We literally have been paying them billions a year, and we've received very little techhnologically as a result.
Is NASA really worth all the hype and tax dollars it receives?
We literally have been paying them billions a year, and we've received very little techhnologically as a result.
Is NASA really worth all the hype and tax dollars it receives?
Other urls found in this thread:
was there an ancient civ on mars?
who made the structures?
what happened to them?
why is there xenon-129?
who killed mars?
>received very little techhnologically
nasa is not a tech developer, they hire companies like lockheed and ge to do such things.
>really worth all the hype and tax dollars it receives?
yes, nasa's research into physics makes it possible for us to give that information to tech dev companies to build new tech that we use everyday, like telecommunications, weaponry, and medicine.
once we find some alien refugees with bbcs (big blue cocks) it will all have been worth it
>they hire companies like lockheed and ge to do such things.
So why not just allow lockheed martin to explore tech [privately, why guarantee them bilions a year from the gov and tax payer.
>nasa's research into physics makes it possible for us to give that information to tech dev companies to build new tech that we use everyday, like telecommunications, weaponry, and medicine.
again why do you need a government agency to recieve billions of dollars and contracts, when the free market can reward results.
you jusst created a logical circle
give money to nasa nasa gives data o companies companies give tech to nasa, nasa creates more data. meanwhile billions of tax dollars spent and no real tech improvements for the tax payers
the fuck is this?
No, there is nothing in space, we would be better off investing in exploring and making the rest of the earth and deep sea usable.
Most scientists working at NASA KNOW there is nothing worthwhile in space, but it's a huge scam and it pays well.
United states Airforce badges
>but it's a huge scam and it pays well.
user is right, NASA is a huge money laundering operation. But the real reason for NASA is the continuation of the "space" lie in order to keep the masses of people obsessing about unimportant science fiction and blatant Occult symbology and deceptions
who is camera?
>obsessing about unimportant science fiction and blatant Occult symbology
what kind of occult, how is space a lie?
I get that it's a waste of money for taxpayers.
I think they do a great job with they are being a fund blackhole.
Otherwise the scientists are better being properly paid in the private sector.
Elon it's a slave owner tough.
NASA is a PR agency for the government that serves as a distraction for the populace from the real, militarized, space programs.
I'mm getting the feeling I'm not the only person who noticed they do alot of PR but gibe very little back
All I hear are fedoras alking about how important and great nasa is and I still don't know anything they've done significant besides moon and mars, and even then what was the result for us after giving them billions.
>who is camera?
No one knows, there was never an official explanation given.
>what kind of occult, how is space a lie.
Astronomy and Astrology are closely linked to the ancient mystery religions the their secret wisdom. Many of todays modern scientists are freemasons that follow the ancient religions. Space as a whole universe is still unproven as it is all just speculation and many of the photographs are digital fakes
How do you think all the satellite communication and gps that we utilize on a daily basis was made possible?
It's way easier to regulate if it's done though a government organization.
The last thread I saw before going to bed this morning had an OP thumbnail of an asteroid and the NASA supplied caption "Nasa says an asteroid the size of a skyscraper hurtling towards earth could potentially be hazardous".
How much money did it take to deduce that? FFS.
(Just found it here bgr.com
>way easier to regulate
thats not actually true, the military is rife with dissapearing dollars, and don't get me started on the needless redundant bureucracy
NASA says if the sun blows up it will get very hot on earth then very cold.
>bravo eggheads. Have billions.
Nope, earth is flat. Watch tosh.o tell you the truth sarcasticly. Mason mockery.
this is exactly whats happening.
everything that NASA does publicly can and is done by private organizations.
NASA is misdirection. Very likely what happened is that they found something on either the moon or Mars, and the Challenger blowing up marked the end of NASA showing the public the actual information they are gathering.
Either that or now entirely a complete front for simply observing stars that gives the govt a way to say "hey, look, we have a space program, and this is all it is."
I'm more referring to regulating what's being done and by whom. The money thing is a mess, but then pretty much everything the government does that involves money is always a mess.
>everything the government does that involves money is always a mess.
right because through taxes they will always get more even if their performance is shit,, private companies are superior for that reason
for every dollar spent on nasa we gain 8 dollars in economic productivity.
thats doubtful
Between 7 and 14 but 8 is a good estimate.
LMAO nice try little Jew
>and we've received very little techhnologically as a result.
>He disagrees with me and has facts to back it up?
I'll call him a Jew, that will show him!
>Private company goes out of business without funding for their expensive tech projects
>Invents shiny new technology without funding
>Sells technology to rival country that wants it more
>Stuck with shitty russian-tier tech that's been used for decades
Also NASA's bill is dwarfed by almost literally everything in the US' budget if my memory serves. You'd probably save more money knocking out negro welfare cheques.
Negros waste more money just by welfare administration fees yet you dont bitch about them, the only reason you could microwave your hotpocket this morning was because of NASA, not negros.
Most of NASA's missions are actually based on important dates for National Socialists, you can see a slow change over from dates important for masonry selected for missions to dates important to Nazis over the late 50s and early 60s.
>Sup Forums girl
>3mm sidecut instead of a traditional feminine hairstyle
degenerate af
>Not on the approved list of haircuts?
>To the gulag with you!
I had a thread about flat earth shut down, so yes, pol shills for NASA, keep sending billions.
nah senpai its a scam like that colombus expedition looking for a shortcut to india because he's retarded and cant calculate the earth's circumference correctly .
space travel is fake , all attempts to orbit have failed and all 'satellite communication' is just parabollic antennas bouncing signals off of the atmosphere .
What are you talking about nigger
yeah no one on Sup Forums ever bithes about niggers
Either it could be privatized and succeed or it isn't valuable enough to be worth funding. Applies to every government program.
reaction to NASA
>he doesnt know the dates of significant things for masons, nazis, or NASA and cant figure out how to compare them
My point is NASA has done more for your daily life than niggers ever have.
No, NASA does not exist. However your mom do exist, and she's sucking my dick right now.
>NASA has done more for your daily life than niggers ever have.
thre are some niggers that are actually nice and work hard and pay taxes that nasa just gives to private companies and use pr to keep us from demanding their expenses be audited
NASA had it's glory days when they used Nazi scientists
Now with only Mutts it's getting shittier and shittier.
Mutt countries, with their 56% IQ, can't into space
thats just obvious marketing and pr, If they are doing this shit, I bet theyre doing fuck all in space
It's basically a jobs program. Most of the employees work through contractors who must be 'minority owned', so it's a gimme for women and nigs too.
On wiki, so gee, it must be true. right?
Wonder how much nasa paid for that PR?
isn't that most goovermen jobs? including military?
Space exploration and Scientific research it'a a White men job.
Amerimutts should stick with Baseball, Eggball and Mcdonalds
t. someone who has never looked into what NASA actually does
>never looked into what NASA actually does
Oh, you're just retarded, well carry on then idiot.
says country who never landed on the moon
stop claiming white people to make your self feel important
not an argument
>but my image macro is!
lel, I wont even waste my time with idiots that arent aware that things as basic as the microwave in their kitchen are the sole result of NASA research or the hardened electronics in nearly all modern technology too.
You do a great disservice to the United States and the Paperclip Nazis we brought back by being so obtuse.
Your country landed on the moon because of Nazi scientist.
Now that is officially a 59% IQ, mutt shithole, that times are long gone
>microwave in their kitchen are the sole result of NASA research
The exploitation of high-frequency radio waves for heating substances was made possible by the development of vacuum tube radio transmitters around 1920. By 1930 the application of short waves to heat human tissue had developed into the medical therapy of diathermy. At the 1933 Chicago World's Fair, Westinghouse demonstrated the cooking of foods between two metal plates attached to a 10 kW, 60 MHz shortwave transmitter.[2]
yea so what, we were smart enough to use them while you were busy trying to kill them and imprison them
>wikipedia is knowledge!
Notice I didnt say invention, those early experiments just demonstrated that water molecules could be excited with microwaves, they didnt make a magnetron, nor did they shrink one down to make their devices, NASA did that and now you benefit.
Keep posting wiki "knowledge" though, it really makes you look intelligent.
>nothing on wikipedia is valid if it disagrees with me
cheap tactic mang.
n 1945, the specific heating effect of a high-power microwave beam was accidentally discovered by Percy Spencer, an American self-taught engineer from Howland, Maine. Employed by Raytheon at the time, he noticed that microwaves from an active radar set he was working on started to melt a candy bar he had in his pocket. The first food deliberately cooked with Spencer's microwave was popcorn, and the second was an egg, which exploded in the face of one of the experimenters.[9][10] To verify his finding, Spencer created a high density electromagnetic field by feeding microwave power from a magnetron into a metal box from which it had no way to escape. When food was placed in the box with the microwave energy, the temperature of the food rose rapidly. On 8 October 1945, Raytheon filed a United States patent application for Spencer's microwave cooking process, and an oven that heated food using microwave energy from a magnetron was soon placed in a Boston restaurant for testing.
>still posting wiki
I notice that you are avoid mentioning the size of the magnetron, in fact did you even know what one was before you started your mad google quest to prove yourself right because your knowledge base is just that small?
at this oint you're attacking the use of the most popular compilation of image sources on the internet, now youre moving the goal post to magnetrons.
you stated that nasa is SOLEY responsible for microwaves in ourr kitchen, which is proven false.
admit you can learn from your mistakes and fuck off.
>no no im right ur wrong!
But I am right and all you did was point out that Raytheon made a unit that weighed nearly one ton that was for "home use" to disprove my point.
Get fucked dude and keep thinking that tertiary sources are as valid as primary sources with your stupidity.
>be wrong
>better switch to ad hominem
>thinks tertiary sources don't use primary sources
>thinks written "primary
sources aren't also tertiary
>thinks that changes the fact billions in taxdosh to NASA had nothing to do with microwaves in our home,
The kikes are suppressing the tech we have developed until they have complete control over it
They can't enslave the world if power is free
Give it up, dude. You got btfo. face it