OnePunch Man

You can only choose one girl.

Fubuki, always
>that bod
>only thing covering it is some very thin silk clothing


that cute 14 year old girl that works under fubuki

Can she really be counted when she only cares about Fubuki anyway?

But If choosing her means her interests switches from Fubuki to you it would be a totally different matter.

There is only one choice

Does Murata want to fuck Fubuki or something?

What do you think?

I just think she's cute and needs more screentime

its not his fault every girl he draws comes out hot as fuck,

But which is the best between the monsters/villain girls?

Fubuki's my answer, of course, but I'll have to give points to this cutie.

That cameltoe does not seem physically possible.
God bless, 2D

Murata drew her way more mature looking.


Fubuki but Lin Lin is really cute

Just cute or sexually cute?

so saitama became a girl

far right

>no Psykos
what the fuck?

Not once have I seen anyone talk about how cute Tanktop Girl is, but choosing her

The artist clearly didn't read the webcomic. And he didn't even put Mosquito girl and Eyesight, or I guess that was because they would be too much of a pain to do.

She gets too little screentime and litterally never got a single line.

Is the one between Tatsumaki and Saitama Ring Girl?

>choosing a girl
Child Emperor is cuter.

smol angry girl


Everyone knows Genos is best grill.
My cyborg disciple cant be this cuteā„¢

Lily is cuter.

She got discussed about plenty of time considering how little she appears. Hope she'll get a proper appearance in a bonus chapter someday.


Only the best, lewdest waifu.

I don't know but I want to touch her armpits.

But while they're sweating or not?

psykos might actually be the hottest woman in existence

>saving the bloody version

man I really hate degenerates

There is no "not bloody" version of it though.

No imagination having artist. Why is a telekinetic HOLDING a phone while using her power on nothing?

Isn't she simply using her psychic powers because her finger can't hide enough?


Anything other than the loli is pointless.

Who wouldn't want to shut her up by stuffing their cock in her mouth? Dominating the 2nd strongest hero in existence using only a penis would be such an accomplishment that other heroes will fear you for your cock. That would feel good, man.

But she's not a real loli.

This user knows where it's at.

>Murata is a waifu Maidas. Any girl he draws insantly becomes a waifu.

> Any girl he draws insantly becomes a waifu

A super waifu goddess you mean.

Teenager or adult version?

Of couse I do mate

>no mosquito girl
Shit image.
It's very clearly a case of "never got D so she wants V" and thats one of the easiest problems in the world to fix, all it takes is one thrust. Of course after that you've got an autistically clingy bitch to deal with, so careful how you swing that double edged pork sword.

Is Fubuki angry at Tatsumaki for being near or at ring girl for touching Saitama?

Seems more like she was looking at Dos to me.

Pink Hornet is very underrated. She's cute, flexible, and her suit shows off well her butt.