping women and using them as drug mules...then I'm going to ignore this too, since it's clear that nobody really gives a shit and is only pretending to care for political posturing.

its never treason when republicans do it

if sara palin were black, everyone would have laughed at her for being so stereotypically a nigger, same for trump

Imagine if you weren't such a faggot. What would your father say?

That's what #ReleaseTheMemo is all about. Gotta distract from Trump's failures.

>Be Christcuck evangelical
>Moan and cry about the "sanctity of Marriage" for decades
>Elect a man who has had three marriages, multiple affairs, multiple children from different women, is accused of sexual assault, fucks porn stars, cheats on his current wife, pays hush money to his mistresses
>Yep, this is our candidate right here! A true Christian president!

\Just another example of dumb Trumpcuck hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance.

That's what JFK and Bill Clinton did though, who gives a fuck?



Like go die in a fire.
>But user Clinton got in deep political crisis for doing the same
No, no fucking no. I tell you is way different to hook up with a women (porn star) outside your working environment and fuck her right in the pussy... and getting sexual practices from a subordinate. One is how normal sex goes, the other is how pedophiles abuse kids.

>B-but user its worse!!! OMG
Listen during Clinton era it was normal to beat niggers, to split them, to harass homosexuals, to beat the shit out of your kids for cursing. Nowdays you see a toddler as tranny in a satanic costume at a contest aired globally and its normal. If society were passive towards all that shit why will it chimp now? Suddenly the left wants the conservatives values back? Give me a break.

>>democrats look like shitheads for fighting so hard over daca
You need help.

It has long been widely known among those in the know in Chicago that Obama, Rahm, and Tony Rezko used to frequent a gay men's bathhouse in Chicago called "Man's Country." This is no rumor. And in Chicago, it was no secret.

*than getting

The left wing media doesn't want to play up that trump is a certified player because it makes him look good in their degenerate paradigm

Remember when Republicans tried to impeach Clinton for getting that blowjob?
As for JFK, I don't think his affairs were public knowledge during his presidency.

Bitch she said it didn't happen. Please go back to your middle eastern shithole country and get hit by a truck.

The only people who think shutting down the government to protect some illegals is a good idea are DNC donors.

Are you talking about the same left that embraces 'by all means necessary' tactics, shuns traditional western morality, looks the other way when brown migrants abuse gays or women?

Remember when America was white, conservative and Christian? I do and so did Clinton, who got into trouble.

Aren't pools closed?

Yep, and she totally has no reasons to lie about it right? It's not like she signed a contract and was given hush money. She's not going to say anything or else get sued dumbass. Besides, there's more than just the accusation, there are interviews from 2011 long before Trump was running for presidency of her talking about the affair that weren't published. Maybe because you live in a bubble of misinformation you haven't read about it, but look it up.

Imagine if a president was known to be a coke snoriting faggot and the media covered it up for 8 years...

I don't give a shit what a private citizen did with another consenting adult.

Was Trump fucking a prostitute while president? Was Trump the prostitute's boss? Nowadays liberals will burn a man at the stake if he fucks a woman who works for him, unless he happens to be a Democrat president. And most importantly, is there any truth to these prostitute claims or is it just more fake news from media outlets desperate to find an accusation that will stick to Trump?

You're inventing stories about two people who both deny it to distract from the shit about to hit the fan. And they call the right "conspiratards."

it's donaahlt drumppf what do you expect? the guy was a tabloid sleazeball 30 years ago as he schmoozed with some very unsavory characters. that's just who he is.

No one is shocked by this. if it's even true, but it sounds true, but the story is so ridiculous, you have to wonder if it's just another troll, so it ends up, once again, bouncing off teflon don b/c at the end of the day no one gives a fuck.

Watching Trump speak at a pro-life rally. Wonder how many pornstars have flushed his babies saving him millions.

You elected a billionaire with questionable morals, what did you expect? Pick a better right winger next time so we don't have to look like idiots for the next 8 years.

I acknowledge Trump was the best we had though, the only one willing to speak the truth without fear of retribution, but he's no role model in any respect other than financially and truthfully.

nobody here is a Christcuck evangelical you massive faggot. The chad president just likes to fuuuuck, something you have no experience with

You memory-holed the pointless GOP-caused shutdown of the past decade like good little sheep. Also, more than half the country wants to 'protect some illegals', so yeah, it's not a bad move.

>embraces 'by all means necessary' tactics
Nigger are you retarded? The right does this far more than the left.

This. They say negative shit about Trump every single day, they now judge him by stuff he wasn't proven to have said. It's their own fault when nobody believes them or cares.

Maybe the affair did happen. Why didn't InTouch reveal this during the campaign, if they thought it was a reliable story?

Trump said during his first rallies that he PAID GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, that he was part of the elite, that he had a blast as a billionaire was he wanted to fix the nation.

What Trump has done in the past is of no importance, unlike the Commie Sanders getting a luxury beach house which contradicts its persona or Incestuous Ted which market catch is religious decency.

Trump is so fucking lovely. Just watching eating cheap burgers and saying Chyna closes any demolition campaign. He is like any American in the most core sense, a human not a politician.

He was impeached for laying to Congress about the affair, not the affair itself jackass.

“It depends on what the definition of “is” is.”

*but he want to fix the nation

>believing a literal whore's story

the difference is that Donalhd Droompt actually started multiple businesses to get his fortune.

The other three basically leech(ed) off their own people, enriching themselves. Drumfty has actually lost millions of dollars by becoming president. that is the exact opposite of what has happened with the other 3.

although, as an aside, I'm going to bet that it does more for Drvmv long term than if he wasn't ever president. especially once the hysteria dies down around russian spookies.

>DACA recipients should be allowed to stay
is a much different belief than
>we should shutdown the government to protect DACA recipients
The first statement would receive much more support in polls than the second. If Democrats want to behave like the Republicans they despised so much during Obama's presidency that's fine as long as they get off their high horse and start calling what they are doing obstruction instead of resistance.

Why do they keep thinking they can get Trump with a "sex scandal"? He's the first President since JFK who actually fucks. Nobody cares. Even the fundies don't care.




This is why we must release the memo


Flash News: Man puts dick in vagina and we are angry about it.

Give me a fucking break.

No one fucking believes lies stupid. The porn bitch already signed a letter saying nothing happened dated last week, needs to just stfu with tabloid gutter trash which is apparently all the anti-Trump rural tards have left to do. Sophisticated urbane people who understand geopolitics and economics support Trump 100%

>found to be
She already denied it
Both parties deny it; fuck off.

Everyone knew exactly the kind of guy Trump was when we elected him. Everyone here is ignoring it because, whether it actually happened or not, it comes as no surprise at all. We did not elect Trump to be some sort of moral leader for the country and had no expectations to the contrary.

The difference is everyone has always known Trump was a "womanizer", so none of this news is surprising in any way.

Also, the left is pro-adultery.

The only way this would be a problem if it involved some kind of sexual assault, which it didn't.

True, Obama wasn't found to be fucking pornstars. He was found to be fucking children.

Well now thats kind of the problem with writing fake shit about a president you dont like all the time and calling it journalism. Pretty soon, no one gives a shit what you say.

It’s expected of trump.
He was elected as a pussy grabin con man.
No one is really shocked just more of the same.

You need to go back

That's when it's a case of sexual misconduct, like rape or assault. Nobody gives a shit if two consenting adults had sex.

it's a Sup Forums fantasy.

both of those things.


truly a masterpiece in a long history of shitposts

we aren't talking about it because it didnt happen. because the fake ass news you heard about it from fucking lied. by the way this story broke on here 3 days ago and was immediately debunked. if you want to destroy this board then post proof it happened. linking to a news report about it is not proof. CNN/ MSNBC/Fox news have no credibility anymore. show me proof faggot

you must have gotten lost on your way to tumblr

George W. Bush?

>embrace moral subjectivity fully
>claim full moral superiority

Leftists are addicted to doublethink.

true. and it's not even a gay prostitute. that's usually the GOP way.

Obama isnt man enough

obama is a fag

nobody cared

Can you just imagine the media's reaction if this had been Trump. We'd hear about it for years. With Obama it's said to be false that same day.

Who fucking cares? Bill Clinton literally did worse as president in the oval office and shoved a cigar up a woman's pussy. OP is a faggot.

Funny how you're all about transparency until something comes out that will wreck your party.


also sage this thread is done

I'm a Christcuck and I can tell you most of us didn't vote for Trump in the primary. But when left between him and Satan in the general, there was no way any of us would vote for Satan. You like to conveniently ignore facts like these so you can keep on hating Christians. Like every argument a Liberal makes the only way it works is by twisting the real truth a little. Nice try though, faggot.

Obama was a coke snorting faggot.

Fpbp put me in the screen cap.

This... This is either some high quality bait or you are a literal retard

Trump is a germophobe. No way he bangs pornstars.

Also, not illegal if he did, who the fuck cares.

>imagine if you had as many cocks in your ass as I do, guise

they couldnt pay me enough to do your job, whore

SAGE #FakeNews