>one shot at life
>born in Bolivia
I-i swear im not jealous g-guys
>one shot at life
>born in Bolivia
I-i swear im not jealous g-guys
kill yourself
is your name olivia
This, be an hero bub
often think about this. good luck man
Sorry to hear that man, that is one big shithole
At least tell me you are white
>one shot at life
>born in Germany
feels good m... oh wait
>born a turk
What is wrong with Bolivia?
> Be Bolivian
> Goes to jail for talking about your religion in public
>one shot at life
>am a 4channer
> You can't try to convert people to your religion
> You can't make a religious meetup, even if it's inside your house
> Your president gives the pope a communist symbol and cocaine
Relax. It could be worse...
sux to be u faggot
haha, oh god your fucked. could be south africa though? our worse.
The Mennonites are going to outbreed you, your country will be white in a century,
Not only them, but every religious group in Bolivia is fucked in the long-rung. But at least they will get rid of Protestants for now.
Pretty damn rare.
Tell me about Simon Bolivar, was he a cool guy?
>one shot at life
>be born a 5'8 manlet
you could build a thriving business of some kind our do something.
Honest to god Bolivia is probably my favorite country in the world. I can see how its not much fun to live your entire life there, but the stuff you can do is absolutely amazing.
You have beautiful mountains, jungles, rivers and all sorts of shit where you can go and everywhere you go its completely different.
Your people are friendly but not pushy. Have you ever been to an arab country? Youll wish you were back home immediately just from the sheer amount of people trying to sell you shit.
You have an interesting history as well as current politics. Stuff actually changes constantly for better or worse, instead of stagnation like in the first world.
Nightlife in La Paz is fun as fuck if you do it right, and the (almost legal) cocaine just sets it apart from most other nightlife cities.
Plus its pretty safe imo. Didnt really have any bad experiences ever or even felt unsafe in the slightest, even though I hitchhiked with shady people, walked around cities late at night (had a good laugh at the La Paz pedestrian zone at night...).
Also giant Che Guevara wielding an AK and stepping on a bald eagle!
yeah i imagine the scenery and freedom are great. you can't do much without running into a law our ordinance around here.
I don't boliv ia.
AJjajajajajjAJJAJajjajjajajjajaj el boliviANO seniores que triste
you're all right. God made us all exactly as intended
are you atleast a white turk?
>one shot at life
>born in best germany
How old are you? leave now
>being KARA BOGA in germany
sounds like paradise
>one shot at life
>born in Russia
>mfw I am white
>mfw I realize my high paying salary is equal to montly salary of mutts working at walmart
>mfw I realize niggers from Chicago and Detroit have a better shot at American dream than I am
is bolivia the shittiest of the SA countries? I know argentina , chile uruguay and (parts of ) brazil are the top tier. I always thought Venezuela was the worst
we're all going to make it lads, everyone's gonna be rich and happy
Wtf is this retarded kara boga meme i keep seing ?
Then move to Chivago or Detroit and enjoy sucking nigger's cock, faggot
>No face
Not being harrassed by Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons. Based.
ask your mother
>at least
is being honkey a good thing, rapebaby?
>implying mutt
Anyone else thank god every day they we're born white?
I know it sucks man, but please, don't come here.
kys EVO
so why are you living in austria then?
That’s what it comes down to here and elsewhere. Non whites are consciously or subconsciously envious and seek to destroy/breed out whites to kill that which makes them feel inferior. They want to be top of the food chain, but sweeties don’t forget we will fight to death when pushed far enough.
I already know how you will vote in March and how much you will get paid for that.
> You can't try to convert people to your religion
False, of course you can.
Ever wonder how evangelical churches are becoming so popular?
> You can't make a religious meetup, even if it's inside your house
What? I go to church every sunday, besides everybody can make religious meet ups dude.
Stop making shit up
> Your president gives the pope a communist symbol and cocaine
I can't deny this one tho, my president is a dirty indio commie
at least you got good digits, lad
>Be born in bosnia
>Spend days exchanging rocks with muslims,doing pull ups and working a 9-5
Fucking living the slav paradise
at least you never have to shovel snow
I am not saying that it's not a shithole, what I am saying is that comparing it to Detroit or Chicago is fucking ridiculous, those places are hellholes compared to Russia.
>hellholes compared to Russia
Can you guess how I know that you've never been outside of Moscow/SPB?
Fuck you Ivan, Chicago is awesome. Svetlanas wanna move here all the time.
ahahahahahahahaha oh wow I would kill myself
>be Bolivian
>comfy flute music
>traditional catholic women to be your wife
>nice Andean hills
You don't know how good you have it bro
Make the best of what you have where you are. Fight for your people. Embrace natural law.
Im already white tho, im glad it's happening
My family already owns a big chunk of the national brewery, I could live like a king without working if i wanted
I know, i love my country tbqh, i was just making a bait thread
Argentina is gonna become Bolivia and Paraguay 2.0 in a few decades anyways hhahahahhahaha
At least you dont live next to niggers, you should be thankful
I live a nice life, my neighborhood and my city is quite nice actually
The rural areas around my city are also ok, but in some remote areas in the andes its africa tier
Lmao where did you get this? There's tons of jehova witnesses here
Where the fuck did you even got this bs propaganda from?
Everybody here is devout catholic or a evangelishit, but believes in Christ nonetheless
I am
Lets do it together faggot
Nice try, but I live in Sergiyev Posad
>Come here, whiteboy, it's totally safe here
>t. ghetto nigger from Chiraq
Chin up, could be worse m8
>trying this hard to defend that Russia is not a shithole by saying that he lives in city full of (((churches))) brainwashing Russians into donating money so that the patriarch can buy a new yacht, while preaching that money is evil
The absolute state of Russian vatniks
Why are russian women so xenophile? I thought russkies knew how to keep women in check
Yes it is. And honkey isn't even slightly offensive you dumb nigger.
Yeah , you could be american
Russian males cannot satisfy them, too busy getting drunk and slavsquat. So females turn to healthy western cocks.
kys wh*Te subuhman.
MUH FEMINISM with TV brainwashing saying that Russian men are weak but immigrants from ex USSR countries are the best bros
We have this (((cancer))) here too.
>e of Russian v
For Latin America Bolivia is pretty chill. Particularly if you live lower down where the weather isn't perpetually shit I quite like it.
Hello brother
Privileged pieces of shit.
t. atheist pig
life in russia is better than in europe
lower rent
nice girls
non-GMO food
strong manly president
gays are beaten
nice amazing nature
you are just an autistic atheist fag who doesnt know how to enjoy life
>free cocaine
The hell you complaining about?
At least you have decent climate
you know its a shithole when there is child labor
BASED coca leaves
>One shot at life
>Born in Russia
>Parents took me to non-shithole country 16 years ago
>Feels goodman
>life in Russia is better than europe
>nice girls
>non-GMO good
>strong manly president
>nice amazing nature
>one shot at life
>born as a male
I know its a joke but the only time ive seen or were offered cocaine was in a trip in Mexico.
Never here
True that, although it's getting a little too hot for my liking
I am 38 years old, kid
maybe he's just helping his dad build something
Why cant you just do a surgery you pussy. Youre always bitching about this on here
just go rape some white bitches. They will cum anyway, just tell them that you are a muslim so that you won't have to deal with judicial system.
holy shit. I've never seen such a stability in weather for several days in a row.
his dad is clearly a piece of shit then..
you first worlders are cucked, there's nothing wrong with honest labor
That's what happen when you are in the mountain, the clouds are at that height.
Except a robot can do it longer and better. You know youre useless when you get paid less than niggers working for mcdonalds
I love your music desu. I'd like to visit your country sometimes.
he should be in school instead of doing hard labor
he can do that after school
>comparing kids to robots
>implying that you are not an alcoholic with a brain size of a child, due to ethanol killing your brain cells.
nice try
Learning to mine helped me to this day and has always been a sure source of income, I do think they went overboard with that kid, but he looks tough enough.
Reminder that the difference between spics and humans is that humans have couth. Spics will eat, shit, fuck, and talk loud enough for the world to hear, and if confronted they don't blush or apologize.
that kid has produced more in his life already than most of the neets on this board. and what he did make probably went to help his mother and sisters instead of getting wasted in videogames
Vuélvanse a su país, la concha de su hermana.