What are some white movies that black people don't watch
White movies that black people wouldn't watch
Falling Down, Saving Private Ryan, Apollo 13, Boondock Saints (Part 2 doesn't exist), Logan's Run.
Any niggers wanna nog this? Only nig nogs know
Romper Stomper
Birth of a Nation
sharkboy and lavagirl
black people love friday
Slide Thread is also good
So is Saged
Das Boot
I have never met a black folk who has ever seen much less heard of it.
junkie glorification movies (only white girls watch these)
anything with subtitles
Cool hand Luke. Shows what prisons used to look like before we had to start housing niggers there for the rest of their natural life.
Zoolander. Never seen so many walk outs from multiple showings.
Ferris Bueller's Day Off. It's literally white privilege The Movie. In fact that's the entire John Hughes/Brat Pack catalog. Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink. Spoiled rich white kids and their rich white kid problems and not one black or brown person in sight.
Gone With The Wind
This is one of the whitest documentaries I've watched, which is set in the last 100 years.
Dragon Ball and its derivatives are pretty common place among blacks.
Job training videos
The Room
I'm black and I've seen all these movies several times.
If you're looking for a good series try Jeeves and Wooster. Pretty sure for every black person ever shown in the show there's an instance of blackface to balance it out.
You can't be Black. Is someone reading all this to you?
Brokeback Mountain
Gods and Generals
OP´s sex tape
White Chicks. Oh wait.... isn't that black people in white face making racist jokes?
blacks love that movie
Anything in black and white
Anything made before 1980
Anything in a foreign language
A fantastic example would be Dangerous Liasons. One of the finest films in existence with the greatest actors of our time.
Probably dystopian shit like Blade Runner and Mad Max.
Nigs love old karate movies..
You want to know what movie that absolutely repulses blacks?
Monsters ball.
>Mad Max
everyone likes that one. cmon guys are you even trying?
pic related is a white man's movie
Falling Down, Taxi Driver, Lord of the Rings trilogy
what the fuck are you smoking nigger
Even the kids With the worst lives have it 10 times better than non-whites lol. Man, im so Grateful for being born white
Beavis and butthead do america
A movie called "Primer"
There is no way A nigger would pick up this movie never mind watch more than ten minutes of it.
I'm surprised nobody went with "Birth of a Nation"
Office Space
This movie is too good for most people.
I can categorically guarantee that no black person has ever watched, let alone enjoyed, and least of all understood 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Any movie that's somewhat historically accurate is something noggers would never touch.
Any European movie, same us any of you americafucks.
Lord of the Rings
Friendly reminder Ferris Bueller wasn't real. It was all a dream by a beta.
Black people will never understand a great character like this
The Crying Game.
great movie
brokeback mountain
one of the most white movie ever produced no single nigger in cast kek
white guilt ridden because of his weak human blood?
seriously, peter jackson fucking destroyed aragorn. the fact that he selected an all white cast doesnt make those movies not suck and it doesnt change the fact that in the book aragorn was an unrepentant killer, an alpha male who took no shit. the movies made him sad and shame riddled.
>chink film
Yeah, no.
Home Alone and all the National Lampoon movies.
They should. Forrest Whitaker plays a black man on the DL so well.
the producers should make the job training videos funny and I assure no nog would have trouble watching
ITT, nordcucks and sealanders act as if they know even a single black person
we will be taking opinions from the following europoors, however:
Mah nigga
Checked and best movie mentioned so far.
Do black people watch The Big Lebowski? theres only 1 asian, 1 hispanic guy in that movie. 1 black in the title sequence. 2 people of color in an art lab as man slaves. Never see black people cozplay or mention the movie. Is TBL our movie?
Everyone has seen Ferris bueller at least 3 times. Those other ones not so much
It's been a long time since I watched Logan's Run. Isn't it entirely white or maybe white and Asian? Don't remember there being any blacks. Also interesting that it was rated PG given the nudity and the rape orgy scene.
It's all whites until the very last scene and then there's 2 blacks and a Chinaman.
Lords of dogtown
Skatopia 88 acres of anarchy
Detroit Rock City
Happy Days because the only black was a shoe polisher
Love Boat because the only black was a barkeeper
Gone with the Wind
>I saw a YouTube video that said so, and that’s all the proof I need
Just watch the first half of American History X
why wouldn't blacks like big lebowski? it's a solid comedy movie and also full of all sorts of vice
breakfast club is an 80's classic. you're right about the other ones, I've never even heard of them.
Lord of the Rings. Bonus points for 0 blacks.
Predator and Aliens.
Horror movies basically. Unless it has ghosts.
>Some of the highest rated and critically acclaimed movies of all times.
Nigger detected
Huh, so there is white privilege..
And all that denying Sup Forums usually does..
Also anything with Tim Allen or BASED Adam Sandler
nogs loved Waterboy and Bog daddy
They're called ORCS, you ignorant hobbitfucker.
the notebook
While a classic, pic related was also a pretty blatant shoehorn of 'muh diversity' into the new LotR for yet another 'new face of Gondor'.
The true answer is any of those faggot indie early 00s movies like Juno or Garden state
Hard candy?
I agree tho
what's with the blackeye, did she get BLACKED?
Actually just went to see a screening of Treasure of the Sierra Madre and there was a black woman in the theater, so it can happen. She didn’t talk either during the film, which was nice.
literally just watched it
greatest movie of all time
here you go.