Does fanservice detracts quality from a show or it's just an extra? Have you ever watched an anime just because of fanservice?
Does fanservice detracts quality from a show or it's just an extra...
I like fanservice because it repels the normalfags.
If you're going to have fanservice, put some effort into it. If you aren't, put some effort else where.
Case by case basis. Sometimes shows inturrupt the real reason you're watching with fanservice you could get anywhere, other times it's not obtrusive at all or even the reason you're watching.
If it feels thrown in out of nowhere, i think it's a bad thing, but if it fits the mood of the show/moment, it's fine.
Then there are shows focused around fanservice. I have trouble getting far in them if it's all they have to offer, but at least they aren't trying to be anything else, usually.
Not everything people call fanservice is actually fanservice.
When the "fanserviceish" scene serves to actually make a point about the character or make the people watching aroused/attracted to it, it's actually serving a purpose inside the narrative.
First thing that comes to mind is Nia/Yoko tits during the final speech in the Gurren Lagann movie. That was unnecessary.
I can't really think of any anime where I would say "This was perfectly enjoyable, but that sexual content really ruined it.". Pro-tip if an anime has fanservice at all, you probably aren't supposed to take it super seriously. Scratch that- what are you doing watching anime in the first place if you take it very seriously or don't like fanservice?
Yeah, i should rephrase that.
I guess fanservice would be when ecchi isn't actually serving a purpose other than "woah look at that."
>"This was perfectly enjoyable, but that sexual content really ruined it."
This is usually a giant red flag to ignore completely everything that person says. Fanservice is perfectly fine in shows that don't try to pretend they are something else and don't take themselves seriously. HoTD is still one of my favorites.
No its gotta have something else as well
Konosuba works because its also funny as hell
Fanservice is fine if it fits the show; it's not a detractor per say... but it ends up being so a lot of the time, unfortunately. Gratuitous fanservice can easily wreck the mood of an otherwise good show, and often adds very little of value. I suspect it also eats up production resources that would be better used elsewhere.
Dropped pic related because of the constant, unnecessary, in-your-face fanservice content.
Really loved the first iteration, was psyched for the remake on account of the stellar animation. Massively disappointing.
I have no problem with sexy anime grills, but I'm not sure what the point is watching something just for the fanservice would be... I mean, if you're looking for T&A there is an internet full of doujins out there. 'Fanservice" tends to be pretty lame and juvenile. Even straight-up porn translates pretty poorly to anime (though this is probably a quality issue).
I generally avoid stuff with the "ecchi" tag, because, again, most of it is crap. The stuff that is actually enjoyable tends to be the stuff that actually has real humor and likable characters - i.e., not "pure" fanservice. I liked Monmusu because the characters were fun, though I'm not going to pretend its high quality, and Boku Girl is straight up one of my two favorite manga. Unfortunately, most fanservice doesn't seem to rise above the level of "hahaha BOOBS!" or the gratuitous panty shot. Does absolutely nothing for me.
Honestly it makes me feel uncomfortable and it does make me like a show less, it usually wont stop me from watching a show but i feel uneasy during the scenes. It was probably the only thing i didnt like about code geass
well I have fun when there's fanservice
Depends on the content like what said. It's all about the timing and context. Still, not everybody likes having it thrown in their face every 3 minutes.
Fanservice is always right. People complaining about it are castrated males.
It depends on if they are lolis or not.
>Does fanservice detracts quality from a show
>Have you ever watched an anime just because of fanservice?
To me it just depends whether it detracts from the general tone of the series and if it feels "natural" within the setting.
They show actually has to have an interesting plot too. Fanservice alone is not enough.
the only reason to watch illya is fanservice
If a show has fanservice it's not quality.
I agree.
>perfectly fine in shows that don't try to pretend they are something else and don't take themselves seriously
Nice meme, faggot. I remember back when no one gave a shit about "taking yourself too seriously". That opinion is not real. Your beliefs are based off of memes.