Why do you put so much of the blame on us? We are not responsible for your problems, you are. All you kids do is play video games and dick around on your smartphones. Utterly useless and entitled.
Boomer here
You didn’t pay for my college >:(
That's because everything is so God dam expensive because of your Generations bulshit policies and Reagan's trickle-down economics bullshit
It is your own responsibility to make money for college or take out loans if needed. Please don't blame your parents or older generations for this.
Hey, listen up
*outsources jobs*
when I was your age
*guts manufacturing sector*
We had to pull ourselves up
*impovrishes nation*
By our bootstraps
*imports third worlders*
Look our boss in the eye
*require college degree for entry level position*
Shake his hand
*Increases national debt through social security*
And work our asses off
*decreases wages*
You kids today have it so easy
*hyperinflates property values*
With all of your fancy iPhones
*Implements suicide nets at slave factories*
And internet technology
*Implements orwellian police state*
You need to learn the value of hard work
*Pays college tuition with part time job at McDonalds*
And earning what you want
*makes penises illeigal*
instead of demanding it for free
*squanders inheritance*
Learn to appriciate the value of money
*erodes purchasing power of the dollar*
Instead of wasting it so flagrantly
*sends hundreds of billions of dollars to third world nations per year*
Pay your own way
*comps $100k in sushi*
And stop being so damned degenerate
*Acid flashbacks to woodstock*
Get a wife and raise a family
*implements no fault divorce*
We aren't going to be able to support you forever
*cashes retirement check*
So you need to take responsability for the future
*sells land to foreign nations*
You have to get right with god
*donates childrens trust fund to televangelist*
And stop being such a weakling
*poisons water supply*
So man the fuck up and give me some grandchildren
*donates daughter to remote african tribes*
Or this Great nation is doomed
*Votes for communism*
*shits self*
*downs 37 perscriptions*
*audible pacemaker sounds*
*outlives children*
*gets raped to death by muslim nurses*
*wills life savings to clinton foundation*
This is you.
I voted for Reagan I will admit. He was a good american and got this country back on track, and also single handedly defeated our eternal enemy, the USSR (and now Russia).
This is you.
Yeah he destroyed the USSR by pumping fucking massive amounts of money into the fucking military to a point where the Soviet Union couldn't take it anymore and fucking collapse because of it
I don't blame my parents. They actually protected me from almost all of the modern problems of society. My parents were good and were Ross Perot supporters in the 90s. I blame the rest of society. I'm not siding with my peers or my peers parents. I'll just try to live a good life while the rest of the world I hate burns down.
The kind of lifestyle you people (and your parents) introduced to western cultures is unsustainable. You wasted everything and now there is really no incentive for us to work, better to see it fall apart and prepare for rebuilding.
What does it mean if I'm Millennial and I want to have more after the recession and not less? I think it's being a sucker to go on a diet after a famine.
Listen, gramps. Next time you head to the polls, do some research, make sure the candidate you're voting for isn't an open-borders/amnesty/globalist shill. It's literally the best thing you can do at this point in your life to redeem yourself.
I think it means you're missing the big picture. I think it means you're trying to uphold the unsustainable society your parents and grandparents created and fuck future generations over even worse.
Hmm. Your gonna be dead soon you know.
>american (((education)))
I am 58 and retiring in 6 months. I still hope to have about 20 years left or more. And we all know young people don't vote, and my age does. Young people are usually to hungover or high to vote it seems, many times. I can relate.. we were hungover or too high when we were your age too!
You are a selfish fucking idiot and I hate your digusting, lying old generation. I went to college on grad school via academic free ride. While other kids were slaving away at some shitty job for minimum wage I was in labs doing research. While other kids couldnt afford to do free internships and make connections I was shaking hands and getting ahead and by the time I was done with college I had a $65k g job I had worked on for a year which carried over through gradschool. Im 30 with 12 years I need to work before I retire.
There were ALOT of kids smarter than me & willing to work just as hard (wouldnt you rather create science then coffee?), its their retarded sperm donors justify their shitty selfish ideals by refusing to think how much they are fucking American kids by handicapping them. Europeans dont deal with this. Asians as well. They go to school, are allowed to be students and excel at what they do, and then buy a house and contribute towards the economy instead of some kike shill.
This is why you see the Boomers have produced literally nothing of value except shitty music, art and opoid addiction and every generation surrounding them have advanced the human noosphere exponentially instead of incrementally.
This is unfortunate but my age group had nothing directly to do with this. This is just a function of the free markets and capitalism.
Trump for a 2nd term then got it.
>Boomer here..
Step down from your job you tranny loving faggot
better pull that 401k out of the market now before it crashes again. When the majority of boomers hit that magic 72 year number where they have to pull out market is going to crash harder then a 747 flown by a Chinese pilot.
I understand your concerns, but I still don't think it's fair that you blame us older folks. Unfortunately, one of the side effects of capitalism and free markets sometimes make certain things a little pricier than others. It sounds like you really worked hard and did good.. good for you. But not everyone can be like you and some kids need more help than others. Thanks for your contribution to this discussion though.. and stay on those payrolls! I'll be retiring soon and will claim social security in a few years so we need young folks like you paying into it.
>Nothing to do with it
>Elected in majority presidents and senators that fucked the country
It's the principle of democracy/republicanism, you fucking idiot. Instead of blaming one person, we blame the group, because it's the group that allowed this to happen, unlike dictatorships or monarchies in which it was one individual's or a small clique's fault.
Go fuck yourself, bandwagon-jumping boomerfag.
I don't think it's fair to blame an entire generation of folks. Keep in mind their are many dynamics in society that are beyond the control of any one person, or very large group of persons.
>Turn western civilization into some perverse form of socialist shithole with no order
>Oppose war but worship economic growth which is the prime motivation for wars
>Piss all over your parents accomplishments in WW2 by implementing a system which proves Hitler was right
>Piss all over your mothers by shaming her out of motherhood and into the call center
>fuck up savings an social security to the point where you have to keep working, resulting in a delay of manhood with each subsequent generation
>turn universities into indoctrination centers
>piss all over God without a valid replacement
>invent neocons, thus destroying the right
>invent neo Marxism, thus destroying the left
What else is on the accomplishment list of the worst generation in the history of western civilization?
Just fuckin die already. The most beneficial thing you can do for everyone. Take your reaganomics bullshit to the grave and get off the fuckin internet. You retards use it like the generation before you used supermarket tabloids. HOLY SHIT BILL CLINTON FUCKED SASQUATCH. Stupid, all of you, disappear now
Btw, fuck off
You're just running away hiding behind the intricacies of the democratic system, when you know that this very system designates you as the perpetrators of this injustice, whether or not the causes are complex or not.
You're just like those braindead trannies, seeking sexual absolution in declaring yourselvess unique, that your reasons were different and your situation made you do that, when you're all the same, really.
>Invented stagflation because they sold the petrol derrick of Arabia for immediate profit
>Also created the Saudi economic powerhouse through the above, which fuels islamic terrorism and muslim infiltration of the West
I think those are pretty much the cherry on the cake, though.
>Hey, listen up
>*outsources jobs*
>when I was your age
>*guts manufacturing sector*
>We had to pull ourselves up
>*impovrishes nation*
>By our bootstraps
>*imports third worlders*
>Look our boss in the eye
>*require college degree for entry level position*
>Shake his hand
>*Increases national debt through social security*
>And work our asses off
>*decreases wages*
>You kids today have it so easy
>*hyperinflates property values*
>With all of your fancy iPhones
>*Implements suicide nets at slave factories*
>And internet technology
>*Implements orwellian police state*
>You need to learn the value of hard work
>*Pays college tuition with part time job at McDonalds*
>And earning what you want
>*makes penises illeigal*
>instead of demanding it for free
>*squanders inheritance*
>Learn to appriciate the value of money
>*erodes purchasing power of the dollar*
>Instead of wasting it so flagrantly
>*sends hundreds of billions of dollars to third world nations per year*
>Pay your own way
>*comps $100k in sushi*
>And stop being so damned degenerate
>*Acid flashbacks to woodstock*
>Get a wife and raise a family
>*implements no fault divorce*
>We aren't going to be able to support you forever
>*cashes retirement check*
>So you need to take responsability for the future
>*sells land to foreign nations*
>You have to get right with god
>*donates childrens trust fund to televangelist*
>And stop being such a weakling
>*poisons water supply*
>So man the fuck up and give me some grandchildren
>*donates daughter to remote african tribes*
>Or this Great nation is doomed
>*Votes for communism*
>*shits self*
>*downs 37 perscriptions*
>*audible pacemaker sounds*
>*outlives children*
>*gets raped to death by muslim nurses*
>*wills life savings to clinton foundation*
>This is you.
I'm not too sure about him these days either, but he's the best protection we've got.
tfw when you're not sure whether he's serious o not.
Nothing to do with me. ffff weak retard.
>us older folks
It's a larp.