Brit/pol/- Walthamstow edition

>Macron: pay 2 play with EU

>NHS swallows up £18 'transformation fund' in crisis

>Bojo floats idea of new France link

>May vs. Lords on Brexit Bill

>Bolton blames left wing media for death threats to gf

>Quiet Labour turmoil continues

Other urls found in this thread:

Getting away from the tourist traps by the River Thames gave me the chance to see so much cultural diversity, also reconnecting with a Turkish vibe was absolutely amazing! Walthamstow holds many identities but its Turkish influence allowed me to eat some delicious food and to find freshly made Ayran! It's unclear if Walthamstow's dog days are over yet but I did my research anyhow. Ditching the London Underground for the 48 bus to London Bridge I was baffled by the sheer amount of Romanian businesses that operate within E17, from Romanian barbershops to a bar called 'Bar Transylvania!'. Challenging the concept of Walthamstow Village gave me a sense of nothingness because Hoe Street served a side of E17 that I imagined would be there. That Town Hall impressed me much! E17; Walthamstow, you already know that everything's going to be alright! I'm not going to apologise about making cheesy references to E17's lyrics, I know that I'm good with that!

On tonight's show!

>Helen Mirren
>Liam Neeson
>Jamie Dornan

BBC One, 10:35pm


I am the ultimate poster

>still would
>potato jedi

Just found out who Sigrid is.

Would seed desu.

London should never have been built in the first place.

pipe down swedecuck

Genuinely considering buying Euroshopper energy drinks in bulk and handing them out at schools.

On the subject of shops shutting and being replaced by weird indoor markets, that happened down the road from me a year or so back but I noticed while I was on the way back from the bank earlier they're all shut. Swear one of the places (some poxy "vegan cafe/arts venue") was on the TV a little while back with Rosena Allin-Khan singing her praises of it.

Bit of a munter tbqh.

You could use her chin as a cue rest.

Tasty drinks those. Don't give a fuck if they're bad for you. I like em'

Got cucked hard today at work.
New paki boy started working when holidays were over.
Went up to him and asked where he was from which I thought would rile him up because he had a pretty obvious received pronunciation accent, so i ask and he says without hesitation

>town or ethnicity

And it jsut compeltely thre wme off, felt like i was trying to process it for 10 seconds, then i ended up just stuttering out town, after he asked me where i was from i immediately left.
So fucking glad it's the weekend

In love with a Paki girl lads.


You're all scum.


just dont have kids

what the fuck did i just read.

How do people like you hold down jobs? I've met more socially amenable people on the dole.

btw, for my main Pakistani, look at this white officer getting btfo

reminder to ignore and filter pube/paki poster and NOT reply to it under any circumstances. starve the little virgin of attention.

you may now proceed with your day.

The family will cut her head off/give her an acid facial long before that

>still haven't done the last part of the pube saga yet
I'm a lazy tard

Fucking saved!

chop chop lad you promised it yesterday was looking forward to the finale

That was actually pretty well done



Thats halirous. That Street is right round the corner from me as well, kek.

Fucking hell, Nigel.


Get on with it lad, got caesars caps, but need the whole thing.

Wonder how long it will be before pube dares show his face (paki not withstanding). Been keeping an eye on /brit/ and /britfeel/ too just in case he slinks off there...

Still around man? I managed to make an address, if you're still in a generous mood I'll post it

Is that capoeira?

>complains about giving pube attetion
>90% of your posts are about him
what did lil c mean by this?

kek good post

Oh no! People were drawn to a taboo! How did this happen!?

Who the fuck is Nigel?

Be quiet cleetus

Also your last 2 digits are the wrong way round...

What happened to Pubes after? Did he ever make a return or has be abandoned his trip now? Obviously he's still Pakiposting but I've yet to see him post on any of his main tripcodes.

He disappeared and hasn't shown his face again yet

hy do we have such a critical tripcunt problem?

No other place on Sup Forums has it as bad we do.
No matter how many turn up here and leave after their tearful goodbyes or get doxxed after being forced out by Anons..
We have been plagued by them for fucking years and it just keeps getting worse. Once we get rid of one pack of these cunts another load will turn up to take their place and shit up these threads.

When they are their zenith, Brit/pol/ is literally unbearable to post in as you have to compete with these 'e-personalities' and if you go against the narrative that they themselves set up here after a little while you are called an Anonymong.
Anons leave this place in droves, I have spoken to other Brits on similar discussion pages and the reason they do not post here is due to fucking tripcode cancer.

/ptg/ has less tripcunts than us.
/sg/ has less tripcunts than us.
At one point we had the most tripcunts here out of ALL of Sup Forums.

What is it about Brit/pol/ that attracts these attention starved carbuncles and how do we lance these disgusting lesions on the arsehole of our Brit/pol/ once and for all?

Why is Brit/pol/ a magnet for attention whores?
Filter and ignore. Install Sup Forums X on your browser and hide post stubs. They'll be gone forever.

I refuse to believe his autism will allow him to accept reality

He's in my back pocket


I'm not Preusse.

It's pretty fucking funny when anonymongs claim to have ebinly doxxed triplords when all that's happened is the triplord themselves have mistakenly posted their private details.
you guys are L33T HAXXORS 420 NO SCOPES LLF

iirc he disappeared for a few days after the Balmaha incident (after some initial damage control in the threads on the 25th) and then gradually came back. He's probably going to do the same with this, coming back when it's died down a bit and people have mostly forgotten about the event.

>this dog shit meme

There is a difference between old fashioned and outdated, George.

You're all being played by him. Preusse is based as fuck.

Eddie is a sad little ghoul of a man who refuses to stop posting despite the fact that like most of the other tripcunts he is universally hated, mocked and derided - the other tripcunts will however rush to his defence and begin their normal circle jerk.

>At one point we had the most tripcunts here out of ALL of Sup Forums.
I refuse to believe that when boards such as /vg/ exist.

I correctly identified MIPITT as Rightly So without him accidentally posting any personally identifying information. There was no hacking involved though.

>he is universally hated
>Sup Forums is a popularity contest
Why can't anonymongs differentiate between Sup Forums and Facebook?

That wasn't exactly an achievement.

It actually was.


When will Theresa May resign?

No, it wasn't. He's easily identifiable. Nine times out of ten I can identify him when he's posting anonymously.

Just don't respond to them, fellow Anons. They'll go away - or they'll start throwing their toys out of the pram and begin spamming and flooding this place.
We've seen time and time again that they act like children - they are twisted - their egomania and narcissism fuels their constant gibbering. They killed alot of the culture of this place due to a few of them ganging up and bullying Anons whilst treating this place as their own fucking blog, constantly whining and mentioning their shitty worthless lives.

He got b& on his main trip earlier on the fight night, probs a 3 dayer. He was using an alternate, after the debacle he deleted a bunch of posts and it looked like he might try ro deny his new trip was actually him...

How the fuck is that Doxing you fucking newfag?

I hate new star trek.


doesn't matter there's no weaselling out of it thanks to all the screenshots. the kids finished no matter what.

anons and trips have to put aside our differences and cast away the spastic.

You're all useless.

>"don't respond to tripfags!!!" he says as he shifts the thread topic to tripfags for the fifteenth time this week

Stfu or next time that redcap tips up I'll tell him where you live. I mean park...

Preusse is based.

I think you underestimate Pubes autism
He's going to say some shit like the image is shopped or he turned up earlier than agreed upon

You and I seem to be the only ones to be able to do it, then, because nobody else noticed.

>been here since 2006

Of course he will, that's not the point. The point is to bait you into wasting your money on petrol. Preusse will never turn up.

God, you're all fucking stupid.


Why, is it 53% now or something?

You mean that mong who asked for someone else to supply all my personal details so that he could obtain my personal details?
I've got half a mind to just dox myself and kick fuck out of any of you cunts who turn up

Go on then become another preube

>The point is to bait you into wasting your money on petrol.
damage control poorfag

don't reply to him. you can already see he's trying to damage control on his alt. embarrassing.

keep dreaming nigger

>been here since 2006
>still can't grasp board culture
Fucking newfag
Also no argument

How is that damage control? Why would a troll actually meet you IRL?

also it doesn't even qualify as damage control because the user who went lived close and walked there so he wasted literally nothing iirc

Last he's getting. He's a joke

your actually making a good point for once

dont reply to him you fucking subhuman mongol

LOL nice pic from 2006. We all know the truth now.

BASED Walthamstow.
>tfw Johnston's do best breakfast down the road
>tfw when all the hipsters live near the others side towards the village

>Haha he's just trying to bait you into wasting money
Glasgow user eternally BTFO'd him for the price of a daysaver and a newspaper, I'd say it was worth it

You don't even qualify as a troll. Bottom feeding nonce

Don't care. Can't wait till wh*Tes are a minority.

As if it couldn't be more obvious that pube is the pakiposter running damage control and eternally butthurt at his own cowardice

Nope, he already tried that.

>Pube says user turned up early, 11pm instead of midnight
>user waits till midnight
>pube asks for a photo in a specific location
>user delivers
>Pube says its shopped, gives new photo instructions
>user delivers

That user nailed him proper.

>living in lil c's head
>rent free

Prove that I'm Preusse.

>Nope, he already tried that.
How does that mean he won't tried it again?

Come off it you know what I meant.

Hello Preuse.
Did you sort your life out?

>tfw No Rimmer but that was probably you.

Yeah, you missed it. It was mental.

Pruße turned up in a sweet yellow Lambo Spyder (custom license plate said "007"). He was wearing a cool tuxedo, and there was a hugely freak-titted slut on his arm. She was at least 10/10, at least. Anyway, so he gets out of his car, and he's got dual akimbo miniguns in each arm.

But there's no one there. So he drops his cigar, and he mutters "Heh, figures... pussies". He turns back and starts walking towards his car. And that's when it started.

Suddenly, about 150-200 guys come wading out of the river. They're dressed up like the SAS, wearing those ghilliee suits. Neck deep in the water, assault rifles in hand. They've been waiting there for hours, but that's what they trained for. They're ready.
So they pounce on Pruße while his back is turned. All I heard was gunfire, endless gunfire. And his girl screaming.

I was running away, see. I didn't want to actually fight him. It was all a prank. I wanted to take his picture and post it on Brit/pol/. It was just a prank, just to humiliate him. I never thought this would happen.

I crouched down behind a letter boxed and watched him fight. He didn't blink a single time.
Not a single one of those SAS brutes walked away alive. Not a single one. There was at least 300-400 of them. But he just kept fighting.

Of course, yeah, he ran out of bullets. Are you kidding me? Of course he did. Not even Pruße walks around with that much ammo. But he didn't care. This is what he trained for. He had the blade stashed in his trouser leg.
And he used it... Oh, he used it. It was like nothing I've ever seen. He did thinks that even my sensei said were impossible. It was a maelstrom of gore, blood, and serenity. I swear, in the middle of the blood bath... For a second it looked like he was in the lotus position, just meditating.

nothing changed nigger. Keep dreaming

And Pube gives no photo of himself there at 11 or indeed anywhere.