Why aren't you at work?

Why aren't you at work?

Other urls found in this thread:


because wagecucking 50-60 hours a week and getting paid shit is for slaves.

because I lack a job.

send help

What's the point? I have no social life, and I'll never be able to move out of my parents house with the wages I can earn.

my wife just bought me a Nintendo switch and I took sick leave to play it 80

Because its saturday morning fuck ya, now I'm gonna jerk off.

Im not a goyim slave

Because I’m a youngfag

I am though


I am nigger, I'm just not doing anything because it's Friday

Just got home. My wife's still at her job so I get some quality shitposting time without getting interrupted.

Because getting a job takes time

I work 3-11 today. It sucks but it alternates from morning to afternoon shift every week

I'm on a 3 month paid vacation

im posting this from my break. soon ill go back to wage cucking. checkm8 m8

I am. Home office.

Im a trophy husband who just sits at home and waits for wife to get off work

It's a snow day. I was going to come in an hour late to give the ice some time to melt but they called right before I left and said it was so slow I didn't need to come in.

I'm at work right now

I'm just about to leave

Because I'm at school

>tag in the front
Wtf am I watching?

I'm always at work. I'm taking a shitpost break.

i can't believe a decade old bum tickley meme from Sup Forums is now relevant again

what is this timeline

please s-sauce!


It's fucking 8 in the evening are you stupid

I am currently taking a dump at work

But I am, OP! I'm getting paid to call you a faggot right now!

But I am.

there is no important work to be done
my enemies may benefit from my work
society has probably progressed too far


only an intern for another week so my part-time hours keep me from working fridays

>be me
>work office job
>10am-6pm hours
>have construction/renovation going on
>entire department's IT module has to be shut down and moved
>will take hours and can't work during that time
>scheduled for 12 noon today
>arrive at work at 10am
>paid to leave 12 noon

I am. I just get ample shit posting time becsuse I'm my own boss.

I'm a trophy dick who works with/fucks your wife.


It was a German TV series about underage thots that aired around 40 years ago.

I'm at work shitposting on the toilet. Real fucking bored already with three hours on the clock. Good thing I have "200 Years Together" saved to a PDF to read through

it is still friday good sir.

guaranteed she is getting cock from a chad on the side if you are a house husband.

And where might I find the full movie to this lovely fap material?

I start in 1 hour

Schoolgirl report: volume 3
International edition

kids are fucking crazy, I can't type anything on my phone. i would go insane typing that sentence. kek

I bet you are latino

Because I just steal from people

That's prob the greatest movie of all time. What is it called?

I am.

I am at work.


I'll work again when leftists and feminazis fuck right off and invaders gtfo my country

I am at work
Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people

I am.
Insurance auditor

Bc my wife works..these bitches wanted equality right???No it's the white mans turn to sit home and chill


superb patrician review

it is 20:00 in the evening even germans stop wörking at one point.

Schulmädchenreport Teil 3
You can find them on youtube, apparently it's softcore and there's quite a handful of them.

based wypipo filming some good creep/kino/
take a lesson, gooks

found it

only in the civilized world.

i work from home because my company realized they can charge $2500/day for me to work from my home rather than pay for my flight/hotel/rental/car etc. to visit them for the same price

I work seasonally at a family business. I don't have to work until May lol. Now I sit on my ass watching movies drunk as hell all day.

i can tell this is ultra high quality by all the close in freeze frames with letters.

The age of consent in Germany is really low

I get every other Friday off.

I just came home from work desu, it's 8 pm here.

beta film gmbh blocked this in my country
hooktube to the rescue

germans are no prudes, age of consent is 14 in germany

Because getting a job where you're not a slave working his soul away isn't easy

20 hours of actual work a week, working from home, and making six figures is pretty nice IMO.

.t Neet

>not shitposting on Sup Forums while you're at work

I am at work, I browse Sup Forums while working, usually in breaks between waiting for the computer to finish a task

You could open a can a beans with that chicks nose


Had surgery on my hand, got six weeks off work. Feels cumfy lads.

I am making $250,000 being a consultant. Work about 25 hours a week What about you?

wut happen

what has happend?
looks painfull

Lifelong lack of a mentor taking me under his wing and teaching me the ways of normiedom.

I'm at planned parenthood for my estrogen tests for being a tranny. No one wants to hire a tranny, because the risk of them being fucking annoying, mentally unstable, and filing a lawsuit or Twitter campaign is exponentially higher than hiring a brainless white fat girl to abuse.

Because it's 7PM and I'm not some blue collar cuck who has to work night shifts

Broken metacarpal from battering a couple of Pakis who threw a snowball at me.
>TFW mini Deus Vult



Had some screws put in my middle hand bone.

pls ?

you stashed a supply of spoons for when the roof pops off right?

im mining crypto for shekels instead now

You’re hot, no?

Post cock and feet.

I am waiting for Trump to give me that sick coal job he promised everyone.

The future is coal jobs and Trump promised we could all have a coal job.

To Trump we are all coal miners and I must abide his authority.

MAGA with coal jobs.

I am tho.

Using that GI bill getting paid to go to school for free. Gotta a sugar mama who works all day why i Sup Forums and get my degree in Geology.

Get on my level.

>fake money

just buy some chuck-e-cheez tokens

It might help if you were not a nazi. Alt-right losers are totally unemployable because of their hateful views.

Six weeks off for punching a Paki that's pretty based desu


male nurse here.. just taking a break to check this shithole of a web site.

get well soon!
