It's utterly beyond me why this charming as fuck show never got a 3rd season

It's utterly beyond me why this charming as fuck show never got a 3rd season.

I guess now the light novels are continuing with Spring Log and soon new parchment it's looking hopeful for season 3.

Also why is this charming anime not discussed more, does Sup Forums think it's not worth discussing such an old anime?

Holo is my goddamn waifu, I'll happily discuss Spice and Wolf all day

I recently re watched it after 5 years, it was very comfy and Holo was awesome. Honestly, I can't find anything wrong with this

which episode did she say "loneliness is a disease that leads to death"?

Sup Forums loves korbo, everyone knows that

It's not just Sup Forums, she's beloved on several boards.

Literal perfection.

Bump for season 3

It was boring


I really do hope that we get another season thanks to the novels picking back up, but if I'm being honest I doubt it'll happen

one of these days I need to start reading the novels

Found the edgy teen.

You mean you haven't already? Jesus dude you're in for a wild ride.

Its easy to understand why.

The story continues for like 5 volumes basically repeating the same scenarios in different situations till they start progressing the story somewhere.

Read the LN. It's actually pretty well translated and fun to read. A rarity.

Yeah but m8, the Bants between the characters is top quality.

They stop becoming satisfying, with the volumes the tv show covered it at least gave an outward progression of their personal relationship. The volumes after serve to keep them stuck at a point and cease progression. It is just not enjoyable. Id rather read a better book with banter than sit through the same shit.

Well, that's your opinion but there's only so much progression you can have, besides new parchment is a whole new start it'll be interesting to see what Laurencekirk and hold get up to in their summer of life.

Jesus fucking christ I hate auto correct. Holo and Laurence

Laurencekirk and hold is pretty amusing though.

I am disappointed with the progression in the LN. I thought we would see more development between Horo and Lawrence after season 2. But then fucking Col. Is it even worth it to read volume 10?

Season 3 When

Right, they should have cut a few volumes and ended it earlier.


we really need more economics in our anime.

Haven't read the LN yet.
So should I understand that the anime finishes with vol9 of the LN?
Should I read the whole LN or just skip through to vol10 in your opinion?

I can smell the new all over this thread

Korbo has both Lawrence and Sup Forums wrapped around her little finger. If I weren't already married to mai waifu I'd be sorely tempted...

I just want to see Laurencekirk and Hold loving each other some more


I guess no one wanted to make it even though it will bring in money. 2nd season studio that produced it is different than the first.

Nah as a legit oldfag here, Spice is bandwagon as fuck.

I'll be honest here, I always thought Norah was cuter

too painful to talk about.

Who told you that? Both seasons animate Volumes 1, 2, 4 and 5. Rule of thumb is to read everything from start (sincerely, the adaptation covered mostly everything, so you aren't going to lose much), but if you're going to read from where the anime ended, you should pick volume 3 up since there's Elsa who becomes relevant in the final volumes and then read from 6 onwards.

>It's utterly beyond me why this charming as fuck show never got a 3rd season.

The Sup Forums popularity of a show doesn't always correspond to economic success, unfortunately.

I will never understand people who blame Col. Lawrence's and Holo's interaction remained the same and was just as numerous as in the volumes before he arrived. Aside from a few scenes he doesn't really cockblock them either and actually reads the atmosphere to understand when he should keep to himself or just fuck off from the scene. His mentor-apprentice-like relationship with Lawrence is good too.
The thing that makes mad is Holo's rejection to Lawrence's confession in volume 6. When I read it, it was totally obvious their relationship would stay frozen in status quo for the majority of the following novels and that's what fucking happened. Col did nothing wrong.

If you don't have an autographed copy of the tome, why even live?

FMP finally got a sequel after 12 years. Don't lose hope, brother. I think Spice and Wolf is still fairly popular in nip land.