Do you love China?
Do you love China?
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leave the vatican alone assholes
no you shitskin
Taiwan is China.
What do you mean?
No, fuck off you scheming goblin.
Chinks are worse than everything but the Jews.
We are importing many ukrainian wives here, soon we will be white too.
also happy Chinese new year, KYS mainlander locust
But I do like Taiwan.
I do, indeed. The language is amazing and they have an incredible culture.
It is, however, very sad to see the poor conditions that the majority of the population faces. But they don't really seem to care about it because of the fact that the society as a whole doesen't have a materialistic view on life.
leave the catholics alone in your country just let them do their own thing
we are the real china faggot. KYS by breathing some fresh chink air
fuck off our islands are full
Taiwan is better than fake China
prove me wrong
protip: you can't
I like Chinese people; they are very practical and friendly. They banned my favorite cartoon though.
Taiwan is china without the fucking inbred country folks
shhh, dont provoke them or you will be the real REAL china soon
bring on the cross straight war homo. let’s fucking go
Yes. I married a Chinese woman. I want to fulfill the Chinese dream for our kids.
pffft, no fucking way
China as a country? No, why would I. I dislike China as much as I dislike America but for different reasons.
The cheap shit they produce and the impact on our economy? Yes.
I love your mommy.
Hapa kids, I should add.
China number 2
>T. Zhou.
No, you are the english teacher.
Nah. They're commie larping bugmen who are a capitalist state, but keep trying to act commies.
Hapas are of no interest in china, maybe japs are obsessed with mongrel because they are ugly and short.
I live the Republic of China, this guy, not your totalitarian shithole.
Nah, there's lots of popular hapa kids on Weibo and Meipai.
Are there any mainland refugees in Taiwan? Arent they still technically your citizens?
I am pajeet I studied abroad in China before they were pushing it as communist indoctrination.
mainland china is a military dictatorship with a capitalist economy, basically iraq 2.0.
when will their sadam be ousted so we can get that oil? only time will tell. :^)
No. I hate them less by the day as the west becomes more dissonant to reality, though.
Some VPN magic right here. Im pretty sure this site was banned and is currently blocked by the mighty chinese firewall.
No. But Chinese pussy is so nasty it's good
No, they are not popular, nobody care for your mongrel... in japan they are often models or jav
it's a china spook
they let them out of the firewall when it's time for propaganda.
Sup Forums isn't banned in China but you need a pass to get by the Google captcha, which is banned obviously.
I'm personally using a VPS in Japan that I tunnel my traffic through using the Shadowsocks protocol to post on Sup Forums.
No, the chinese government supports Sup Forums, we need to redpill whitu normies the tuth about communism. There is no Sup Forums ban.
I'm in Chongqing. Hapa kids from the West staying with their grandparents draw lots of crowds on the street here. They are considered cute and smart.
>i'm not a chinese propaganda sockpuppet I'm just like you
Holy shit, are Ukrainians so stupid they are not able to assign ethnicities their correct slurs?
The only decent looking chick at my work is a Chinese national, fairly tall too.
WTF I love China now?
>this thread is now banned in china
Oh I see tier 3 boy. Rural areas are fascinatd by the foreign, even black men draw crowds...
How is your happy giraffe job?
afaik, Sup Forums isn't banned but google's captcha is banned, so expats in china have to pay japanese moot for a pass before they can post
go fuck your Rainy, Tim
Wo cao ni ma.
Thanks for clearing that up. Im still suspicous though.
I disliked China until a bunch of Chinese that barely spoke English helped me for 2 hours get my onyxia attunement.
They had no reason to do it, just being nice.
You're alright by me, China.
You're just jealous that Sichuan/Chongqing have the most beautiful women and the best food. Also, Chongqing is Tier I.
Most people are unfazed by foreigners here, but mix kids receive a lot of attention. I got hassled more by scammers in Shanghai than I ever did in Chongqing. I like the child-centric culture of China. It's great when you have a family.
Country and many of the people are alright but their government is absolutely shit and yes its one of the few places that actually has a shitter government than us
Taiwan is actually the legitimate government of China. The majority of china's land is enslaved by commie scum
是的。 我爱中国。 我学习汉语专业。 荷兰人 here.
Oh, and I'm just visiting here for the Spring festival coming up. We live in Leafland.
No, just parts of it.
Chongqing/sichuan is very undeveloped. Nobody is interested in backwards rural hinterlands. Best women of all china come to tier 1 city. Only poor women and unattractive left in sichuan.
Yes. I have never had a bad experience with a Chinese person.
Chengdu is a top tier city. It's actually a tech hub. Chongqing is one of the fastest growing cities in the world, let alone China.
why does the great wall stink of piss? they even built a fucking bathroom on it.
Are there many coolies around where you live? is it true that you are all a bunch of nepotist sympatyless collectivist conformist sub-tier untermensch? Or is that just propaganda?
Sichuan and Chongqing are the best places to be in China. Pic very related.
OP doesn’t know wtf he’s taking about
yes, you wanna be white so bad as pic related attests that you hate niggers more than we do
Read this before going to China.
Yes. We must love. We live in their century now
The average working person from China I can get along with but their "ruling class" I absolutely hate because they're pushing a soft takeover of my homeland
At this point though the federal government is so fucking stupid in Canada that I would actually join China if it meant getting the western provinces out of Canada. At least China keeps getting less communist and isn't pro islam like Canada's federal government is.
Also read this. The Chinese have always been a shitty race. Communism only made it worse.
I like your Wuxia films.
I unironically would love to live and work in China. The people seem to be mostly hard working and their Government doesn't seem to tolerate any nonsense and strictly cares about maintaining and growing their nation's power and doing their best to keep it safe. People here love to cherry pick all the horrible things that happen in China (horrible things happen in every country, especially ones with large population).
There is a lot to admire about China and the Chinese.
Based chinese people fucking with dumb ameriniggers
Go back to China, chankoro.
I like this Zhou.
Please keep shitting on our Japanese flagged mongrel-creating friend.
are the Japanese Chinese?
Great... China found Sup Forums
Now they are going to shit up this board even more.
Lol who are you trying to convince. For us shanghainese you are rural shithole. Fuck off poor boy. Pic relate, my home.
No, its propaganda, china is very nice.
>Imagine living under the Nazis for 300 years
goddamn, they were based
I've been to SH and BJ, your cities are chaotic shitholes. Sorry. If you want to be taken seriously act more like the japanese.
Japanese are culture-less manlets, their traditional culture is 100z chinese their modern culture is 100% western plus fetish porn.
They are still having too many kids tho
So, what's your opinon on Macau?
absolutely based
You're retarded. You aren't even related to the ancient Chinese, you're just mutts and rape babies. The Japanese at least are pure and have retained their ancient cultures while you guys were busy eating and raping each other and destroying everything in sight.
I really miss those lads
Shanghai is better than tokyo, idiot. Tokyo is cleaner but SH is a mega show city, the best of all china is here.
They make yummy egg tarts, also rich degenerates go there.
Japs are cucks to whites and niggers. We chinese are nationalist and proud of our race and culture.
I lived in China for 4 years. This guy is speaking the truth.
>simiral plantation and wildlife
>simiral contruction after thousends of years of perfection/innovation as neigbours stealing the best
>like every other region's cultural-history since Proto-Finnic Holy Roman Khaganate
>surprised and butthurt about it
mfw sweatjob int