Why do cuckservatives hate white people so much even though they're their only base and the only thing keeping them afloat?
Why do cuckservatives hate white people so much even though they're their only base and the only thing keeping them...
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Conservatives are moderate leftists. They are controlled "opposition."
they're literally the gayest people to ever exist.
Wasn't this a shareblue type troll account made right after the election?
This. The Conservatives of early America would have bitch slapped these neocons for letting it get so out of hand.
>effectively banned full auto rifles
>gave amnesty for 3 million Mexicans
>created the generation of Neocons who held power during the Bush years
Literally fuck Reagan.
My friend put it very poetically once "Conservatives in America are nothing more than a parachute that allows Liberals to get everything they want a little more slowly"
the reagan battalion is actually some fat, swarthy jew that is butt buddies with McCain, Egg McMuffin and Tentacle Porn Seizure Guy.
>"what are you conserving"
oh shit. that's the boomer bomb
this phrase will destroy faggots everywhere
Seems like the only good mainstream "Conservative" organization in America is the NRA.
I wouldn't mind joining it even though I'll never get to taste the sweet nectar of American freedoms in my life. Dunno why an American would NOT be a member.
Much of it is boomers. (Most) boomers have a particular mindset ingrained in their head that they literally cannot escape. Anything to do with white identity/interests is wrong. If any policy has the effect of helping white interests, it ABSOLUTELY must be expressed in terms that do not implicate white interests.
Take third world immigration. Obviously, third world immigration hurts white people for any number of reasons- it makes them minorities in the long run, it threatens safety, it threatens the dominant white culture. Even boomers who are against 3rd world immigration will panic at the thought of saying this though. Opposition to this immigration ABSOLUTELY must be expressed in terms of something like economics ("Bringing in migrants will drive down wages.") This is a true statement, but it's important to understand how boomers will search for an explanation even when it's perfectly clear that the driving force has to do with white identity. By extension, anything that has to do explicitly with white identity must be condemned as "nazis" and disavowed immediately.
Luckily, I'm noticing that (and we're all living proof that) younger conservatives don't have the same limitations. There are far too many cucky liberals among my generation (I'm in my mid 20's), but for those who are conservatives, I see very few with the boomer mentality. Most younger conservative people I know who are proactively interested in politics are basically alt-right. The only people who I hear the same old tired cuckservative arguments from are boomers or younger people who aren't that interested in politics but lean conservative if you push them on it. They're mostly just regurgitating the arguments they've heard from boomers in passing.
What film is that webm from,sven?!
They are bought and paid for, consumed by the passions as it were. They worship no God and believe in no philosophy of substance, it's been that way ever since Nixon was taken out by the original neo-cons. Look at who actually votes in Paul Ryan's district - the same lily white corporatists who would gladly destroy this country culturally and demographically for a buck.
History will eventually blame him and redeem Nixon.
The shit Nixon got was so fucking retarded, I hate hippies so fucking goddamn much, thank god most of America hated them too
It's about money, control and debt slavery.
>conservatives still believing that non-whites will vote for them if they just stick to faimly values and muh-free market talking points
Jesus Christ, no wonder Trump won the primaries so easily. What a bunch of morons. Demographic trends show that Texas will probably turn blue by 2024. Once that happens, it's game over for the GOP.
>Reagan Battalion
Literally a Jewish psyop to influence Boomer conservatives
I am not even Joking
They hate white people because they're Jews.
>amnesty for millions of spics
>effectively banned full autos (very few can afford $10,000+ for one)
>created a generation of retarded mildy leftist "conservatives" who the only thing they have actually conserved is the money in Israel's pocket
fuck Ronald Reagan I hope he's burning in hell
It's funny, liberals always thought the boomers need to die off so we can have this multikulti paradise that exists only in their feeble imaginations. But in reality, we need Boomers to die off so we can reclaim our identity, culture, and nations.
There is no true anti-federalist party in the USA these days. The Republicans are basically Hamilton-ites while the Democrats are a mix of aristocratic minded Bourgeoisie and neo-Marxists.
Populism seems to be the closest thing to a proper third way in American politics but that group is split between the two parties and the third party of apathy. Only Trump has managed to unit the disparate elements of the populists. Ross Perot was the next closest.
Totally. Whether he himself intended it or not, he allowed the neocon globalist to usurp the party.
>Once that happens, it's game over for the GOP.
Then what happens? Whats the next 30 years of America lie tell me?
You're allowed to say "jew" on Sup Forums, user.
"Conservatives" (both small and large C) are totally fucking useless.
Always backing down and soft as putty.
They are Jewish and hate whites.
The Reagan Battalion is literally run by a CIA nigger.
Those are literally Jews.
Wait a moment...you mean these are the right wing people in the U.S.?
Christ I didnt know things were so desperates...
How the fuck this is possible? Sad!
Reagan literally condemned California to blue status with his amnesty and banned new fully automatic weapons. Fuck him
More socialism, more oppression of whites, more shitskins, more crime and poverty, until the entire thing collapses. Whites will either secede and carve out an ethnostate during balkanization or just slowly be killed off / race mixed into not existing anymore. Jews slowly breeding into and infecting Asian countries as a new host (already beginning, look at Zuckerkike).
Once the entire world is a big ball of shit Jews will rule the entire thing from Israel.
>even though they're the only thing keeping them afloat
Same could be asked of non-whites.
I don't care who comes to this country as long they love the Constitution and free markets!
Reagan Battalion is a well known controlled opposition group aligned with Evan McMullen.
Reminds me of the EU referendum and also the Scottish independence referendum. Seeing them trying to make economic arguments over the far more natural and easier ethno-national arguments Was driving me mad.
One thing I noticed is that they always wait for the left to provide their talking points. Like on the subject of mass-immigration the Left will go through with it for a reason, then the "conservatives" will spend about 10 years trying to prove that one reason wrong. But by then a totally different reason is thought up, so the cuckservatives then have to argue that reason again for another 10 years.
When the argument against it ON PRINCIPLE is easy to make, they just wont. UKIP is a good example of this. They used to have quite an active and passionate youth division, but after they started to say they'll weed out anyone too right wing all the young people are gone, and now it's a party of Thatcherite boomers.
everyone hates white people bro also
whites in USA are already less then 20% unless you count mutts as white
Goddamn I hate boomers.
Why do you think the alt-right is a thing? Conservatism isn’t the same it once was. If conservatism remained the same it was 70 years ago, the alt-right wouldn’t have any reason to exist.
Look at the UKIP shit with Bolton.
>dumps 25 year old mistress because she said she wouldn't fuck black guys
Good points user, i really feel like right wing parties/movements are afraid of being truly right wing. They surrender so much ground to the left and constantly go back on principles. I don't even know why..
neoconservatives are a fucking cancer. they have sold out the country to globalism and given aid to other countries that don't give a fuck about us all the while promoting corruption and social degeneracy throughout the nation. they aren't just enemies like leftists, but also traitors
The blue wave is coming you can't denbit after these recent elections. Get ready to be blued cucks.
>Free markets
Oh honey you better sit down, 2018 is going to be a blue wave.
This is the end isn’t it?
For racists and whites, yes.
Same thing with Anglicanism, where they stopped using the King James Bible and Cranmer's Book of Common Prayer because is too harsh and unyielding.
It is some next level cuckery isn't it?
Die in a fire you worthless pile of protoplasm.
They like cheap illegal labor
Indeed it is.
Remember Ted cruz telling a room full of Americans if they don't stand with Israel he won't stand with them?
There is a video out there
You only have so long pol, 2018-2020 will see you all completely btfo. No more guns, no more hate speech and hopefully no more pol.
Funny how that worked out
I'm talking about America, Europe will be forced to heel at the foot of a completely blue America.
They are christcucks and want social acceptance
You known I'd say your a faggot troll 4 b8ing but people here always bite.
Yeah Hillary is so relevant. You had your last gasp with trump
The Bush Neocons were established before Reagan. That's why he had to pick Bush as a VP as an appeasement.
I'm not a communist, I'm a progressive democrat. The average person will never believe your lies.
What was this guy shot though?
>you mean these are the right wing people in the U.S.?
Try again, meatball.
Fpbp it's the same here in Norway
Please post this in reply to their OP tweet. I can't because I'm blocked by them for shit talking Israel (literally).
>I'm not a communist, I'm a progressive democrat.
The difference being?
she won the popular vote. That combined with the fact she wasn't like should tell you what, that's right a blue wave is coming. Again do you have any arguments not from 2016
The average person is filth.
>she won the popular vote.
So how can you ever expect to win any elections? Answer:you can't, Trump was the last gasp of your dying kind. The average person is now thoroughly to the left and you will never be able to turn them. America will turn blue and your precious constitution that has hurt and killed so many will be torn apart and America will become not only minority white but less than 10% white after the next eight (probably more) years.
i GUESS it because jews lead the entire mainstream conservative movement and constandly virtue signalling how "anti-racist" they are/ Basically patterning leftist propaganda to their own sheeple base.
Literal kryptonite for these people.
It's not enough, we will win. The majority of states will turn blue and the gates will open to the entirety of the third world, your time is running out.
They shot him, bro what could he have done?
>It's not enough, we will win.
She lost, horribly too. The youth will grow out of this phase.
keep it up you anti-white piece of shit, I guarantee the rope will be around your nigger loving neck soon enough ;)
All kikes deserve to be gassed.
kikes are white tho , being an antisemite makes you a race traitor to white people .
>What was this guy shot though?
What did he mean by this?
Israel is okay by me but no more greatest ally you have to take the left wing Jews.
>get shot with a .22 revolver
>ban full autos
He should have done nothing. FOPA didn't need the Hughes Amendment attached to it to properly function.
The "Reagan Battallion" isn't even cuckservatives, it's PAC started by a literal Democrat Jew who worked for Obama.
>not knowing about generation zyklon
fuck no we're predominantly right wing you can keep your cuckery to yourself .
>"Bitch stop, I'm trying to enjoy my pew-pews"
Women ruin everything
I hate people who say
>much constitution
Because it implies that the constitution isn't a sacred document. I love the constitution, and I want a white majority to protect it.
Conservatives are just cucks. They can't commit to either side and preserve the status quo so that nobody is displeased.