Why does she dress like a slut Sup Forums?
Ghost in the Shell
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With a body like that you would dress the same way.
maybe she likes to feel sexy, who knows
Brain damage.
to distract her enemies
So she can do karate flips and stuff
To distract thugs before roundhouse-kicking them.
because the author prefers to draw actual hardcore porn
true, but she looked good in the original movie from 1995. In the second season of SAC and SSS they also made her outfit a lot better
I thought movie Motoko looked better than the TV version, which was too feminine looking, though closer to the manga. Had an uncanny valley androgynous look, bit like how I think a real life android female would look like. The pale blue eyes only made her look more alien.
different artstyle but i can't really say which one i prefer, at least when she wore functional clothing i really liked her SAC style too. I didn't really like the android, artificial look she had in much of the original movie but she had her feminine moments too, like the picture i posted
at this point the body is basically clothes in it of itself
which makes you question why the characters even have clothes
Why didn't they go with this look for the movie instead of the 'naked but not really naked' look?
don't know, but that's the least of the problems that abomination of a movie had. To begin with they should've let someone write the story that doesn't have a nail in his brain
I figured that she wanted a bombshell body and dressed that way to remind herself of what she was before she cyberized. She was a total tomboy before the accident that required her to get full cyberization and after that she tries to hang onto mementos that reminds her that despite being 100% prosthetic she's still human, which is why she keeps wearing an old watch on her wrist and probably why she rides in a very gendered body.
Because really, consider if you're 100% prosthetic you could have any look to you that you want but, like that watch, her femininity was also something of her past self she wants to hang onto and remind herself of
1995 movie is more famous, need to cram all the iconography from the original in there to prove that the creators "understand the source material"
>Expecting a mainstream Hollywood movie in 2017 to have a narrative even remotely comparable to anything GITS related
They should have just changed all the characters names and appearances and re-titled it She-Robocop
I always thought she looked hotter in the skin suits; the leotard just looks uncomfortable
Because it's anime. Get use to it, or get out.
interstellar choose a somewhat complex topic and did fine, gits could've worked out as well. And if they wanted a standard action flick and the gits name (for whatever reason, i doubt it was well established in the west) they should've just let section 9 go after narcos like some user proposed a month or so ago. Absolutely no need to butcher the source material like that.
Anyways, now it's dead. Normies didn't like the movie, anime fans hated it, so the brand is dead for at least the next decade or so. On the positive side all the free PR got production IG to produce a new gits anime that will probably be decent.
Weird part is no one in the TV show looked at her in lewd way, only Aramaki told her that her clothes are not nice
Because she likes it, which is what she tells Batou in SAC S1 when he asks her why she doesn't get a male body
If she was a tomboy before being cyberized, why would she hyper sexualize herself after the fact? Isn't that like being the opposite of a tomboy?
Wasn't she just a child when she was cyberized anyway?
>created by a hentai artist
>wonders why she dresses like a slut
Dunno bro
Because when she was just a regular gril she could be a tomboy outwardly as a manifestation of her personality
But now she's become just a ghost that in any humanoid shell she wants.
As such, she wants to remind herself that hey look at me i used to be a real flesh person. a person with real memories and real physical aspects attached to the identity Motoko Kusanagi.
She holds her female-ness like a talisman like she holds her watch like a talisman
She still acts like a kind of grown-up tomboy in the sense of her personality, its just the shell she wants to display.
This may seem like a reach to a lot of folks but considering all the other transhumanist stuff drenched in every episode i cant help but link her obsession with her watch with her most decidedly bombshell... shell. Its even more audacious than any other cyberized gril in the show so its even more noticeable.
That Kuze flashback episode with boy-Kuze and girl-Motoko in the hospital i think made me suspect a lot of this.
Actually now that i think about it the fact that she was just a small child when she got cyberized would probably just inflame her insecurity about her own gender even more.
She never experienced puberty. Never had actual breasts or hips.
Fuckin nuts man. How do you cope with that? The show explores so many worrisome social aspects of a cyberized world.
pretty sure Batou was hinting at checking her out in that same episode, as he was laughing at her of course;
there was also that episode where he asked her out to the movies and she declined;
s2 had the disgruntled-employee-shooter-type guy that wanted to buy her thinking she was prostitute,
as well as the fat rich guy who she tricked after saying she'd turn off all her sensors and let him have his way with her
But I mean the person she's expressing herself now is the opposite of what she was before, if she wanted to remind people of what she used to be, wouldn't she get a tomboyish shell?. Also, If she wanted to still be seen as human with her shell, wouldn't it be better if it wasn't inhumanly perfect?
You're right that I think it's a reach, no men or any other characters in the show are sexualized anywhere near to the extent she is (with the exception of sex robots), so I can't really see how it's a comment on transhumanism.
I'd also say there's more to femininity to just being sexual.
To attract little boys.
I thought the same thing when I watched the show for the first time. It's a shame the show doesn't really go into it.
Its animu i dont know how 'perfect' her shell looks compared to everyone else is. In any case she'd have to guess how she'd actually turn out if she had her fleshy body to approximate a 'realistic' one. She cant know for real, because that body is dead.
Even that female prime minister looks hot and i assume she'd have to be in her mid 40s to get to that position
And sure there's more to femininity than being sexual. Like being able to give birth. Have periods. Hormonal mood swings.
She don't get none o dat.
All she has, is her secondary sexual characteristics. That she can just install and switch out at will.
Cause she can I guess
Manga Major a best.
SAC major is the only major that matters.
>like a slut
she is a slut user
Manga Major had best style although I personally prefer SAC Major's demeanor
fucking hate Arise Major though
I've tried watching other anime shit like gits but none pulled me in as much so, should i cave in and watch the Arise mess already?
I guess most women looking perfect is just a problem inherit to anime, but the extent that she stands out, even amongst sex robots suggests to me that she is.
I don't think you can really compare Major to the PM, I mean for one the president may be attractive, but she isn't really sexualized and considering that presentation is pretty important in politics, dressing provocatively would likely damage her career.
I'd say there's more to femininity to just primary and secondary characteristics. It's also the way women present themselves, and are treated than other.
Also, Major is a bisexual, and actively hits on under aged boys. I really don't think the sexual themes of Ghost in the Shell are as deep as some people make them out to be.
Yeah they gutted her design in arise. Its tough for me to decide between the two I really liked how genki Manga Major was.
>she goes to recruit Pazu
>"I don't sleep with the same woman twice."
He fucked her didn't he?
Probably. Anyone can sleep with the Major if they try hard enough, expect Batou. Kek
She respects him too much to.
>yfw she loves Batou so much she just wants to keep him as her pure husbando
>Innocence > everything else
Arise is good, just doesn't have much to do with GitS apart from the characters
not that SAC does
>Birdy the Mighty
My nigga.
in each installation of SAC there were moments that emphasized how close they are. To bad we only got two seasons and a movie, i could see them getting together in that version.
When I heard the rumor we were getting a third season I was so happy... anime might be saved. But it was too good to be true.
i have really high hopes for the new anime. It might not be a third season of SAC but it still has tons of potential. No other anime got me even remotely as engaged as SAC
Wait that shit wasn't official?
I'd to watch both seasons three times to get the gist of the narrative. GITS SAC is literally 10/10 anime, what impresses me is that it came after the 2000's when anime went on free fall.
what do you mean? We're getting a new anime, just no third season of SAC. Like SAC and Arise it will stand on its own
i think it's highly dependant on personal taste. It's not just that it's well made, for me the character design and setting hit exactly were i like it.
The original movie and Innocence are even better in many areas, especially from a technical standpoint. But i really enjoy the more humane motoko and the 15+ hours of character developement we get in SAC. Besides that seeing section 9 just work is interesting enough.
>just no third season of SAC
Ehh guess it's not worth checking, arise movies and TV were terrible, thought they were bringing in the old staff for a sac s3
Borma needed more development and screentime with Pazu.
i'll just see what becomes of it. If we're unlucky it will be arise 2.0, if we're lucky it might be as good as SAC.
I like her in that edgy longcoat from 2nd GIG
Because she's actually a slut throughout the various canons. She goes through boyfriends and girlfriends faster than AA batteries, not to mention all the neurolink literal cybersex she has with strangers, or that time she accosted a child if memory serves me right.
She might be the greatest, most ascended slut in all of anime. She had the equivalent of transcendental, metaphysical, inter-species sex that bordered on a religious experience with an AI so she could reproduce. That's sluttiness down to the fucking soul.
She's cute, though.
>directed by Kenji Kamiyama and thrown out for the first time by him
>not SAC
I might be deluded, though.
>GITS SAC is literally 10/10 anime
The animation is pretty lackluster at times, user.
However, yeah, SAC is the fucking shit, and is incredibly poignant more than adecade later. It's not just anime done right, it's TV done masterfully.
I honestly don't know if I want to watch another SAC without the Tachikomas we all know and love.
cried like a baby during that scene
Tachikomas came back after SSS, though. However, their character arc is more than complete and thus would feel redundant. If SAC as a whole was about anything, it was about the Tachikomas.
is the movie worth watching
I wonder if all these artists who make motoko a total cheesecake understood or even cared about the plot of the anime. Good female characters usually don't get much sexualized.
Eh, I absolutely loved the Tachikomas but I thought it was super weak when they just repeated the literal same "tachikomas use their self-awareness to sacrifice themselves and save the day" thing at the end of the second season. In an hypothetical third season I'd rather they stay dead.
Same for me man. Even in the first season, the part where the bomb the two come up with the plan to stop the armored soldier but the bombs a dud and the sound of hopelessness in its voice. Then that last second save by crashing it into him... Now I'm all teary eyed.
I haven't seen that since it came out all those years ago. I just remember the bulkier green ones at the end of 2nd gig. I'm glad they are though if they ever make another SAC.
It is good and has an interesting theme and potential character treatment, but the way Kamiyama directs begs for an extended cut with way more insight. It feels like a summary.
Because she's a slut.
And because she is so disassociated from her body that she views it as more of a tool than an extension of herself.
and the guy that was responsible for the arise animation. We really don't know what we'll get, but i assume if it was SAC season 3 they'd say so. I guess one can hope, but i'd rather get suprised positively so i won't.
she used to be a dude. wouldn't you dress like a slut and fondle your tits constantly?
I would.
Can she even have sex?
Motoko gets sexualized because she's AA+ tier in terms of both characterization and design.
Standout characters are the ones that continue to get fap-art for decades after their series end. See: every motherfucker in Evangelion.
Robot don't have a gender.
That's true.
I love this. yet at the same time she's extremely competent and intelligent, but she's basically a sex object as well.
only cyber sex
Kamiyama wasn't at all involved with that shitshow. It's like blaming Oshii for 2017.
i know, the guy that was responsible for that shitshows CGI is involved with the new anime though. Let's hope kamiyama shuts him down every time he tries to pull an arise
Post favorite SAC song.
CHRisTmas in the SiLenT ForeSt.
Blocked on youtube for americans.
In fact, he was so uninvolved, none of the original cast or Yoko Kanno worked on Arise. That's why it was so mediocre.
Gotta go with Where does the ocean go.
Lithium Flower
If you were hot as fuck and had a military-grade combat cyborg body wouldn't you dress like a slut? I would.
Because she's incredible math
Where are her nopales
The real answer is misogyny.
>she used to be a dude
When will this meme die?
Because it's PG-13. I knew it was gonna be total shit just from that. GitS made properly would get an R rating and it would try to pander to fucking high school kids.
>it would try to pander to fucking high school kids
i assume he meant wouldn't. You can't pander to high school students with an R rated movie. Well, you can, but they can't see it in theaters
1995 Motoko is way better than the other slutty Motoko
Secretarem is my favorite GITS meme
This is something I realized after watching the live action movie, neither that or the original have a strong representation of the Major as "the Major". Only in SAC do you see her take command, her strong personality and high intelligence and vast experience in combat becomes known.
GitS is a shitty fanservice anime/manga with pretentious quotes thrown in randomly.
Impeccable taste my man.