Would rather live next to that black fellow than any filthy yankee.
Southerner here. Yep and Yep.
Pretty much this.
>these are the same people who call you a nigger loving cuck
>uses typical shill format of posting
>not a shill
>points out dixies for being nigger loving cucks
I could have your bitch tonight user, if you had one. I grew up in an area roughly 50/50 white and black. I know just as many shitty white people as I do black people. Culturally speaking, yes, we are different, but just as different as white Southerners versus yankees. The image shows an obviously based black man not offended by a flag that stands for much more than slavery. Find me some white liberal yankees and let's see how they react.
Southerners are just typical "based pede" civic nationalists, while Northerners love diversity and non-whites so much that they vote and advocate for globalism.
End yourself.
>while Northerners love diversity and non-whites so much that they vote and advocate for globalism.
We’re growing tired of it. Many northern states like PA, WI, OH flipped red this year for trumps campaign promises to bring jobs back and get rid of illegals.
keep em close for easy access, keep the wife happy. gotcha
Or probably so that his wife can prep the bull.
>southerners proving as always that they're cuckservatives
Look, I get it, the north has more liberals. But northern conservatives are 100x more redpilled than southern conservatives.
Southern conservatives are all for race mixing as long as the upstanding young black man worships the kike on a stick and will play good football at Bamalama
And I am in particular referring to the Midwest and Northern Rockies. The coasts are cucked but Indiana, Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Idaho and Montana all have sleeper cells waiting for a race war instead of praising Based black magapedes.
As expected, the nigger lovers of the south love their pet coons more than their fellow whites.
Go be 56% in Africa, see how well you get along with the coons over there.
I dont think it means he wants to import them in droves or not try to remedy their culture and lifestyle.
But him being in the south already means they share proximity, stop being dishonest.
The South is a breeding ground for mulattos
>But him being in the south already means they share proximity
The South is a huge geographic area. He said he wants to live "next to him".
>northern conservatives
don't make me laugh. You are the same fucks that stop us from segregating because muh racism.
go fuck yourself you lying kike.
They're singlehandedly responsible for the 56% meme. Lincoln was going to send freed slaves back to Africa but southerners are notoriously shortsighted as even the white ones tend to be descended from the worst white stock (Scots-Irish), so they killed him out of butthurt from losing the war thus dooming us to keeping them here.
I hate the coasts and the south about equally. We need a Midwest and Rockies alliance to secede from it all.
Idaho alone has more white nationalist compounds than the entire south.
Last I checked it's you Yankee Jew lovers that's the reason we are having so much racial trouble to begin with.
You fought a war against your own countrymen to let them run free range on the country so who's the real darkie lovers here?
yankee kikes aren't white. no true white man would treat his southern brothers like the Yankee kike treats the south: there to be used, abused, and subservient.
and? Those same white nationalist who will preach to southern whites to come join them in the promise land, and then treat them like foreign servants.
The entire north has been subverted to kikedom. It all needs a purge before any ethnostate can come into existence.
>being this bluepilled
booth was literally 100% a jew controlled deep state agent. also a homosexual.
>the south is single handedly responsible for 56%
>even though california is the reason 56% is a thing in the first place
typical of the yankee kike to carefully place lies for the white man to find and perceive as truth.
Who ended segregation? Oh yeah, LBJ, a southerner.
>northern conservatives aren’t redpilled
Name one southern conservative that could get on Nehlen’s woke level.
>based black man
Gentlemen I present to you "Nu-Pol". Thanks 2016 election!
Holy shit you really do sound like the darkies you love so much.
>it's not our fault it's da YANKEE MANS FAULT
PS if the south is truly more redpilled, why were all the relevant southern GOP candidates either non-white (Rubio, Cruz) or cucked beyond belief (Jeb)? It took a big strong Yankee to win the GOP nom and election. I still think Trump's an Israel-loving cuckservative, but he's certainly less cuckservative than your lot.
David Duke is the only good southerner in politics, and he's been out for years
funny cause shitty white people tend to live around blacks
You know Eisenhower originally ended segregation by sending the troops into schools to enforce Brown V Board. Not to mention the 1958 civil rights bill that Nixon sponsored.
Yes, and he turned the entire south into a solid red for ages to come.
Meanwhile the yankee kikes in the north are STILL actively working to replace Americans everywhere to line their pocket.
>muh redpill
You have absolutely no room to talk about anything until you yankees stop sucking the kike dick so fucking hard. You treat everyone else in this country like fucking goyim.
Should have fought harder then.
Lol America.
I'd rather lynch a carpetbagger than a negro.
As I already stated, I detest the coasts and the south equally.
Pic related minus Chicago is true white man's America.
You must've read a history book written by Huffington Post.
Good job, shilling and all. How much do they pay you?
>You have absolutely no room to talk about anything until you yankees stop sucking the kike dick so fucking hard.
The fucking irony of this statement. Southern baptists are far and away the ones who support MUH ISRAEL MUH GODS CHOSEN COUNTRY the most.
Paul Nehlen has more balls calling out Jewry than the entire south put together.
>true white man's america
>but only if you live there already
>if you are a foreign white person expect to exist as the lower class while we kike you like we have in the past
>muh racially pure west coast
>yankee kikes
Lol southerners cuck to the Jews more than anyone else in the country. The American Jew lover meme mostly comes from the south.
>the south
you literally treat everyone in this country like the jew treats the goyim around the world.
You have no room to talk about israel or anything related to kikedom until you STOP ACTING LIKE A FUCKING KIKE.
>Lol southerners cuck to the Jews more than anyone else in the country.
Yes this is why jews just LOVE to live in the south, right?
Typical kike subverted yankee mutt.
>imports hundreds of thousands of sub-saharan Africans instead of paying white people to be farm workers
>breeds the black population to 12 million and spreads them throughout half the the country, continually pushes for new states to become slave states so more of the continent can be filled with niggers
>Attacks Fort Sumpter, declaring war on their own people with larger population, industry, armament production, railroad system, and wealth, leading to the bloodiest war in American history and killing nearly 1/3rd of their entire fighting age male population
>what is florida
Don't forget Nevada it may not look like much from the outside but my city is the definition of voluntary segregation and interracial conflict when forced to interact
>imports hundreds of thousands of sub-saharan Africans instead of paying white people to be farm workers
What white people would they pay? Those whites were moving to unpopulated land to make a profit farming and selling cotton to the British.
And lets not even brush on the fact that everything the south fought to prevent happened in the end because they lost.
So how were they wrong again? The south is KIKED by the north ever since the war
.Even kikes are starting to hate florida
>the Jews all live in the north
LOL I never knew Jews existed until I was 13. Never seen a kike until I went to college.
>this assblasted cuckservative mutt desparatelt posing in all caps to defend civic nationalism
Every time you reply to this post a dixiecuck dies
>tfw I checked that the percentage of white pop. in TN is going up.
Is this legit?
Perhaps I should have said northern cities. I thought that much was obvious.
Still doesn't distract from the very real situation where northerners blame southerners for kike problems, (((just as intended))).
Such good little goy live up north
.>he keeps defending the kike's plan
europeans are right when they say muttposters are all the bestest goy.
If so they can be honorary northerners alongside Kentuckians.
>The south is KIKED by the north ever since the war
The south was KIKED from the beginning. Got greedy and bred slaves instead of gelding them like the based Arabs.
This kills the stormfags
>Got greedy and bred slaves
Which is why they continued to buy new africans up until the slave trade was abolished, right? At least get educated on the matter.
The only thing the south screwed up on was being too altruistic to butcher them all when slavery was over. They thought they could just educate and tame them.
Little did they know the eternal jude had another plan in mind.
They should both be booted out, I don't see your point.
>such a good little goy up north
Lol you can shit talk about kikes here and nobody will care.
>be me
>smoking cigars with friends
>”Hey guys have you ever seen a Jew skydive?”
>flick some ash off cigar
>everyone laughs
>southerners screeching at northerners
>northerners screeching at southerners
>niggers screeching at whites, whites screeching at nigs
>coastfags screeching at everyone else
You are all terminally retarded. This is the reason no one likes American posters on Sup Forums.
>why can't everyone be nice and just get along :(
If you're a northerner kindly fuck off to canada
White percentage would be going up all across the east and south (not west) if not for the spic situation.
Black populations are fairly static with their reproduction and murder rate. So long as they don't spread, they don't increase.
The big issue from the past is that greedy northerners mass imported southern negros to work in their factories, thus giving the negros another area to take over via outbreeding.
If you leave them in one place, they reach a population threshold like every other race on the planet.
Every black community outside of the south is a direct cause of greedy northern factory owners.
And you think this is any different in the south? Try saying the same thing about a nigger.
>implying europe is any different
Welcome to Sup Forums faggot.
Dixiecucks have been playing the “WHAA BIG BAD YANKEES KEEPING ME DOWN” shit forever.
>THE literal reason we have le 56 face to begin with saying it likes living with niggers
Like pottery.
Point is, you're an edgy unAmerican faggot
fuck off jidf
>surely we can maintain western small-government principles without western people!