Why do you guys care about skin color so much? What's so important about being white?
Why do you guys care about skin color so much? What's so important about being white?
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Poo is brown
whats so important about being a nigger
>What's so important about being white?
everything in life
In the land of 56% its kind of a big deal.
race means nothing. Sup Forums just uses it as a convenient scapegoat to blame all of their problems on.
race is more than skin color. Almost everything about you and your potential in life is capped off due to your genes. Genetics play a huge role in who you are as a person.
The discrepancy between African and European intellect stems entirely from both ethnicity's thousands of generations of isolated evolution under different environmental selection pressures, it's not bigoted, it's simply fact.
Europe is distinguished from Africa in that it has considerably less dangerous mega-fauna and lethal diseases, but has an annual freezing winter and a lack of easily obtained food. This forced Proto-Europeans to evolutionary select for those with intelligence and a capacity for abstract thought, as only those were able to consistently plan their seasonal sowing and harvesting, and thus, survive to pass their genetics onto the next generation.
Africa, on the other hand, is the opposite of Europe in that it has no annual winter and an abundance of easily obtained food, in the form of native flora, but has an obscene surplus of dangerous mega-fauna and lethal diseases. This forced Proto-Africans to evolutionary select for those with high aggression and high libido, as only those were able to breed enough to outweigh the significant infant mortality rate and pass their genetics onto the next generation.
I wish no harm upon African Americans, nor do I wish harm upon Native Africans. I only wish that we can overcome the unnatural multicultural bias in our society, and voluntarily segregate to live with members of our own ethnicity, and coexist in a series of mutually respectful traditionalist ethnically-homogeneous sovereign states, as nature intended.
Is that so wrong?
>important about being white
If that was all there was to it then nothing.
The answer to your question is lurk moar - the reasoning is not all going to be presented in one post or thread.
>race means nothing
Blank assertion.
Just go away because you are thick.
its not about skin color, its about preservation of blood heritage. White people reflect the history of Europe going back to the earliest days of human settlement there and therefore have a historical identity tied to their blood. by artificially mixing in nigger or asian blood, it creates a hybrid with no single cultural identity. when cultural identity is erased, people have nothing meaningful to be inherently proud of and are therefore subject to things like faggotry (i.e. identifying with some false "gender identity" as opposed to something genuine like race).
>Why do you guys care about skin color so much?
It's not about "skin color" per se.
I enjoy not getting mistaken for a nigger
Loving myself, having kids that look like me, ensuring my pale color flourishes in the future.
Masochism. They wish it was only whites suffering in the worst society that's ever existed. Export the blacks so only we have access to this bespoke hell.
I literally want you to interact and work with Indians for 3 months. If you're not racist by then, I will buy you a beer.
It's not about the skin color, it's about the rest of the genes that come with the genetic group that includes shit skin. If you took a white person and gave them genetic therapy to change their skin color, and not the rest of the genetic groups genes, we would have no problem with them. It's not about skin color. It's about low intelligence, tendency towards mindless violence, inability to abstractly think and plan for the future, and the innate inability to understand property rights and the consequences of your actions. Thats the problem we have with niggers. They are literally unfit for civilization.
>muh personal problems
Where did this meme originate? Have you ever seen anyone here talking about their personal problems without being told to fuck off? Identifying threats to society and working to curb them is not “blaming personal problems on other races” you simpering dimwit.
How's all those brown South America countries going? All those black African ones?
Yeah, I totally want my well off country to turn into those.
Countries = made by people. Look at the people, and you can determine the outcome of the country.
It's important for Amerimutts to convince themselves they're white.
whiteness is everything.
>we reflect light so more environmentally friendly.
>we have soft hair so less water to wash. yw mother nature
>we are incredibly smart so we save up on teacher's time, ours and our parent's time + money
>we are white
>we are christians
>we don't eat chicken, thank you rooster
>we are gay, so thank us for not being crowded
in summary, heil hitler!!
Nothing makes you as racist as diversity.
It’s about race, not skin color. “Skin color” is a strawman meme invented by the left to diminish the importance of racial and national identity in modern politics by making it seem like there is no inherent difference between people of different genetic lineages.
If it were “just skin color,” do you really think anyone would be racist? There’s more to it than that. Think about people you’ve interacted with of different races. Haven’t you noticed that there are some striking similarities in the characters teristics, behavior, and demeanor of people of the same race, different from other races?
If you’re honest with yourself, you should have no problems admitting this to yourself. Fight through the programming, the truth has always been right in front of you.
It's not really a matter of being better, it's camoflage. So us white people can hide better in the light and in snowy environments in the north.
The niggers are black because it helps them hide in the shadows of the house that they're robbing.
aye, dis. another added benefit is that our parents can't spot the cumstains on our faces when we get home after blowing our bfs.
dis de truf, bruh. listen to him. strawman programming jew shit, motherfucker fight through it.
second coming of der furer, when?
Blacks think whites don't have God because whites don't have that swarthy shade of been there done that
Race is deeper than skin color. There are lots of other genetic factors that come along with it, and certain races are prone to more violence thanks to a lower IQ and an inability to properly weigh current actions with future consequences. We aren't racists because of colors and shapes.
amen to that, brother.
thank you for providing a thorough analysis of the negro psyche. it's about time that a credible shrink like such as yourself got to solving the negro problem.
speaking of white superiority, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior hitler?
Skin color does not equal race. Skin color does not determine your "race" your "race" is determined by what makes you human which is your genes and DNA. The concept of "race" is what it is a dalse concept that many think is a representation of genetic differences amoung intelligence and geographical ancestry and population. So how can skin color or hair texture be explained? Well Skin color is due primarily to the presence of a pigment called melanin , which is controlled by at least 6 genes. Both light and dark complexioned people have melanin. However, two forms are produced--pheomelanin , which is red to yellow in color, and eumelanin , which is dark brown to black.Infact there have been studies showing genetic relation to the pigments that do not equal to "race"
>tfw right in the thick of it.
would somebody please, find hitler so i can make sense of this stuff
But genetically soeaking no one is "white" there is no such thing as a "white" genome. What you think of "white" is geographical ancestry or location or certain facial features but again that comes mostly from climate adaptation not a separate biological "race"
>no one is white
fuck outta here burrito
america is fckn white bitch
Are you guys saying that black people have some kind of inherent gene that makes them dumber by default.
Or are you guys saying that they have poor environment and shitty parents that make them dumb.
Would you guys be okay with getting rid of dumb white people?
Ok first there was no reason to call me any of that. Second tell me what do you think "white" is?
America it's a lot of things.
yes, gas white people and black people as well before gasing ourselves for being dumb enough to gas others
>no reason to call me that
Go back.
Melanin levels correlate with aggression and r-selection in animals
ohhhh! i'm sorry, did i accidentally hurt your feeerings? miss me with dat gay shit bro, you're either white or you're not. day of the rope offers only a closed question, white or nah?
america is number one bitch, you fucking mexican, gtfo
and since black ""people"" are essentially primates, dey should be locked in a cage or hung by the neck until they lose dey boners
heil hitler to that
it's scientifically proven that non-whites are inferior "humans"
literal genetic trash
feels good to be white, amiright guys?
the "skin color" meme really needs to end.
You are completely wrong i linked a study about skin color, hair texture and the genetic differences in geographical locations and environment that comes with it
How old are you? If you're a grown adult i doubt you will be using some anime crap
>Why do you guys care about skin color so much?
Because we like to relax.
this. white people are definitely self-sustaining, gas all non white """people""", in other words more than two thirds of the population of this earth.
>doesn't that contradict with the teaching of christ tho?
hell nah! let me ask you dis, who fckn wrote the bible, bro? fucking white people did my nigga, we did so we hold the rights for making changes.
>what about the many alternatives, is mass genocide really the only solution?
hell yeah mane, fuck non whites. it ain't our fault that we brought nigs to the place we live in and import poorabs too
Race is more than skin color faggots
The Jews are trying to ethnically cleanse us everywhere on Earth right now.
That is why we don't give a fuck about anyone else right now.
You're either with us or against us
The real problem isn't the niggers, it's the spics. Spics are the ones who are (((catholic))) and don't get aborted; spics are the ones who steal jobs; spics are more likely to racemix since they are already mongrels, and spics refuse to even try to learn english. Spic crime rates are practically the same as niggers, too.
The spics are the real problem; we've always had niggers but things only got REALLY shitty when the spics illegally left their shitholes. Kill all spics!
OP is chunky and lonely white girl. The type that doesn't understand genetic advantage.
skin color is almost a perfect indicator of genetic clusters and thus behavioral tendencies
fucking this!!!!
don't thread on my bud, pedro
These are skull casts from companies that provide casts for classroom usage. They are not races - they are showing population genetic variations and how we can use that to potentially identify some aspects of regional heritage. And yes, they are somewhat idealized examples because students of forensics are expected to use them in class. Here is a similar exercise using images Experiences in the field are often much harder with less obvious or more mixed features.
Forensic anthropologists use multiple markers on a skull to try and determine likely ancestry, which can help with identifying the body. If you know how people from that region are typically classified using race or related labels in a society, you can make a good guess as to what their friends and family considered them.
Here are a few articles that might be helpful:
Sauer, Norman J. "Forensic anthropology and the concept of race: If races don't exist, why are forensic anthropologists so good at identifying them?." Social Science & Medicine 34.2 (1992): 107-111.
Smay, Diana, and George Armelagos. "Galileo wept: a critical assessment of the use of race in forensic anthropology." Transforming Anthropology 9.2 (2000): 19-29.
Brace, C. Loring. "Region does not mean “race”—reality versus convention in forensic anthropology." Journal of Forensic Science 40.2 (1995): 171-175.
Ousley, Stephen, Richard Jantz, and Donna Freid. "Understanding race and human variation: why forensic anthropologists are good at identifying race." American Journal of Physical Anthropology 139.1 (2009): 68-76.
>muh skin color meme
Why do normies believe this?
this! white or nah, bruh
because we like to relax
Also as insaid many times before geographical differences amoung population is not "race" Those aren't races. Polynesian is not a race. Again, what that paper is talking about is population genetics. That is not the same thing as race. Also, just take a look at figure C.
If you think this is proving races I'd suggest sitting in on a genetics course. It might help you understand the paper and other peer reviewed studies if you want to read up on the subject.
How come the niggers and spics commit more crime even when controlled for poverty and education then? There are clear differences in IQ between these two groups of people, so what word should be used instead of race? Sounds to me like you already concluded all races must be equal and now are going back to find evidence to fit your predetermined conclusion.
>posts a graphic with a clear partial component analysis separation between everybody else and apefricans
>says there is no such thing as race
So you're saying they're not even human? Then we agree.
You seem not to understand the difference between genetic differences and "race" C. Loring Brace, an anthropologist at the University of Michigan, claims that "race is a four-letter word with no basis in biological reality" (Blum). Others claim that the assertion that race is biologically meaningless is politically motivated.* There is also the problem of different scientists defining 'race' in different ways. So how would you define it?
Once again as i said there is a difference between geographical ancestry or location and genetic traits and differences and "race" you need to learn about genetic diversity so here are some studies that have been done
The future is technology and global currency.
Haha shut up wyteboi u just mad about the BBC
Crime stats like murder, rape, and theft. 10-1 ratio of black to white crime. 13x more likely for a white to be killed by a black than vice versa. Demonized in your own country.
>race is a bad word
Ok buddy, what word do you want to use to describe the statistically significant gap between these two populations? Geographically-linked genetic correlative factors?
Because then geographically-linked genetic correlative factors point to the conclusion that niggers are dumber than gorillas and spics aren't much better.
Fucking kek you're awful at this, what did you get like two replies in 20 posts?
>So how would you define it?
a differentiator to single out "whites" for collective punishment and visible minorities for collective innocence. as far as academics, the courts, government, etc. is concerned race doesn't exist -- except when they say it does.
This 56% namefag will just talk in circles and never concede the point
Actually no lets look at medical documents for example
Race is an unscientific, societally constructed taxonomy that is based on an ideology that views some human population groups as inherently superior to others on the basis of external physical characteristics or geographic origin. The concept of race is socially meaningful but of limited biological significance. Racial or ethnic variations in health status result primarily from variations among races in exposure or vulnerability to behavioral, psychosocial, material, and environmental risk factors and resources. Additional data that capture the specific factors that contribute to group differences in disease must be collected. However, reductions in racial disparities in health will ultimately require change in the larger societal institutions and structures that determine exposure to pathogenic conditions. More attention needs to be given to the ways that racism, in its multiple forms, affects health status. Socio-economic status is a central determinant of health status, overlaps the concept of race, but is not equivalent to race. Inadequate attention has been given to the range of variation in social, cultural, and health characteristics within and between racial or ethnic minority populations. There is a growing emphasis, both within and without the Federal Government, on the collection of racial or ethnic identifiers in health data systems, but noncoverage of the Asian and Pacific Islander population, Native Americans, and subgroups of the Hispanic population is still a major problem. However, for all racial or ethnic groups, we need not only more data but better data. We must be more active in directly measuring the health-related aspects of belonging to these social categories.
Source with papers and studies
There is a reason why im doing this
Many would use the term Sub-species but even that is highly debated. The populations are no longer separated by geography or any other force. Since the invention of the wheel made it practical for humans to travel relatively long distances, we have been interbreeding enthusiastically. The invention of full-rigged sailing ships exacerbated that by greatly expanding the distances we can travel in our quest to homogenize the gene pool. Finally, industrial transportation technology (railroads, gigantic engine-driven ships, automobiles, and now airplanes) has completely broken down all barriers to interbreeding.
As a result, there are no populations of Homo sapiens that come even halfway close to satisfying the definition of a subspecies. I'm a dog breeder and I can assure you without a shadow of a doubt that by the standards we use to identify our dog breeds, all human beings would be called "mongrels." We should recognize this
you're missing the point, dude. life isn't about vicariously enjoying good goy points through your computer screen.
time to get a life, don't you think? or maybe steal one from a white boi, because muh black genes and whatnot.
>quotes a sociology paper
Nah you can't put the genie back in the bottle, "Julian". already grouped populations with partial component analysis based on DNA testing and walked away with clear clustering, especially between everybody else and apefricans.
You can't go back and say that clustering is because of socio-economic factors; it's in the damn DNA. So are there such clusters of populations on the genetic diversity spectrum, and if so what word describes those clusters since "race" is a no-no word.
It's the genetics behind the skin color that are important, OP.
Whites on a whole have a higher IQ and higher drive than blacks and latinos, and are about equal to asians.
White people built the modern civilization that other people are so eager to destroy, while black people are still living in mud huts.
White people have a fire that is unmatched by the other races.
Most of this board has devolved into pure click bait. Race baiting is one of the easiest ways to get guaranteed replies. Most people just want to be left alone. The vast majority of the vitriol comes from the fact that most of the people here have no other outlet to vent their frustration about the racial issues. It's a very dangerous combination of circumstances that the left refuses not to exacerbate. Then they stand dumbstruck as the swell of racial nationalism rises. Jews and crypto Jews lack self awareness when it comes to things like this.
he's full on pilpulposting now. not even going to give that bean a (You) because his shit is so sloppy. i gave a social definition of race. what do i get in response?
>Actually no lets look at medical documents for example
but wait!
>The concept of race is socially meaningful
why are you even trying, dude. is this your first time here? wtf?!?
you're just hitting your head against a brick wall, i've been trying to persuade these fucks that being black or white isn't about skin color but they wouldn't budge, but look at them now. all will be resolved when the time is right, bro. chill and relax, go fap or sumfin' stop wasting your time, effort, money and intellect.
Nice leftie projection you got there.
>all human beings are mongrels
Nevermind that inconvenient religion practiced by over 1 billion people that expressly forbids them from intermarriage between castes/breeds.
>there are no barriers to interbreeding
>that means everyone is already mixed
Jumping the gun, aren't (((we)))?
Nice rightie projection you got there.
I wasent quoting and
>it's in the damn DNA
It may well be but again "race" is not genetic. Here is a paper from a biological anthropologist point if view explaining the clusters
False "race" mixing has been going on for years
Mixing has always been going on
>"race" is not genetic
>look at this the clear clustering of related population groups based on genetic similarity
>look at all these phenotypical similarities between individuals in the same cluster
>you can't call it race, therefore forget about it
Ok fine. There is no such thing as race. People of any racial background who have big red lips, big noses and nostrils, curly hair and dark skin are just more likely to be retarded (
>race mixing has been going on for years
Only in the lesser dalit races like spics and niggers and some white people, high caste Hindus overwhelming do not castemix, much less racemix, even when they grow up as immigrants in Western societies.
It's because we have strong culture.
Not really as many races share those qualities as many races have other "white" features.
In fact you can mix several individuals from several races and come up with a white person.
I have to go bye bye baiter
Cos the darker your skin the more chances are your ancestors didn't have to survive in the cold and think of crazy shit to survive and use their brains 24/7 which means white people are more evolved. It's harder to pander liberalism and weak ideas to white people so socialists want as many dumb brownies as possible.
I don't care what color someone is I only care about how they act and treat other people, but for procreation purposes I would only marry within my race because it's important to me that my children look like me and my family.
>you can mix several individuals from several races and come up with a white person
No, you come up with a fair-skinned spic mongrel, the perfect goyim.
>geographic determinism
Right, that's why the Eskimos are a superpower.
The data is in and it says the the darker the demographics the shittier it gets.
Not that you would understand, being new world, but skin color and historical connection is vital to a Nation's coherence. This does not imply dislike for others, the contrary. I believe there is a God given place for all and screwing with that is playing God. Diversity is no meme when applied correctly.
You may be the first person to understand. Yes, it's the skin color. The color is everything. There is literally no other difference. Not in sports, or academics, and especially not in violent crime.
Nothing was important to me about being white until everyone else made it important to be everything other than white.