Why the hell does Anime/Japanese CGI animation always look like shit and run at like 4 fps compared to western CGI...

Why the hell does Anime/Japanese CGI animation always look like shit and run at like 4 fps compared to western CGI animation which looks great even in kids TV shows?

Like I could understand they are not used to the tech, but still, what is with the whole 4 fps thing? It makes shows like Sidona completely unwatchable.

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Stylistic choice. Different frame rates are now as much a part of style as line thickness, eye-size, and everything else.

Poor bait. Both that and Sidonia were done by the same CGI studio.

This animation is low budget as fuck, I hate American CGI almost as much as I hate Eastern CGI.

>what is with the whole 4 fps thing? It makes shows like Sidona completely unwatchable.
Use SVP for stuff like Sidonia if you have a powerful enough computer.

I agree. There are remarkably few instances where cgi is even remotely decent looking in anime. But I think a contributing factor is the juxtaposition of cgi and drawings. I think the mixture of the two is destined to look like shit no matter what

What the fuck is wrong with you? Jesus christ. You might as well just stab yourself in the fucking eyes.

Honestly, a large part of it I think is the typical anime style doesn't translate well to CGI/3D models. It looks weird even in video games.

There is though evidence of it done very well, Jojo Bizarre Adventure Opening Videos are always fantastically animated and actually make me wish the show was fully CGI.


I think it's because the style of anime in general doesn't translate to 3D models. That and in general Japanse animations don't get the same budget.

TCW was quite expensive to make if I recall and I think old George even funded a portion of it with his personal cash. They also had a really nice aesthetic which made the fairly blocky models look great.

The animation in that is shit
The art in that is shit
The models in that are shit
But hey at least the frame rate is higher right

Why didn't he just use telekinesis from the start?

They think that dropping frames to have choppy animation somehow imitates hand drawn animation. It isn't.

Better effect with opening or dropping guard


Kamikaze Douga is like Japans only good CG anime studio.


And the strange thing is that they are only beginning to realize it. Do the artists not watch their own work and notice how abysmal everything looks at such low animation framerates? Even FAGs seems to still want to cut some corners in the animation steps but it looks a hell of a lot better than some MUCH higher budget shows in the past just because it has game-like (aka completely normal) animation framerates.

t. jelly poorfag

Billion dollar company funding it vs million dollar company funding it

I can guarantee you that top movies cost atleast 2-5x more than than Jap, yet the quality and the substance is much more on the anime side of things.

West has bought into the "muh realism" and discarded all notions of story and substance.

This. Genndy's version is way better.

No Ahsucka
No The Ones

If you work on something long enough, you become completely blind to all of its flaws.

Clone Wars was made from George Lucas own money.

The hilarious thing is when Disney bought out Star Wars, they canned Clone Wars and made Star Wars Rebels and Rebels actually does look like complete and utter shit.

Can someone tell me what op's picture was since it's deleted? Star wars rebels or clone wars shit?

clone wars

Studios think they can use CG as a shortcut but don't realize that it takes just as much time and effort as traditional animation does.

Why not?