Sweden general

Sweden general

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Check this out boys!!

>has ADHD and cannot understand what no means






Sweden can't even fix itself because the the drawbridge was already lowered and their new 'citizens' wont allow it

I know we blame these shitskins and niggers a lot but why was this white roasties with them in the first place? A lot of these white girls have deliberately gone to them, thinking they'll just hang out and not get raped.

Sweden will be 30% muslim in 2040. this country is fucked. Lol. Kek.


Tell me again Why I should care about 14 year old eurtrash getting rapped by a non-white? Every Day you faggots lick the dick of some random jew.

Blame your US medics selling meme pills for conditions that don;t exist meaning the entire world has to somehow accept ADHD is condition when it's simply too much energy.

retarded virtue signalling roasties bring it upon themselves, who cares at this point? these are their role models

Probably her fault the Muslims are in Sweden in the first place


Is Angry Foreigner lurking or posting here? he is a Serb right? Already in full REMOVE KEBAB mode.

So much trash. I don't have TV but I've seen that bitch before on here for being a trans faggot. Let me guess.. her kids all date niggers?

Thanks to the (((Bonnier family))) and (((David Schwarz)))

Deploy your fucking military already and end this insanity Sven


Is that you angry foreigner?

>t. Cousin fucker

How is the housing bubble going? Are the swedes finally wakeing up, or are they still in denial?

Animals understand "NO!" so can we agree that mooslimes are sub-animal sub-human monsters? Cool.


there's no doubt in my mind that he is, let's see if we can get him in this thread!
i wish!

>Ignorantia juris non excusat or ignorantia legis neminem excusat (Latin for "ignorance of the law excuses not" and "ignorance of law excuses no one" respectively) is a legal principle holding that a person who is unaware of a law may not escape liability for violating that law merely because one was unaware of its content.

Is Ignorantia juris non excusat not practiced in Sweden? I'm going to guess this is practiced, it is just that Swedes are so cucked they'll let their government rape and murder them by proxy.

I can't wait for the next one claiming dyslexia
>I swear she was screaming ON, ON, officer!

>when all you have left is a cartoon

Lol he is a kebab


Because if you don't see white men and women all over the world as your racial kin you're a fucking faggot
We Americans need to form a hunting party and rove on over to Europe and clean some shit up
Come on, their cops don't even have guns and we are way bigger than everyone there
We can just walk down the street like 50 boys deep and fucking stomp the invaders

>gets analy raped anyway
There is no way to win if you are a swede, is there?

We're not any better off.

Whatever happened to public mob executions of enemy governments?

Not going to lie, beating aside, she looks good for 75

>based on claims ADHD releases you from personal accountability
So I'd assume he still has ADHD, therefore he still doesn't know it's wrong, so I'd assume he's just as likely to do it again, so releasing him guarantees future victims.

why is it ok for a kike to pretend to be a goyim for comedy but not for goyim to say oy vey shut it down in a kikes voice

Still a classic, I agree youtube.com/watch?v=Vb3IMTJjzfo

Aren't you late for devil worshiping at your local mosque?


>enemy governments
Their goal is one government so of course they'd never declare any of these "refugees" enemy of the state. They imprison them like a Swede then let them back loose into Sweden.
Read Pan Europa by Kalergi if you haven't.

White girls are notoriously easy to brainwash, their lives revolve around being accepted and socially fitting in so whatever the politically correct and accepted view is, they stick to.

It's not their fault that the only right way to think in Sweden is to bask in the presence of these "boys".

When does the war start?
Swedes remember the great American tradition of extrajudicial fragging of traitors.
If an officer with a big nose tells you to shoot Swedes shoot the officer instead blame the hadjis.
Same goes for reporters
And cuck soldiers who will rat.
Remember to destroy the film phone and hdd. If there is one of those news vans with an antenna get that first and burn the whole thing.

always use a grenade when fragging officers

>implying the (((USA))) wouldn't bomb Sweden, if they tried to kebab
And then they will receive arms from the Israelis. It will be Yugo all over again.

Kardashian family is an example of western culture as a whole. The celebrity of the family itself represents how the west cherishes and idolizes wrong. The older white male used to be something great, and became a weak, disgusting and corrupt role model for his children. The women have power and control and in seeing weakness in their own, choose black men who are happy to despoil.

And Scott, the younger white male, is surrounded by nothing positive, no legacy, no leadership, and no direction.

where can i see the video?

Good post. Only YOU can accelerate the collapse of civilization!

You never disappoint, Sweden.

>>has ADHD and cannot understand what no means

A doctor, a lawyer, an engineer...

WTF? Scott is the only white person in the picture.

Well, Scott and the freak Bruce Jenner.

I'm not Cletus

It's fine, go for it. Anyone who actually knows what you are talking about either already agrees with you or can be discounted as a kike.

What happend to the /Sweg/ thread?

they need to hang their gov't and every muslim in their country

Day Of The Rope.

why do you even come here you disgusting ratface? it is all fault of your fucking tribe chosen freaks.


Wonder if Aziz will use the same defense here

fucking kek

can any former military explain why the military hasn't intervened in this country. or france, the uk, germany etc.

Dumb cunt had it coming.
Play in traffic expect to get run down.

A year later and it's still the same Kremlin slide thread every day.
sage goes in all fields

so you are simply shit. ok. good we kill few of you when we had chance. you are realy child of satan. george soros send your ratfaces to camps. using his photo is insult to yourself you retard

the article explains the guy didn't know what 'no' meant on account of a disability you bigot.

I was actually thinking about this the other night.
If I become successful at becoming rich, what would it take to remove the invaders?
How would I sneak into europe with arms, how would I recruit men, and would it take doing acts like the IRA in Islamic zones to get rid of them?

fuck off ugly slavic human trash. your women are the biggest whores in europe.

I wonder why antisemitism is growing

probably has something to do with the death penalty still applying in court martial, and what the deep state would do to your wife and kids at the slightest mention

yes they are. and nobody cares about them. defintly not me. they can all die. anythink else?

Why is it easier to understand Swedes when they speak English but harder to understand a Scott or even some English? Like every time I hear a Swede speak English it sounds like us here in the midwest.

Why is it always anal? Is it because these short men do not have big enough dicks to hurt the women so they have to stick it into the smaller hole?

Yes,Take example.

fuck off, you civic """"nationalist"""" POS

Because we are the ayy's

Jews run the news

i would but i do not have gun.

Based American

A 14 yrs old european girl? She probably already had hundreds of dicks inside her anyway. Whats 1 more? She probably only said no because the guy was an arab and she is racist.

Man..your such an easy target. grow a pair.

It's because rape isn't about sex. It's about hurting, harming and degrading someone as much as you possibly can. Notice who it is that commits these violent rapes. It's always some loser pussy that can't score and wants to harm women back.

Yes, that's 99% non-whites because they're ugly losers who can't score, but it's true for the 1% that are white too.

Are those a bunch of Zyklon-B canisters at the base of that Star of David?

The Holocaust is a lie by the way.

get violent or accept you lost your nation
talking and voting isnt going to stop this
jesus, when are white people going to stop being cowards.
Your inaction is the ONLY reason why this shit is happening

it is photo from czech camp. not death camp. but few jews die there for sure. there was not gassing in there. they do not even try to say we gassed jews.

Literally kys you subhuman shitskin. You and your race is worthless. You mudslimes are leaches on the rest of the world. 1 Dog is worth infinitely more than your entire race. Kys

>> Your race is worthless
Said the man that cant even keep their woman legs closed and who allows homosexual to walk freely and makeout in public.

Your kind are weak and disgusting.

go back to bosnia you filthy slav.

>my flag
>calling me white
Thanks for the complement leach


im not jewish but a 14 yr old jb getting anally raped while crying sounds hot as hell

Muslim privilege is wonderful, if I was muslim I would be there and raping all the swedish bitches.

why do you people use such a unimaginable level of the suffering of a woman just to appeal to your politics?
Bet you don't care about what happened to her, just how it profits your political agenda. You're not the good guys. Should have shame.

>I worship a child molesting subhuman shitskin named Mohammad who told me not to eat pork because Alloha Snackbar said so or something.

LOL. KYS shitskin. And stop fucking your goats.

because the swelling made the wrinkles smooth out

At least in India people would riot hearing this "sentence"
Swedes don't give a fuck

>wow you guys point out tragic, horrible abuses and decay of a once great nation

Not that rapist or anything, or cancerous anti-western muslims, or anything. No, no. The "bad guys" are anyone who points it out.
>t. schlomo shekelbergrosenstein