Does anyone else find this shot in the opening really funny?

The way it's framed in the sequence is like the OP stops for a few seconds for her to tell us "Man, I'm so important. Remember what I taught you, Akko".

Other urls found in this thread:


You'd better remember.


>Two Diana episodes in a row
We've been blessed

Satanic witches.

Not sure if aunt is retarded or this family are full of degenerate lesbians.

You can tell they're the villains because they approve gay marriage.

I want to FUCK Akko!

Was Diana's mom still alive when she was 11 or did she arrange stuff like what present Diana would receive at each birthday way back before she died? If the later was the case she may have left some message for Diana to read when she was ready to become head of the family.

Akko is SMART!

stop wanting that

Is that the OVA Dragon?

maybe Amanda will teach her how to broom


Little Witch Academia featuring big titty witch teacher and student

She was probably sick for years before passing away.

Also I found amusing how they wanted to make a breast-size joke with the dress in this episode but decide to go family friendly


I want to put my worm in Diana

But honestly, I find Akko x Ursula way hotter than Akko x Diana, even tho' Diana is my favorite.

She meant that Akko wanted to become their servant, but it came out wrong.


>average day in britain


I prefer all three put together, to be honest.

wow your so fucking funny

Made me laugh hard because that's Trigger for ya

I'm surprised Lotte is into this
Shit next Sucy episode when? Why couldn't this be episode 9?

Disregard this user, I'm enjoying it.

>stop posting OC waaaah
Even if it is just being posted again it's funny and it bumps the thread

What would you do if you saw a poor hitchhiking witch all alone in the middle of nowhere with no one else around to see or hear anything and she's too tired to put up any resistance?

>it's funny and it bumps the thread
So this is the power of reddit, eh.

Can someone save Akko from the tv budget and time?

Bullshit. The people aren't on fire

>Riots aren't even over football results, just that they've been delayed
Okay, that was fucking funny. God knows what'd happen if it was the Maradona Hand of God scenario in this setting, there'd probably be a revolution and a renewal of the Falklands War.

>tfw your culture is so paranoid that they actually assume random people will rape and murder them while hitchhiking
everybody knows kids almost never get diddled by random strangers ya dingus


>freaking out over some user wanting to kidnap and rape a chinese cartoon

I'd give her a lift if she sowed me her invisible pantsu again


Does akko have a torso?

>no fox hunting date with Diana
Why even live?

10 Euro for 30 minutes.


>Random asian schoolgirl with a weird uniform on a country road
>Can't even spell Edinburgh correctly
>Edinburgh is the better part of a day's drive from where I am and she might be better off getting a flight or at least taking a train
I'd probably stop just because it's worrying what could happen if she was left on her own.

Take your denbt tickets out of here.

How much for an hour?

I would buy Akko for a night.


What happened to all the men of the Cavendish family?

Discarded. They were obviously deemed to be useless.

death by snu snu

First fanart of Akko's riding outfit?

Diana's dad died, and otherwise the aunt is a cuckquean and had neices before the father left.

Since they married into a family of witches they were probably burned in a field or something

M8, M8, u seem like a reasonable sort of bloke. I'll tell u wot, I can give you the full course, all access, two hours, for fifty quid. She's prime Cavendish, 16 years old, barely used, m8, pristine condition, you won't regret it, swear on me mum.


>10 Euro
How much is that in real money?


about 200 USD

that's made by the staff I believe

It's on the LWA webpage.

I said in real AUSTRALIAN money, buddy.

About one Greece, with Ireland thrown in.

>FED meme currency
>real money

Manx Pound is tied to the UK Pound Sterling, so check the exchange rates.

200 kangaroos

10 Kangaroo pelts

Thanks, boys. Better start saving me centrelinks.

Why does this little oriental witch entrance everyone she meets?

ashura sensei is cute

Smelly pheromones.

I want to slide my palm over her inner thighs.

It's them chinky chong nip nong mesmerising curses, that's what it is. Coming over here, stealing our good, hard working witch folk for their nasty underaged debauchery, it's a fucking disgrace.

I want to fix Sucy's posture

Mostly commieposting actually.

Golem get ye gone.

Holy shit I'm having so much trouble just to get to finish ep 18 and 19.

and then force her to pay a ransom in bitcoins or her memories are deleted forever

Diana still calls it the Shiny Rod even when she knows the real name.

How come no one looped this scene

>remember when we were main characters?



>My feet hurt.

Bullying Ursula for getting NTR'd was the theme of that week.
Next week it was about Croix being a loner and Ursula bullying her over whatsapp

for some reason that made me imagine a crossover of Charioce with Chariot.

It was fantastic.

So did no one tell Trigger that fox hunting has been illegal in bongland for over a decade now?

one thing i'm glad about for this episode is that the parents have already passed away by the time this episode takes place and there's no drama as to how they died, thus effectively weakening it as a distraction force from diana's own character

She wears spats the same tone as her inner skirt.

That maybe because that's what Akko calls it. If Diana calls the Rod with its real name, Akko may not understood what she's referring to.

Maybe it's set next year.


Akko has the body of an 11-year-old. She really is perfect!


This one was first, I think

But she's taller than Chariot sensei

Will Beatrix appear to them like Woodward did?


I used to think Akko would end up being the one with the dick but after tomboy Diana I might have changed my mind.

Good thing mummy may is going to legalise it.
Do bongs have no idea how fucking scummy and awful foxes are? We hunt them here because they breed like rabbits and slaughter penguins and chickens just for fun.
Fuck foxes.

>you will never kill the orange vermin with Diana

It's weird because Akko's model has the same bodytype as Diana.

So maybe Diana was fat when she was 11.