>pic related will be extinct in 20 years
>pic related will be extinct in 20 years
they said that shit 20 years ago.
Your just sad that you wont be able to rape girls like that anymore
Well, it ain't gonna change much for Brazil, I guess.
Black eyed peabrain hernando was rejected by a higher functioning being.
>gib white holocaust now!
Huh, she’s gonna live for another 40-50 years.
Is this the beginning of the castiza era?
That's an absolutely ridiculous thing to say.
>wanting flat asses and scrawny, poorly shaped women
We can only hope.
those narrow hips would probably shatter if she tried to have a child
Fuck off nigger
I would shatter them beforehand, if you get what I mean.
Don't worry, James, all of your country's women are fat. You'll never have to worry about these things.
Hip Huggers Popular 1970s
Hip Huggers Popular 2010s
Hip Huggers Extinct 2030s
>*Blocks your homogenity*
>wants a fat, stinky cellulite ass that will be unfuckable after 10 years
Good thing hips serve no canal function during childbirth you uneducated idiot, the pelvis actually softens and flexes during pregnancy.
slippery /thread
Your pic related will still be alive in 20 years. Hardly extinct.
Don't worry, as soon as genetic modification becomes available and affordable people will realize how much hotter blonde hair and blue eyes are than shit colored skins so I'm not worried.
literally bullt for my black cock
good. I wish this untalented cunt was aborted. She is no role model for young white women and girls and she is no queen of the white race. She cant even strum an E Minor chord ffs.
these are just bytes and polys
No worries. There are literally a billion qt Asian waifus waiting to take their place.
>implying they won't ban genetic whitening therapy for being racist
>memeflagging from a different IP
>tfw no gook gf
cloning will save the white race. scientists will not be cloning any niggers, spics, or arabs
Don't worry, we're all gonna get gook gfs one day
literally what the fuck are you talking about. there are thousands of videos of her playing the guitar, banjo, piano etc
White people arent gonna go extinct you dumbass. Whites in the west will be minorities, but never extinct. Its a moronic revenge fantasy by racist jews and leftists. Its enabled by apathetic lolbertarians.
Whatever, pussy is not going anywhere
yes white people are going to never miscegenate with these people and stay white forever
Usually white motherfuckers post the ugliest Asians; you're doing good user!
Who is this demon