UK wants to ban best friends because it discriminates against others. Do they have a point?
Should best friends be banned?
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Destroy family and peer relationships, turn the kids into adults, adults into kids and men into women.
Bin that friend
every day the UK get's more and more pathetic, will it ever stop?
How long until we have government assigned friends?
Gov already imposes its conditions when you broke with your girlfriend and obligates you to make business with non-whites
It is important to have a best friend as a little kid so you can learn to cope with a changing world in middle school when you find a new group of friends.
>banning best friends
no, but it will reach equilibrium some time. Probably at the point of something straight from 1984
As someone who never had a best friend it sucks to always have to partner up with the spastic or some fat girl in science practicals, but i dont see how they can ban it
>create "minister for loneliness"
>are best friends bad?
How can they do that? Are they going to monitor kids talking to each other outside of school? It sounds like some bitter loner got into a position of power.
>they're actually dictating your relationships
I can't wait for 1984 to officially plague the western world, i'm just gonna get comfy here, sit back, and watch the fireworks.
american schools were the first to ban best friends
*Some Americans and Canadians (cucks specifically) wanted to ban best friends, so a morning program asked it's audience what they think about it for the sake of having something to talk about on their morning program.
Dude they're already there
Whatever brits do they are always draconian commies with heavy crab mentality.
1066 was a mistake.
in some commie shithole like Cali that isn't actually America?
Don't be a bell-end, bin that best friend
That's absolutely hilarious.
Critically underrated post
That's not a fucking trend here. Banning friendship is entirely JewK nonsense.
> t. spastic
This is just like when they tell us some lefty bullshit like letting Muslims rape your women is a "trend" in Europe.
Friendship is inherently discriminatory. Being someone's friend necessarily implies that you have a relationship with them that you do not have with others. The argument against best friends is also an argument against friendship itself.
>damn fucking whities having BFFs and being happy in school
Makes sense. When they're all drooling braindead morons, how would they distinguish themselves apart enough to have personal favorites? That would require an actual personality. In the future everyone is your friend equally and you are theres.
European media can make up any random lie and tell euros Americans do it, and euros will believe it.
I've honestly never seen a more easily manipulated society
Hah, its a bit like the 'bin that knife' slogan
I would be willing to accept a government assigned wife thats at least a 2.5/5 and isnt black
It doesn't mention anything about Canada you poofta. Now suck off the nearest muslim or you're arrested hehe
How the hell isnt this fascism?
Fucking eurotards. Stop that.
No. There should be room to make a best friend at school. There are natural separators (most schools don't keep pupils consistent from class to class up to at least junior high, and then with junior high there are generally per subject teachers). This provides enough separation.
One move I do agree with is separating siblings (fraternal/identical twins). If I was in the same class as my twin brother I would have just talked to him 100% of the time. By the time we were in high school the school was OK with us being in same classes, because we had time to have normal social development and other friends.
Then the fun really begins
It’s more communist because it ends the hierarchy of friendship. Everyone is equally friends.
Thats some hardcore projection you have going there my friend. And no it doesn't but those are the two countries i heard it from first. Notice this i wrote here?
>*Some Americans and Canadians (cucks specifically)
>(cucks specifically)
It means cucks specifically in those countries, not that all Americans and Canadians are cool with this. Stop taking things so personally.
Bin that attachment to anything but the state and maybe brown people
*grabs by the balls*
yes, but its still bullshit because all people have preferences, even if you dont give it a name, its a reality, like communism is shit
I agree.
I am uncomfortable thinking that white people thought of this. Getting increasingly angered by my own race.
>white people
I haven't even looked into it but I can guarantee you with nearly 100% certainty that if you do, there will be a fucking kike at the top of this "banning best friends" thing
TFW "British" kids will have to bin that best friend :D
I think a bigger threat than having a best friend is having high capacity friends.
You look at kids today on facebook and they have thousands of friends!
Imagine what damage that could cause to the mind of a child who might only have 1 or 2 friends.
From the New York Times article, the counselor interviewed was Christine Laycob.
Here is a (((Laycob))) gravestone
Why would anyone ever doubt Sup Forums again?
>cant have any best friends
>graduate school, no friends
honestly tho how the fuck would that be possible, you dont choose your friends you just become friends
Survival is pointless alone, people you truly care about add value to survival.
If I didn’t have those close childhood friends around I think I’d be dead by now.
>it ends the hierarchy of friendship. Everyone is equally friends.
When will this apply to sexual relationships? There are other peoples wives that are denying me intercourse
This is so stupid, I had to search for this to see if it was real.
Its like an article i read in Norwegian news.
"Single people living in apartment blocks complain about the sound of children at the playground outside because it makes them depressed"
What's going on with the white race.
>Do they have a point?
No, the brits binned all their points along with their balls and blades years ago.
If by fun you mean Room 101
My school shamed me too, they do it all the time to make examples out of students. All schools are really is camps owned by rich fuckers who push their thoughts and “normalities” onto others.
I was an incredibly creative kid but my school wants workers, not artists. They framed me as some kind of retard.
That sounds reasonable though. I don't want to here annoying kids when I'm trying to relax after a hard day at work.
I never had friends at schools, or pre school. In fact most of the time I was pro activlly disliked by other kids, and rightly so. The "law" is one that should be protecting people like me. But God damn it, the law is retarded as fuck. Because one kid in 200 has no friends no one can have friends? What is next, because one in 40000 can have some sort of gender disorder no kids should have a gender ?
Ban friends in schools, allow only sworn enemies.
> because one in 40000 can have some sort of gender disorder, everyone should be chemically castrated and fucked in the ass
u might get lucky
I wish I had a best friend.
And they call themselves "liberals"
>Germany is burning too much coal.
Doesnt this go against the "loliness ministers" responsibilities?
Where is she?
I want a government assigned fren
Europe needs a huge civil war.
That would change woman so hard i mean like if your 30 and dont have a wife another solo 30 is assigned to you
That would force woman to inprove so that they can get the optimal man beafore that if they dont wanth to end up with a looser
They will ride cocks untill 30 and turn into some poor fucks handicap
But the two scenarios you posed are basically the same thing
But user, the Government is the only friend you need. Big Brother loves you.
But it will also force men to exercise and inprove so not to end up with a fat whore
The loosers and subhumans will have to live with trash woman and be the deffinition of failiure
Which will inspire new generations to seek greatness
The weak should fear the strong
I was forcing a dumb meme
But i mean mens prefference will force them to change
Why don't we just ban britian ffs
fucking top jej
That's the spirit!
but all you faggots on /pol... I consider you my bff!
What the fuck will I do if the Empire of Britain decide to ban this beautiful relation?!
can't wait for the subway ads
How would such a thing be implemented, how the fuck would you know someone's got a best friend unless they told you? How do you differentiate between a friend and a best friend? What's the unit of measurement for "best friend". What in the absolute fuck are they thinking?
Public school already did that long ago friend. This would just be a cherry on top.
i laughed m8 dont worry
Please don't offend
Bin that friend
Literally the dumbest shit I've ever heard. It's all semantics, you can force kids not to use "best" but they'll still naturally gravitate towards people they get along better with.
It's so isolated where I am in the country and I work entirely alone, like a hermit.
It's strange to think this evil, wacky bullshit happens in the same country.
Sometimes I think how this country keeps going, where it finds the money to engage in such self destructive behaviour but still remain first world.
thinking is a luxury we cannot afford when there are hurt feelings to prevent
if it sounds good on a conceptual, best-case-scenario level, it will JUST WORK AND YOU ARE BEING PROBLEMATIC TO SUGGEST OTHERWISE
That has to be fake, even for bongfags that is taking the whole Orwellian thing way too far
yes, it is a great idea to, rather than let kids learn how to be human, restrict them from learning how to be human so that they remain adolescents until their brain plasticity is so far gone that they can no longer evolve as people.
Never heard of binning friends and I live in liberal hell.
If this becomes a thing I swear to God
Best friends are so crucial to a good childhood
maybe something that actually rhymes and is in a language most English actually speak,
>mekim no rongim
>rausim wantok
That gif is awesome