What the fuck happened in hawaii for real?
What the fuck happened in hawaii for real?
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Msnbc i think. Link it fag
Also something blew up in the sky that day
Deep State tried to get Trump to over react. Then Clintons could disappear in the chaos.
wait, was there actually a missile and it got shot down? and then (((they))) pretended afterwards it was only a drill?
Makes more sense than the retarded "Pressed the wrong button" explanation.
Wow. NBC films a hit piece laying the blame of NK nuclear weapons threat in Trump(not clinton bush obama) and two hours later someone hits the wrong button. Hmmmm
accidentally pressed all five of the wrong buttons including the two key system.
one guy accidentally turning two keys that are eight feet apart. while also pressing the button in between them.
Yes. And maybe pic was some kind of retaliation or show of power.
I heard via Greg hunter interview with Dave janda that that a renegade Chinese submarine actually shot a missile at Hawaii. The USA shot the missile down and the Chinese navy sank the sub. There are warring factions within the Chinese government. Perhaps they are on side of global central banking cartel. But the wanted to hit Hawaii as false flag and start a war. Google interview and look at 22:11 minute mark for when they talk about this
Then where were SK and Japan's warning. Or did they just not tell their citizens as part of this cover up?
Maybe (((they))) were trying to get Trump to respond to North Korea with a nuke. But shot it down when Trump didn't react the way they hoped.
>oops, fat fingers
Japan had one the next day
didn't an msnbc crew or something get caught trying to smuggle a fake bomb into an airport yesterday? What the fuck is going on?
Here is link for lazy faggits. Go to 22:11 mark
So what the USA shot down the missile and it curved back around to fly over Japan the next day?
>concave earth is real
A democrat false flag, prob funded by one of the Clinton gang.
The deep state knows when the memo gets released the party is over. Prepare for some deep state false flags/fuckery to try and reaquire control.
Why does it have to be the same missile? My theory is that the missile was one of our own. that the deep state was trying to start WWIII by getting a reaction from Trump. If Trump responded by nuking North Korea in response to the missile attack on Hawaii, then after the fact the deep state said it was just a drill, that would certainly cause war with China. Deep state get's it's war and Trump gets the blame.
But when the deep state didn't get the response from trump they were hoping they shot down the missile before it could make impact.
Then they probably tried again with Japan and South Korea. The USA has ships in that area, subs with nuclear warheads. ships that the deep state could use.
That's what I think, I think the thing in Hawaii was an attempted false flag.
What are the chances that a conspiracy of this size goes unnoticed by the uncorrupted part of US intelligence?
>there is only one missile in the sky at any given tie
there are a lot of countries that have submarines with missiles.
>MSNBC glows in the dark
What "uncorrupted" part of US intelligence. The CIA makes a living out of toppling governments to install puppets.
The "oops wrong button" is absolutely bullshit but this has just as many flaws, like the fact anyone with lukewarm IQ would realise the missile didn't come from NK unless they have wormhole technology that allowed it to bypass SK and Jap airspace
Or this
Pretty sure NK doesn't unless the plot was to frame China attacking Hawaii
It turns out that the talking heads on TV actual WERE the spooks themselves, not just civilians trained by spooks to do propaganda.
Holy fuck.
oy vey!
Well the deep state think's Trump is basically retarded.
But, North Korea does have subs, missiles can be shot from a sub
It was already known Anderson Cooper was CIA. We should've assumed this sooner. It makes their insane lack of accountability make a little more sense now. No one is going to hold them accountable as regular people for the shit they do because they aren't regular people. They're the people stealing kids and feeding em to people like Poddesta and Epstein. Anderson Cooper was literally crying about "all the work" he did in Haiti the other day trying to virtue signal about that shithole comment. Why was he crying? How many kids did he kidnap personally?
Is the news turning terrorist?
Oh...you didn't know the Norks got subs? wow you're about as retarded as a fucking blobfish.
if anything, it was a drill, move on
Mossad, terrorist, same thing.
Something fucking weird is going on. The Vegas shooting, two false nuclear "tests", two airport blackouts and unexplained mystery aircraft being allowed to leave during the incident, NBC trying to smuggle a bomb in to an airport. Need a time line to these events, see if there are any noticible patterns with the dates.
It's nothing. Forget about it. Forget about Japan's accidental alert too. Also forget about the worst shooting in US history that happened less than a year ago.
Salvation is plausible deniability & mass desensitisation.
Mark my words. Something is coming, lads, and they can't stop it.
Love these gullibleretards.com threads
Another fucking nothing.
horrible GUI design not tested for human factors
"Hit ENTER to Return"
"Are you sure? Hit Return to Enter"
Windows 10 pajeet programmers
They set off the alert to try to trick Trump into reacting and fucking himself up. Trump was tipped off to the plan and didn't react, so they claimed it was an error.
>USA allowed NK to advance to subs that can launch nukes
And I'm the blob fish for not following the specs of the NK Navy
>NBC journalist and camera man walk in for their piece on the increasingly worrying Trump nuke button
>"So if when Trump tweets once too many small dick jokes to Kim and he launches a nuke at Hawaii, What will your response be like?"
>"Well, we will send out an alert to everyone on the island from this system right here."
>Missile alert administrator feeling like his dick is huge because of his massive button asks,"We can do a test if you'd like?"
>Intern forgets to check the test box
>"Please don't talk about this"
Deep state chimpout. Ayys are mopping up the negative ayys now. Eventually they will contact us and everyone will realize Hitler did nothing wrong. The lizard jews are on the run.
Trump knew it was a real missile, but knew the Clintons were there so decided to pretend to be busy playing golf. Like with Benghazi. The Deep State was prepared to lose the Clintons anyway, but positive military stopped the nuke in order to preserve their testimony.
>very same day, hours
pretty sure it was the day before, the article never specifies WHEN they had access.
There was also a body that was discovered on a small runway at the airport a few hours after the alert. They never gave any details but said they think he was a stowaway that fell out of they plane.
yes yes give me all the red pills
there seem to be more meteor strikes this January.
We might be inside a meteor field.
(or break-off satelites of another large asteroid that passed Earth)
Link to this?
this this this this
The democrats were trying to get trump to react without asking questions and just launch the counter nukes. The democrats tried to start WWIII in Hawaii just like WWII.
They were spotted in Hawaii on the day of the alert. I don't know if that was confirmed or not though.
Explains why they are unashamed in doing what they do.
It was a deadly attempt at making trump look trigger happy. Democrats are willing to start a fucking war just to make him look bad.
this thread is becoming less Sup Forums and more /x/ as it goes on
It was the ayys
Notice that these are the ONLY topics that Trump never comments about. Especially Vegas. You'd think Trump would be disgusted with the FBI's investigation into Paddock, but he literally hasn't mentioned it since October, even with Tucker raising hell.
Even weirder is how MSM "flashes" the airport outages on TV, long enough to draw a puzzling WTF response from Americans, then on to the next SJW debate. We still have no answers about how this happened in Hawaii, only that an unidentified employee----shades of Campos in Vegas--has been transferred to an unnamed different job.
Deep state allowed
deeb sdade
>CNBC apparently.
Has CNBC confirmed it was their staff though? Consider that a Deep State actor might impersonate a news crew, sowing further confusion, when executing a false flag. That sounds incredible, maybe it is, but no more so than a MSM unit trying to sneak a fake BOMB into an international airport for cheap thrills
obama and clintons were there it was a scrub operation that went wrong again
>falseflags are /x/ material
how new can you be?
>deep state impersonating MSM is more likely than MSM fabricating their own sensationalist news
Not likely. Not to mention the news agencies are literally a part of the deep state. You can't differentiate between them anymore.
Apparently they are not from CNBC, they from a dutch company (endemol shine group) that does contracts for CNBC and they were filming the whole affair with hidden cameras.
>turns out it wasn't CNBC with the fake bomb
>it was 7 people working in "reality TV"
From The Hill, three hours ago...
>Seven members of a cable TV crew working for the Endemol Shine Group, which contracts with CNBC, were arrested for the attempt.
>Endemol Shine Group is a Dutch production company behind "Staten Island Hustle," which will launch in the spring.
The show is one of three reality programs the Comcast-owned channel is adding to its primetime lineup, including "BYOB: Be Your Own Boss" premieringFeb. 27,and "Deadly Rich," which will debut in the summer. Endemol has produced hits including "Big Brother," "MasterChef" and "The Biggest Loser
>Port Authority police said it has charged the seven crew members with conspiracy to create a public alarm, among other charges.
This doesn't add up. Seven people on the ground thought this was a good idea? Film crews need signed access forms, insurance firms, and obviously paperwork, scripts etc are filed for film shoots, even for reality TV. "Jackass" wouldn't even attempt to bring a bomb into an airport.
I don't buy it. This is worse than screaming "fire" in a crowded theater, which is a felony. No production company would sign off on this, especially for NJ/Manhattan. It's like a prank involving a fake gun at an airport. Not going to happen.
Wasn't there some video with ufo's over Hawaii at that time? Or was that something else?
Really makes you think
HOW do you explode a nuke to stop it exactly?
Are we sure this is even reality?
you do realize any hit to Hawaii the jet stream would carry across America right?
During the Great Dust Bowl of early 1900s, prairie dust from fields in Oklahoma homestead, was found 3 inches deep on boats in NY harbor.
If it was a nuclear missile from a sub (I have no idea if subs carry ICBMs or just short range missiles) then it could have been shot down before it reached its max speed.
>Israel is missing a submarine?
Sauce plz
I said this shit and everyone on here said I was fucking retarded.
Yawn. I'm so tired. I think its about bedtime, don't you?
the only plausible explanation is that it was a US Deep State false flag operation that was thwarted by elements of the US military that are still loyal to the republic. The incoming missile was real, it was fired from a US submarine and not from North Korea, the Deep State tried to false flag a war and they were thwarted.
Hold on..
1) Wasn't this a new iPHone app the state just commissioned and finished programming and was just beginning to test, hence the TV interview the same day?
2) Air traffic control will see this
3) Planes in the air will see this
4) We sunk a Chinese sub and there is no news from China?
5) do the chinese even have reliable tech to reach us, carry a nuke and fire it? last I checked they were broke and the Army was actually doing odd civilian jobs to pay for equipment, while generals were selling it. I also read the Chinese army is afraid to fight under it's own air-force..
and their navy is just as bad. Subs, nukes don't fall of trees, consider what we are saying..
where is evidence of any command tripping by a speeding projectile?
Lmao probably just retards and shills man. I don't buy for a second that this wasn't an actual missile. Too obvious someone was trying to force Trumps hand at war. I'm getting Egypt flashbacks when Israel attacked our ship and tried to frame Egypt. (Forget the name of the ship)
Makes sense to me. Anderson Vanderbilt Pooper, anyone.
That's nothing new though
Because you were. mobile.twitter.com
There wasn't any missile coming, it was just stupid as fuck democrats fucking around and activating a false alarm.
Hold on, so the CIA can tickle "rouge" elements in China.. that have access to not only a sub, a reliable one, one fitted with a nuke, take control of that sub, whole crew, that knows how to operate it, fire on Hawaii?
you realize China itself would stop that right?
Who in china hates their own country that much, who in china dances to the CIA at a whim? who in China hates America so much they are willing to kill pacific people who have a closer kinship than mainland Americans?
who are these people? how do they have so much access and perfect luck to get that far only to have JSOC blow it up at the right moment?
then hide all of it? really?
GEOTUS and all, but this is a bit far fetched for me.. False flag is much easier with people on the ground in the mainland.
Old tricks are the best tricks.
Hold on, so this "Chinese sub" was not only fitted with a nuke missile, but was SUNK but JSOC?
so you mean there are more nukes in a blown up sub off our coast? really?
THink about what we are saying here..
When we "intercepted" this NUKE, did it blow up? what happened to all that fall out? it should be over CA by now no? that shit just doesn't disappear..
Did it just make a dirty bomb or ignite the nuke?
wouldn't JSOC be out there collecting parts from the site for analysis?
There are so many parts here that are hard to believe even for the biggest conspiracy nut
THE DEMS ARE ALL ASLEEP? why wouldn't they play the other way? that Trump is hiding something and it did happen..
If a missile was shot down, the whole world would know about it. A lot of people waste their lives looking for that kind of thing y'know. Use your brains.
How would the whole world know? The only people would be the military, and they control what info goes out
The area between Hawaii and say, North Korea is vast and not unpopulated. You have planes, boats big and small, jets, and even inhabited islands populated with people that own cameras to boot. Relax. It was dumb as rocks democrats doing what they do best, fucking up.
Does anyone have any evidence of a Pacific explosion of that kind of magnitude? I am not suggesting that shooting an actual ICBM would cause a nuclear explosion, yet the explosion relating to destroying something that large would not go wholly unnoticed.
Hey, you're talking to a guy who believes some weird shit, but not this one.
The official line makes plenty of sense to me. The only real evidence you have that it isnt true is an assumption that the people who designed and/or the people who are currently running the system are competent, which is unwarranted.