So are the Welsh what the English used to be, genetically speaking, before the Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Norman invasions?
So are the Welsh what the English used to be, genetically speaking, before the Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Norman invasions?
the welsh were indigenous.
the brits migrated there.
Welsh are a bunch of britons who used to larp as romans.
That's what I'm asking. I'm saying before the Anglo-Saxons and everybody else came and colonized their wombs, the Welsh are what inhabited the entirely of England, correct?
English are Dutcho-Welsh rape babies
>posts whore
I think that's right, with some unknown amount of regional variation.
The Welsh, Scottish, and Irish are all Celtic groups, related to the Gauls in pre-Roman France.
The Celts occupied England through the Roman period but were driven out to Scotland, Wales, and Ireland by the Anglo-Saxon invaders.
The Scottish are an admixture of Celtic and Norse. Irish are similar, but less Norse. Welsh are a little more mixed due to their proximity to Anglo-Saxon and later Norman England.
That'd explain why they're so genetically perfect
>Indigenous to an island
>liberal education
You're aware the British Isles didn't used to be islands, yes? Surely no one can be this stupid.
all the best looking brits/irish are viking descendants
blue eyes blonde hair irish here
Sophie Dee is everything wrong with British women. Mentally ill, check. Mud shark for virtue signalling (divorced very quickly though) check, whore, check. Alone and hates herself, check.
look at this guy who doesn't read historical fiction
Yeah there was a land bridge during the last glacial maximum up to 12,000 years ago. The reality is that the Indo-European horse warrior culture that would become Celts displaced neolithic farmers across Europe, Britain too. They are not the original stock. Have you heard of the Beaker folk?
Celtic + Roman + Roman Mercenaries (Thrace) + Anglo-Saxons.
They're completely mongrelized with the eternal-Anglo as are Scots.
Still blew about a gallon to her though, no regrets
Fuck off back to Hyperborea
The island wasn't totally homogenous in the first place. We know of the prior invasion that brought Celtic speech from Central Europe, and possibly other directions too, so that will also have been associated with some parts of the island having genetic differences. Who knows how many such waves there might have been deep in prehistory.
The British Isles are a contact zone between the Atlantic Fringe of Europe, Scandinavia and Central Europe.
I read that, it's far from perfect.
Phoenicians land there and had some very ancestral bloodlines still living there.
But they were mostly romans, that mean mystery meat of the empire.
The situation and genetic input is probably comparable with that of Belgians and the Congo.
>mystery meat
We actually have statistics derived from soldiers' and officials' gravestones. Most representatives of the Roman power in Britannia for the first two centuries were Gauls and Illyrians who had joined the army. Later, Germanic soldiers came to dominate. Of course, Syrian merchants weren't unknown, but by the very nature of commerce were not massively common.
where did Britons come from?
Stupid question unless you define the term.
Arabs are why Italians are now niggers . . .
All of Europe will be fucking wops by the end of the century.
Beaker people, migrated there from Continental Europe. Not gentically Beaker though, just mixed with Beakers then migrated into Britain, replaced the previous population.
They are essentially the same people. They both originate form the same area (beaker people/culture) but had different cultures.
The Briton celts would have crossed from mainland Europe into the Britain when the land was connected via doggerland.
They displaced the original inhabitants (stone henge guys!) although some people in the UK can still trace their lineage back around 10,000 years (Cheddar man found in the UK has been linked to modern day Brits)
When the Saxons, Angles etc. arrived they had only been separated from the Celts by around 2,000 years so apart from culture, every other aspect (inc. race) was the same.
The same can be said for the Normans, Danes, Vikings, Frisians and so on.
The only group that is outside of all those groups and not from the same people are the Romans who left little impact racially on the UK.
The best looking girls in britain are actually recent polish immigrants
Germanic soldiers came with the invasion as auxiliaries and probably in the legions also.
>The Briton celts would have crossed from mainland Europe into the Britain when the land was connected via doggerland.
Oh fuck off you mongrel.
Wrong, best looking girls are descendants of Anglo-Saxons
I dont trust that nose on this cunt. Or the fake tits. I take it shes a instagramma "model"?
How do you know there was any genetic difference between the celts and the beaker people?
It hit and miss, either some babushka looking fucker or Slav god
This isn't disputed in history. Sorry to burst some fantasy bubble that you may have.
You mean half black? Welsh people are dark in skin tone. They're some kind of North African or Spanish, like the Irish, only a tad bit more white.
I think youll actually find all north west europeans are exactly the fucking same except for some countries having a few more blue green or brown eyes etc.
Youre refering to some genetic signature shit invented by jews to divide and conquer us. Truth is we're all native europeans and all of us have always migrated around europe including these islands which used to not be islands
>I take it shes a instagramma "model"?
She's a porn whore
>Not knowing who Sophie Dee is
You got to up your mature porn game user.
That is anybody's history you fucking retard, Beaker's weren't contemporary to the land bridge.
>So are the Welsh what the English used to be, genetically speaking, before the Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Norman invasions?
>before the Anglo-Saxon... invasions
So... what were the English like before... the English?
There isn't much of a difference. Celts, Saxons, Danes and so on can be traced back to the beaker people.
Saying Saxons and Vikings are different is like saying someone from Leeds is different than somebody from Sheffield.
>That is
>mature porn
You mean slag porn right?
She only ever made one good video, where she had real shiny makeup and sucked on a shiny knob
I hate matt makeup, makes you look like a fucking stone
Uh what? Celt roots can be traced back to the beaker people, the beaker people didn't cross doggerland; the celts did.
Try actually conversing instead of throwing a hissy fit and acting like a drunken Irish fool.
Exactly. All the fucking same.
The only difference between them is who they recognised as king like 2000 years ago, as if that makes any kind of difference today
>what are autralian aboriginals
>what are Madagascan people
>how does anyone get anywhere
Your troll is pretty beta tbqh, you need to work on it.
>So... what were the English like before... the English?
Nobody really knows. It's the people who built stonehenge. Records only really begin with the Romans when the Celts were on the scene.
Stop being a pedantic cunt, you know what I'm saying.
No. Prior to the modern age, human "tribes" were all very much distinct in that they all have their own unique genetic markers, markers which we can still see today. The human species is not divided up into easily distinct groups (European, Asian, etc.) It is a continuum. There is nothing about that that "divides" white people. Basques are different from Castillians who are different from Portuguese.
no it was proven by the brits themselves that the welsh are birts. the brits had ethnically cleansed the place 3 times and replaced them with brits. which means the last 2 times it was brits being ethnically cleansed by brits and replacing them with brits
each time they pretended they didnt do anything because they planned on doing it to the irish and the scots. and each time the brits forgot aftetr a few generations and they felt they needed to do it. the last time was just a few years ago they were just about to do it again for a 4th time then some one remembered some shit their grand father told them and they could prove the welsh were brits
You still don't have an argument. If you do, I am willing to listen but it appears not.
proofs, I'll wait here.
The UK is probably the only white country that diversity will make more attractive :^)
>what the English used to be
A better way to put it is "the people who inhabited what is now England", the English didn't exist previous to those migrations.
>the brits migrated there
>see image
I have no idea why Americans can't grasp that British =/= English.
Proof of what lol you brainlet. That mainland Britons crossed via doggerland? What exactly are you asking for?
Here is a tip.. OPEN YOUR EYES. Brits look no different than Germans, French, Dutch, Norwegians and so on. You can only tell them apart when they open their mouths to speak.
Now if you looks at Slavic people, you can for most parts tell they are different visually.
A Brit can spot a Polish girl in the local super market before she even speaks.
>I have no idea why Americans can't grasp that British =/= English.
I'm British, an American cannot into that.
Still waiting Sergei.........
Then why don't you have the English flag like this guy?
Lol makes sense. That would have been my next guess. I would imagine she mainly has sex with blacks? She has those eyes.
Hahah I dont really know many porn "actresses" besides Jamieson (jameson?) and another similar looking broad (cnt remember the name)
You're boring me and intellectually way out of your comfort zone. Move along.
> Brits look no different than Germans, French, Dutch, Norwegians and so on.
This is blatantly untrue and you're a fucking idiot if you actually believe that. Furthermore, it really doesn't matter what they look like, even if they did all look alike (which they don't). Genetics can tell them apart.
>why don't you have the English flag
>English flag
If this is b8 it was flawless well played
10/10 post
the celts never left england. the genetic impact of the invasions has turned out to be minimal. the overwhelming majority of british people carry celtic genetic markers (70+ percent).
anglo-saxon is a term that was made up to legitimize victoria marrying an unpopular german prince, and to legitimize the fact that a not very popular german family (the hanovarians) had wound up on the throne of the british empire. along with it came the myth that the native celts were basically useless trash, and the anglo-saxons were vigorous go-getters who deserved to rule. which of courese is the same thing the norman french aristocracy said as well. in the end, all of these colonists dissapeared into the genetic morass of the original celtic popluation.
You honestly think most europeans have retained the same genetic signature through their fathers bloodline for thousands of years and nevee intermixed with another tribe, or migrated to a different land? Come off it.
Pretty much. British isles all stem from similar genetics. English just got raped is all.
No it was the Glorious Revolution that created all the bullshit.
>the invasion
The Claudian invasion? They were mostly Gauls. Simple as that. Some Iberians, some Balkan forces, and a sprinkling of Italians, mostly in the officer class.
>american flag
That does not surprise me. As a lot of Americans are mixed between West and Eastern Europe they can't understand this in actual Europe. Someone with German/Polish heritage in the USA can't see the differences due to mixing.
In Europe in which the groups are very different, you can see the differences.
Russians do not look like British in general.
If it makes you feel any better. most Americans resemble Western Euros and rarely look slavic.
The invasion came from Germania.
>the overwhelming majority of british people carry celtic genetic markers
Yes, British people. As a whole. This includes the Scottish and Welsh. England is a different story, someone the other day posted things about this and his own source stated that England specifically is different with 45-65% being Anglo Saxon heritage (which i was under the impression it was up to 70% in the east so it wasn't that far off). Populations within countries are not perrfectly consistent genetically from north to south and east to west.
>not even knowing that the aboriginal welsh was black kangz
I have both Anglo-Saxon and Viking ancestry
this is the closest to an accurate answer
this is not true
Various kings of Wessex used the term "Anglo-Saxon" in their Latin charters. Sure, its later popularity may have been dictated by politics, but it wasn't "made up".
Also the celts were not entirely "driven out" but mixed with incoming groups that either settled within them, or socially stratified societies on top of them
5.5% devil
Fuck off Swede nigger
What exactly are you talking about? Stupid half sentences aren't conducive to a discussion. The invading troops were mostly Gauls. Makes sense, if you're going to invade an area where Celtic is spoken, to use what Celtic troops you have at your disposal. They'll be more comfortable in the climate, too, less prone to getting sick.
The Viking meme is one of my most hated. Glorification of a bunch of angry Norse manlets has never made sense to me.
The invasion was launched from Germania.
Step-up cobber
Fuck, she has not ages well. I remember fapping to her early vids on BTRA (Big Tits, Round Asses for those not in the know) back in high school. Not even sure if that site is still around.
Your Scandi and German ancestry are most likely more recent than mine, I traced my ancestors back to the 1600's and they were either English or Irish
>I would imagine she mainly has sex with blacks?
Actually she was even married to one. Might still be idk but yeah you are on the money with that Canada.
>not even knowing that scandinavians and celts wuz kangz too...
And where was Bush's Iraq invasion launched from? Doesn't matter, most of the troops were drawn from the old Confederacy or whatever.
Anyway, I don't KNOW, but wasn't it launched from Belgic Gaul?
King Arthur is a Welsh AND native Briton myth.
There was no "Wales" during Roman times. Below the wall it was all Britannia.
Yes but England includes London.
>Welsh AND native Briton
Fuck are you on about? The terms are synonymous.
If thats a reference to the recent immigration these tests only take into account natives for very obvious reasons.
The welsh went to ireland, the romans went to wales, the anglo-saxons went to england
Lanky tall ectomorphic with distinctly strong facial features. Genetic Perfection.
>Anyway, I don't KNOW,
Exactly, stop sticking your cock in every hole you see.
Fuck's sake, you're the cunt rattling on about the launch point for no obvious reason.