Is it just me, or is this the best show of the season purely by default?
Is it just me, or is this the best show of the season purely by default?
Sakura a cute
Just look at her
I want to taste her cute anus.
Not even the best PA Works show this season.
It's the buttholest show of the season.
>anime original
>not a harem
>not shonenshit
>not a high school CGDCT show
>not a high school CGDCT show
It would still be the best even if this didn't disqualify shows in your opinion, since the only thing on offer there is Hinako Note.
The same applies to the other three things he said.
Does anyone else hate the woodcarver?
Which one? The cute one or the determined one?
Of course Shirobako sequel would be the best show by default.
not much of an accomplishment, this season is shit
That's the point, mate.
That's not sukasuka
I don't see much of a difference between a highscool CGDCT show and this. They both have submissive and moe females with the personality of a 12 year old
pretty mediocre
has absolute minimal amount of the charm shirobako had but tries to market itself as something similar
the setting and idea of the story is good but everything is just so subpar
an user could probably do a better job
>12 year old
What is it with Japan and reviving the village with 12 year olds? Does it have to do something with human sacrfices.
Shirobako didn't have any charm, it was more novelty than anything else
>pretty mediocre
And yet still the best. Sad!
There's another airing show with a cute genki protagonist with shortish pink hair that is better. Aside from that it's arguable where this show would rank, though it's absolutely nothing special.
Pascal-Sensei? That's the only show with short pink hair that I'm not watching. Hinako Note is shit, and Twin Angel Break and PreCure both have long hair.
who is former OL gonna fuck/marry? They're both scoring points for her in their own way, one by mostly ignoring her and then giving her the time of day every so often, and the other by actually listening to her and trying to help out the town with unorthodox woodcarving methods. Either way, she's gonna get a wood-carved dildo from someone.
More like most mediocre show of the season, Im glad it is flopping.
>who is former OL gonna fuck
Both of them.
The wrong one. I'm not sure which one that is yet, but I'm leaning towards the quiet stubborn one.
In a season like this, mediocre is a compliment.
The girls are good, but it's boring.
It's you.
Why does she sit like that?
It's just you delusional retard
>Short, cute, friendly, big busted village girl
Just look at how big the car seat looks compared to her tiny little frame. She's perfect.
Bahamut you twat
The determined one.
But Shirobako was shit.
Just you. SnB is much better.
This season is indeed pretty awful, but Uchouten Kazoku is better than this.
Man, I wanna FUCK cafe-chan!
It's pretty comfy. Keikis getting over their personal issues that have made them waste their 20s and find a rural man to show them the wood. HARD WOOD.
Maybe her butt hurt?
That's not ID-0.
Shows that are better than pink aoi's anime:
-LWA second cour
-Alice to Zouroku
-Virgin Soul
FAG is better
Bahamut is garbage
It is the best show of the season because it is just really good. Plus it has best girl of the season.
Alice and Zouroku and Eromanga-sensei are actually good, but Sakura Quest is better than both. The other shows you listed are dogshit.
>he watches shows with male mcs
I feel sorry for you user.
Shut up idiot this show is literally AOTS and will continue to be talked about like Oreimo.
>actually good
Please kill yourself.
>decide to watch Alice to Zouroku
>garbage CGI everywhere
Is this shit what Sup Forums finds acceptable these days?
no, it just you, this show is bad
watch the whole episode it gets much better
It's not the best show of the season objectively because Uchouten S2 and Kado are airing but it's probably objectively close to the tier two shows like SnB and Alice to Zoroku
Have you even watched it? It is good.
I don't care about the animation, I like the girls.
>Uchouten S2 and Kado
At least list good shows if you're trying to make an argument for Sakura Quest not being the best.
I've really struggled to make it through the past several episodes. Last week I just turned it off halfway through and went to sleep.
Ah, what it would be like to be 13 again.
Aoi-chan is cute
Sakura Quest is rather mediocre, both in visuals and writing.
I'm just glad PA is putting most of their effort in the actual AOTS.
Past 3 episodes are boring as fuck.
>a season that includes LWA, re:creators and uchouten kazoku s2
hahaha no
i dropped this boring turd on the first episode
Nice joke. Watching that shitfest over Sakura Quest is a mistake my friend.
Seems like ADHD is becoming very common these days. That or people just can't appreciate cute girls doing their best anymore.
It's not bad, but there's a handful of shows I'm enjoying better and I don't understand why the fanbase for this is so pretentious about it.
On a positive note, Sakura Quest has the best OP and ED of the season and both are due out tomorrow.
it IS oreimo
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>everyone who disagrees with me is a child xD
Autism spotted, kill yourself.
What can men do in the face of such shit taste?
>someone who recommends shows for teens (that have nothing else in common besides target audience) and disparages one for adults
>clearly must be adult
Old geezer is MC of Sakura Quest silly, girls are his harem
>disparages one for adults
i bet you liked ReLIFE
How can any balance gaijin think so highly of a show which is so Japanese? All the talk of tanuki and tengu and shit.
>balance gaijin