Just work harde-

just work harde-

that is nothing what a weak soyboy cuck

capitalism is grea-

Those are clay, very light


>working hard

Too slow! No paycheck this month.

Whaddaya call a Mexican with 8 arms? I dunno but he sure can lay a lot of brick.

yeah it's a platitude

maybe it doesn't apply to that 6 year old chinese construction worker

maybe it could apply to you

its a bolivian kid i think

KEK off yourself nigger

>just be whiter

What a racist.

Work smart and hard, don't expect riches if you don't strive for anything better than being a glorified draft horse

that's some kind of rural semi nomad, not a venture capitalist

pakis have access to interne-

Just like the story about how making tools to make better tool to make better tools.
You're working hard the whole time, but your output is always increasing, always improving, as well.

Or at least, that's how it's supposed to work.


work smart NOT hard. no one gets rich by working hard.

I spent my childhood cutting down/trees splitting wood & remodeling homes.(unpaid) It makes you into a man. My dad used to work me into the ground for years.
I get my first real paying job and think its a fucking joke. I get paid 50k a year for sitting around all fucking day and work maybe 4 hrs of the 10 hrs im at work (50hrs a week)
& yet people still bitch about my work being hard whata joke

you did this to have some fun
the kids in the picture dont do it for fun. they are under stress to earn a living at the age of 6-7
not comparable

What gods do you pray to?

I did it to not get my ass beat. Which would happen after a long night of drinking regardless. Fuck these faggot kids ur emotional BS doesnt work on me.

Working hard doesn't work in interventionist economies, that's the whole fucking point.

sir show your flag pajeet

None my mom turned me away from that life because she was a total fucking nut about it.

Jesus, what a shithole.

you are comparing apple and oranges
you do know what forced child labor in 3rd world countries means?

>show your flag

>implying it is wrong for children to work in the family buisness

>using your children as free labor in your own business
greedy selfish humans..

Kidd looks to be 14yo. That is plenty old enough to work.

Crom laughs at your mom. Laughs from his mountain!

yeah doing the lawn but not working in a fucking mine
how autistic are you?

>teaching children responsibility and dicipline is bad
>all children should sit at a desk 7 hours a day and spend the rest of their 9 waking hours sitting in front of a television
kys, you probably don't even take care of any pets you may or may not have.

Making bricks is a respectable trade.

If the kid was going to work in a mine at age 18 anyways, why delay them 4 years from a real job with actual pay?

your argument is typical for an american
you are implying that if you dont bust your ass for some corporation at young age, you must be a fat slob watching TV

The absolute state of america..

>forced labor
Do they get paid for it? Do they need the money? If no to both, then it is forced, else fuck off.

I didnt get paid for my labor either dipshit

>why delay them?
because maybe they are...wait for it..... NOT ADULTS ? You dumb autistic retard

These things are illegal here. Is USA a 3rd World Shithole?

childhood is a meme that didn't exist prior to 1950s america

children helped the adults with whatever they could as soon as they were stable on their feet for thousands of millennia

childhood is bourgeois consumerist decadence

child labor is illegal in most civilized countries (read: not canada) regardless wether its paid or not

ok communist. nice to hear your opinion but we know where communism brought countries.. see venezuela and detroid

not where they are apparently.
They appear to be adults.
just because we like our children to not be fucked by their parents, doesn't mean other cultures are like that. Let them have their culture and we have ours.

The kid is capable of working and earning a real salary, you're harming the poor by preventing them from working actual jobs.

No, he was just too stupid to get his pay (its also illegal to work children for free in the US)

child labor is illegal, period

If the child wants to work for money, who are you to say otherwise. I loved my first job as a teen, I loved being able to go out and buy stuff that my parents said we couldn't afford.

Work smarter, not harder

yeah some people want to murder other people or rob a bank or drive drive. Just because they want doesnt mean its illegal.

>a 5yo child is capable of feeding chickens, cleaning the coop and collecting eggs
>can't let them do these basic tasks, that would be child labor
the absolute state of memeflags

Those are some terrible bricks, he should work smarter.

doesnt mean its legal.. i meant

Apparently not?

fuck off Mister Burns

Sloppy but that kid is learning a valuable trade already, that's kind of impressive. A lot of the guys in the trades work for their dad's when younger so I don't see any issue with this.

>What are farming families? For 300 bob.
Look up midwest farm laws for child labor. they have there own law protecting it.

Those hurt people. Allowing a child to choose to work for money to buy something they want, toys or food, only helps them.

>I don't see any issue with this.
- stunts their growth
- gives them back problem for later in life
- less time for school
- no education
- no real high paying job for later
- poverty

That looks like a nice job. Moving heavy shit around from one spot to another spot is literally the best work I've ever done. Getting paid to improve your strength and be n efficient part of some construction project is the tits.

>children work in dangerous mines to buy toys
their money goes straight to the mine owners /mafia / parents

yes when you are 16 or 18 but not when you are 6

>stunts their growth
Study on that?

>gives them back problem for later in life
I can see that, using equipment made for adults or improper training.

>- less time for school
School is the west is just a zog machine indoctrination program anyways.

>- no education
He's getting an education on building fucking houses

>- no real high paying job for later
Masonry and construction skills ensure he'll always be able to get a job and will always have some value to the economy.

Still will be of relatively decent status as an adult

Kids in america should work here and there, they have no work ethic at all.

My dad was a general contractor, when i was younger (around 8-12) id go around and clean up the job sites for a few extra bucks on the weekend. Then i started doing actual work around our house like painting and changing doors then by 16 i was framing houses, by 20 i could build a house from the ground up.

Im 27 now and im retired, bought rental properties and fixed them up.

Kids in america need some work ethic. People from other countries are taking out jobs because they know how to work.

Household work doesnt count faggot. Every kid has some shit task, from cleaning the house to doing shit on the farm or even helping in the family business (depending where he is).
Little shits carrying bricks on the behalf of someone else so they can bring money to their parents is another matter lol.

We are talking about different things, I am saying a child should be able to make an agreement with the employer directly to work for pay. You are claiming slavery is somehow different when it is a child. Working without pay is slavery regardless of age.

The other one it's also around that age, bolivians are very short.

trade jobs are kinda only seen as "respectable" and high paying jobs in countries like the US or germany.

Elsewhere they are recipe for poverty.

Ever wonder why you care so much about the plight of third world children from the comfort of your computer chair? It's usually because you're afraid of potential failure, but armchair activism isn't a thing that you can possibly fail at. All it requires is you click a button and you feel like you've done something now. You can probably blame your school system for telling you how gifted you were and not teaching you how to fail.

well yeah i agree too, i am talking about forced labor in 3rd world shitholes

Rich, sure. But top 1%? Not a chance.
Advance society in any meaningful way? Probably not.

While I will agree with you, for the vast majority, smart will hedge out a nice life without hard.
But if you pair the two, holy shit. The things you can accomplish.

>Elsewhere they are recipe for poverty.
Not entirely true, obviously as the skill requirements for the labor increases so does the pay but skill in any sort of trade even unskilled puts you well above the peasantry in any country. Mainland China is a good example, they don't have a lot of highly skilled tradesman but loads of low skilled generalist construction workers making a living well greater than their parent's who are likely shitty peasants out in the country. That kid has the opportunity to at least move to a decently developed part of his country and work and go from there in his future.

I'm not saying he's going to be mid twenties six figure rocking like tradies in the US but he's not as fucked as you think.

those are the same people that grow up and come to america and take the jobs of poor lazy americans.