Why doesn’t Donald just release the fucking thing if it’s going to clear his name once and for all and bury all of his opponents like these fucks are suggesting????
Why doesn’t Donald just release the fucking thing if it’s going to clear his name once and for all and bury all of...
Yeah why doesn’t Trump interfer with the investigation? Surely the democrats will be fine with this.
Cause the left (aka this kike) would then cry obstruction. I want to kill Ben so fucking bad
Because congressional repubs have asked him not to as it'd be seen as interfering in the investigations into Russian interference. They'd rather be the ones to release shit for optics. Shapiro knows this and so does everyone else, but that narrative continues to get pushed regardless. The memo will be declassified by the house soon...there's no reason for POTUS to get involved.
bump cause
He's a textbook kike in how he acts.
I'm not actually sure he can, because FISA was set up through Congress, i mean, most of FISA acts as rubber stamp for the Executive, but it's still a court. it's an unholy alliance of all three branches, so I'm not exactly sure Trump could break chain of command to release stuff that may make him look good.
and assuming he could, i highly doubt anyone in his orbit would suggest something like that. I don't know what Shortpiro is getting at here, this seems like something he should know. It's like he's playing innuendo, or believes that congressional republicans are lying about the so-called memo that Nunes released and Ryan declassified for Congress.
Hence why I must kill him
>Why doesn't Trump expose his King?
At the same time, the Top Story at the Daily Wire is basically a pro-memo article written by Shapiro himself.
The fact is that Shapiro gets high of his own hype. He loves his CNN contributor cash, so he will always back them up, as abzurd as they have become. The cash is well worth keeping his mouth shut as CNN talking heads bend over and spread for their Shapiro-brand genuine tongue wipes.
Ben is also desperate to be accepted by the Republican intelligentsia class, like Frum and Kristol, so he will always polish their knobs with his mouth, because he wants to be a William F Buckley type, not a Hannity type pundit. He think people actually read National Review anymore.
But when it comes to Israel, the UN, and abortion, little Benji will always carry Trumps water, and drop to his knees in the service of his true master, Birch Gold, I mean Israel.
Remember, he leaked the all the stuff about his sister so he could play the "alt-right #1 target card", because he loves identity politics as long as it serves him.
One day all of this fence straddling will cost him.
not quite legal
Haha you know the answer OP, trump and the republicans are full of shit and they are deflecting hard.
Dems are going to sweep the 2018 midterms and trump will end up in jail.
What will happen is that this will run its course and it will be released. It will get out. If people want to see it, it will happen. If Diane Feinstein can release the fusion testimony without consequence in the name of ((("transparency"))) then someone along the chain of the memo's path will likely do the same.
Is this it?
He needs to stay hands off. If it looks like he is pulling the strings behind the curtain then the whole thing loses credibility and libs will cry foul and tyrant.
Its bullshit, but I understand.
>a leaf
The rake is neigh.
Sneaky Jew trying to implicate the the POTUS in yet more obstruction charges.
Not shilling, but I doubt that's real. Brits use 'most secret' instead of 'top secret' last I checked.
lmao once the dems take control they're going to pass a bunch of hate speech laws making it illegal for you to use this site you know that righht?
Get cucked just like Trump when Trudeau smashed his daughter
fucking slimy kike
>why doesn’t trump do the thing which will allow me to jump up his anus and lie about him even more than i already do
This is kikery in motion right here, anons.
The way modern news cycles work is that news is completely forgotten after about a week.
He will release it the last week of October, 2020
>Why doesn’t Donald just release the fucking thing if it’s going to clear his name once and for all and bury all of his opponents like these fucks are suggesting????
They will call him a dictator. If Congress does it, he avoids that narrative... on this issue, anyway.
I don't even understand this level of subversion...
pic related is a liberal who created a fake account for a congressman who doesn't exist, just to troll Trump-supporters but somehow thinks he's derailing the movement by drawing even more eyes to the matter at hand? Is this double-subversion?!
>three branches will become one
Also checked