Consciousness and esoteric religion general.
Kekism, Nazism, Black Sun, Bodhi Mantra, Gnosticism, Lightbringing
Come and enlighten, or be enlightened.
Consciousness and esoteric religion general.
Kekism, Nazism, Black Sun, Bodhi Mantra, Gnosticism, Lightbringing
Come and enlighten, or be enlightened.
get real dude, consciousness is created by your brain, once your brain dies your consciousness does too
Materialist BEGONE
That being said Evola is a dipshit and i don't want to see any of that here
Continued from I believed that once, friend. Why are you so convinced of this?
what’s yo beef with evola?! i’ve been debating investing time into ride the tiger at least- but i should be reading manly p hall and helena instead
Does it? Plenty of people have died and yet an experience of their consciousness carries on upon others.
You are one with every thing. You would see this if you would bother to go outside of a city and watch the cycle of life and death. Creation and destruction. How Socrates still lives on to this day based on his teachings.
because their brains did not die. if you are fully braindead you wont come back. if people talk about the stuff they saw when they were 'dead' it was created by the brain and the hormones being released
that is one the sickest pepe's ever I love it so much, every time someone posts it .I remember the first time someone ever posted it to me and what we were talking about they were leading me
most of their stuff is on audio book on YT you can find, I have a few on my channel in fact. Thinking about making an audio book of NOS the Resurrection
Good general. Hope to see this more often
You 100% missed the point entirely.
You die, yet your existence and memory is still having a shaping effect on the existence of life via your friends and family by the legacy of how they regarded you.
Then your body goes back to the earth, which then fuels healthy soil as bacteria devours you. Allowing plants to grow, which will then feed birds or little rodents that feed larger animals.
To view yourself as separate from this? Seems illogical to me.
Great episode of TNG
i just hate yt because i can’t play sudoku at the same time... doodling works fine too i guess. do you have a rec on hall or helena first?
You should not have put my handle in the title this will attract the kikes prob. No big deal just letting you know
this already happend multiple times, barely any atoms inside your body are still the same since when you were born
thoth hath spake
yah numerous on hall magnetic attraction and mental alchemy I think here is a link to the channel
I will upload one on the kundalini soon been meaning to but I don't like to upload too many too often let people catch up
One of my personal favorites too
There's usually threads like this up late at night but mainly they evolve from other threads. This is only the 3rd I've made, can make more in the future if they're liked. There's a Lightbringing Discord as well, but it hasn't been active in a couple weeks:
All with good intent are welcome.
Agreed. Fell in love with this pic the second I saw it. Doubt many get the reference.
I'd also argue there's a soul that's independent of the body and the brain.
Yet you still claim to be you. Despite the whole exchange happening.
Why aren't you still you before you were born or after your ego is dead? What makes you possible still exists and provides fuel. Just now your ego is gone.
Lucifer vs Ahriman 2 : Electric Boogaloo
>barely any atoms inside your body are still the same since when you were born
huh? do you mean cells? All atoms are the same and always will be, in this realm anyhow, unless you change them. Atoms are like legos the only way to change is to add or take away electrons etc
I think that is what he did mean. I just didn't want to correct him.
These are the best kind of thread
Good point, won't put your name in any future opening posts.
That's a nice pepe you've got there. How much you want for it?
Go ahaed and save them my friend
It appears this has fizzled. I wonder if theres a connection between night users and day time users?
ha good stuff the pillars are a nice touch
Something I discovered recently for anyone interested:
Kek was known as the "lightbringer" or "bringer of light". This was featured on the wikipedia page about Kek until a Jews changed it during the election to hide this fact. Food for thought.
Many thanks.
Fair point. I'm not usually up this late myself. Maybe should include a specific topic in future threads.
I'll just dump of these what I have.
lol been posting this for over a year my dude :)
Give me a quick run-down?
checked and Keked!
What is black sun can you please enlighten me user
Once you gain Atma knowledge you will understand. Until then you are merely a pleb stuck in Maya (illusion of non-dualism). I cannot give you Atma knowledge, only the Lord can through his book, the Bhagavad Gita.
Wether you believe or not does not matter, this is not a question of belief, but of direct intuitive knowledge of transcendental truth. It was true 3000 years ago, it is true now and it will remain true eternally. You are not this body, you are Atma, the eye that sees the eye.
Last one I have
Thanks a lot, user!
Indeed, the age of Praise will return and thusly the age of Chaos.
Working on my own.
Life is not aimless chemicals spiraling through the void, it has definite form. Since the beginning, it has always been the union of form and formlessness. The formless chemical stew answered by a dividing cell wall to form the first life. The proliferate forms of the Cambrian explosion answered by mass extinction, producing our animal kingdoms. Out of each cycle comes greater complexity and resilience. You must strive to tame the union and take it inside yourself in greater and more profound ways. Fear not your personal extinctions, nor your explorations in formlessness. They are what give rise to greater life.
Well I knew he was the Lightbringer. What I learned is that the wikipedia entry had been scrubbed by kikes. My internet is spotty either because weather or being fucked with hard. Not sure if this will post. If I disappear, back tonight.
Substance dualism is false.
All is Mind.
Would this work?
This tbqh. Gave away my Gita though, sad!
The sun will bring justice to the star empress of the tower?
The Son will incarcerate the famous empress of the order?
Fuck you
Good thread just currently to annoyed by life to participate, please promise to make another one soon
I'll probably post one up late tonight US time. I've been up all night and gonna head to sleep soon. Maybe I'll pick a specific topic for the thread to help generate discussion. Suggestions welcome.
Oh fug
Checked. It is the one truth.
Praise Kek
Great image. Thanks
I am going to try and destroy the materialist worldview in a very short post:
You've been told that the universe consists of Atoms. Very small things, maybe points or strings, doesn't really matter. You've been told that this is "matter", that everything, even human beings consists of matter which is ultimately Atoms, very small, indivisible things.
This is not true. The universe in fact consists of two types of matter: Ordinary matter (that scientists talk about) and Divine matter. The universe that we live in is a result of the combination of ordinary matter and Divine matter. You are an example, your body is made out of ordinary matter, but your soul and spirit are made out of Divine matter. The cells in your body are continously replaced, but you are still the same you, even in 20 years from now you will still be you, even though every so-called "atom" in your body has been replaced. This is because all the ordinary matter has been replaced, but the Divine matter has not. So, the universe does not consist of atoms, but of two types of matter that work in tandem.
I'll study some more Evola now, get totally intoxicated and if I get up tomorrow on time I will join and share my love for this true genius. I have a thing for Chaos magick and feel it somewhat as an extension of the logic approach of Evola to the western esoteric tradition but that might be too specific. If you have the time you can look into the whole Nazis and the holy Grail thing, that had been popular with several AOS folks so there might be something to it but I never found any good details that are not Nazi-UFO-tier bullshit so that'd be something also of high pol relevance if you can find something
i had these all saved on my phone but forgot to keep them on it when i transferred shit over! blessed be you user
This is a pretty interesting take on souls. In your view, what else is made of Divine Matter? Does this idea come from a specific belief system?
Evola is one of those names I always see in recommended threads, and that I used to see referenced on blogs that don't exist anymore. Basic rundown? I'm OP by the way, IP was changed when net cut out.
Well that actually seems pretty legit, sweden is superior in inventions and ideas per capita.
checke'd nice. kek I just got back from the grocery store saw a Muslim woman there wearing a hijab and asked her if she Israel did 9/11 was beautiful talked to her about it for a mins
*sorry I meant if she knew
wow nice one agartha
try this my dude some good info
checked- quite the fuckin reading! the tower is the best ending we could’ve hoped for
good shit there brother
BEst website if you want to discover the Truth about God, Consciousness, Creation and the Mysteries.
J0y 0f Satan
>inb4 christcucks scared of the word satan
on evola, same here- turns out he has a Handbook for the Alt Right, i bought his Ride the Tiger, turns out he has all this occult work too. can’t believe i didn’t look into him before last week. quite the ride ahead of us
don't have the patience now so I'll be quick
Check "the hermetic tradition", it's the best work so far to my knowledge on the whole western esoteric tradition (from the alchemist and recycled by masons, OTO, nazis). Perfect introduction and summary of all principles and by his own estimate a good study of it allows you to understand all the ancient alchemistic writings (which are the foundation of everything in the wet)
Riding the tiger is basically the condensed black pill on the world and how to survive once you realize how and why things go to shit as they do: spoiler - all is lost, focus on yourself and your transcendence as the world of Tradition (uppercase - the spiritual advancement in our white western culture) has come to an end and will eventually collapse in the near future (might still take a century but in any case there is no way back), nihilism, communism and the whole liberal shit ruined everything and we will burn to rise once again as a new culture out of it, eventually. Has a lot of great side thoughts expressed (e.g. the commies/"liberals" need the niggers and other poor people as no white person is desperate enough anymore to join in the revolution for full communism). Written more than 40 years ago
Forget this larp shit lads, convert to Catholicism.
What about the female aspect Keket? Should she be praised too?
oh btw bodhi, david wilcock has a yt channel and a blog, but i’ve only read the synchronicity key and the ascension mysteries. his first book the Sourcefield Investigations seems to be a science compilation of what you already know to be the nature of reality. he has been promoting the unified source theory for magnetism, electricity, and everything else for over a decade. he publishes a lot of “insider info” in his last book particularly- such as the secret space program happenings and ancient history in the cabal’s eyes. i remember you saying your mom told you to check him out ages ago, so it’s probably info that is redundant to your path already- but what’s your opinion on the cabal’s “breakaway civilization” in space?
Fuck off Flavius
Well atoms do exist desu but matter is not what people think it is, all is electricity, plasma given form by resonance, harmonic frequencies
it's fully compatible. almost fully, that is. Mysticism is accepted part of Catholicism. Even though Catholicism has quite some problems and has shown to be too weak. If you ask me, the shit started with Protestants and the Church not beeing strong enough to smash it down. Also WTF is the current "pope" seriously until the Church gets their shit together you can go fuck yourself
whew lad, that was almost funny- but i still vomited a bit. if catholicism is the way, then the search for truth will lead to the same teachings; only, without the dogma- either way... just be you laddy
Nazi-UFO's are not bullshit I can show you if you want, even show you how they work
I hate that they named it that but I have been there it had some decent material on jews didn't look at much else
don't see why not, the gods live through your praise, you breath life into them
Satan just means opponent or adversary. It seems nonsensical to praise or worship one's enemy. I tend to think 'Satanism' is reactionary in respect to Christianity, and they're not really enlightened. Luciferianism, on the other hand...
I'll have to see if I can work this into my reading.
Ad? Did she know Jews did it?
Yah Wilcox good dude as afar as I know not overly familiar with his work but what I do know about was legit good stuff.
Breakaway civilization in space? Have you ever read any Asimov? Read Nemesis
He was a free mason btw, also read foundation and nightfall
asimov comes up all the time! thanks bodhi, i’ll get started!
this (on Satan)
>Ad? Did she know Jews did it?
lol no she said something no one really knows, I looked her dead in the eye and said, no I know. I will prob make a sign one day and go out there in my Black Sun hat and stand out there all day giving out fliers film it for the channel